Failed a drug screen. What now?

Dec 28, 2008
NT, back in November I got arrested in Alabama for drug paraphernalia, it was a digital scale. After going to court they put me on a diversion program requiring me to take 24-hours of drug education classes, attend 4 NA meetings, and have drug screens for 6 months. So, I missed the drug screens for the month of February (there were two) and when I took my most recent one (last Friday), I was using someone elses urine. They were supposed to be clean. They failed for opiates. -____- I live in georgia now so I have my Doctor's office fax the results in. My question is, am I gonna be going to jail? My court date is the 28th of this month and I am working on getting all the classes and meetings done before I go so that I at least have something positive to show the judge. This *+!+ has been stressing me out like crazy. Cant sleep cant eat lately my conscious is guilty as !#%*. If anyone has any info about what the outcome might be, please chime in. Ill be calling my lawyer come Monday morning, got me feeling like *+!+ that i didnt call him right after I failed the test. I feel like i really !%@!+$ up and theres nothing I can do about it now. Not a drug dealer nor have I ever been one. Only time I ever used the scale was when I bought nuggs to make sure it was on point.
Everybody you know have dirty piss?
first time I am giving one of these 
 for stupidity 
why didn't you just stay clean?
I moved to georgia because I transferred schools. My new roommate was a huge pothead always had nuggs and hash around. Stayed strong for weeks but eventually seeing everyone around me smoking made me think that if I played my cards right I could get away with it. 
 I realize im a !@*!%@% idiot and weak for giving into peer pressure.
Originally Posted by islandfeeling

I moved to georgia because I transferred schools. My new roommate was a huge pothead always had nuggs and hash around. Stayed strong for weeks but eventually seeing everyone around me smoking made me think that if I played my cards right I could get away with it. 
 I realize im a !@*!%@% idiot and weak for giving into peer pressure.

Welp as long as you know that now. 

Real talk, opiates are only in your system for like 1-3 days. Your donor is an *** 
This is the second thread in the past two months where dude's have gone to test with someone else's pee and STILL fail
How did you use someone else's piss anyways? When I took mine, they search you then have you go in the bathroom and listen at the door and also tell you not to flush. I mean,I think if someone was dirty they could just scoop toilet water out into the cup and when run in the lab, it'll just look like real watery urine which probably isn't rare since you have to make sure you are ready to piss when your number comes up or you get moved to the back of the line.
You failed your drug test? then keep doing what you, don't wine and face the repercussions like a man.
Man you should have gotten a new roommate, new friends something, join a convent. They gave you a second chance and you blew it.
Accept the consequences. Grow up. Stop doing drugs. /end

Stupid decisions result in stupid results.
Ive removed myself from being around any drugs from now on. (moved back in with the rents for the time being). Was thinking of going to NA meetings daily to show the judge I AM serious about the program. Do you think it would benefit me any to show him that ive been attending all kinds of meetings and been getting my mind right? Or yall think its too late? Honestly, what would you do if you were in my situation. I realize it was stupid. Really stupid. Got me staying up all night thinking about the worst #*%! with my stomach all twisted up.
Did you confess to using the scale for drugs?

All this over a scale...... scales are used for jewelry. Sounds like you are not the sharpest tool on the shed and you continue to mess up

jail is comfy to some
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