Failed NBA Duos

Originally Posted by dukehead

How exactly are ya'll defining "failed"?

There are a couple duos listed that were mildly successful. Just because they win the whole thing or their conference doesn't mean they were a failed project.
Once I seen Ewing and Oakley I knew this was about if you won a ring or not.


Originally Posted by MBen32

how about the trash Dan Gilbert would bring in for LeBron around trade deadline? has to count, right?


Ben Wallace, Antwan Jamison, & Shaq were their best moves for 'Bron. 
how did wade and bosh workout...face it it was lebrons fault for not shooting.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by PMatic

What about this trio?


Agreed.  Maybe the most disappointing Clippers squad ever.  Really thought Miller was going to be the missing piece to make them into a playoff team.  So frustrating. 

And pretty much Iverson and any other "star" any team tried to pair him with failed -- even 'Melo IMO. 
Going back on what dukehead said, some these are not that bad though. The nets went to two NBA finals with pretty much those guys (Replace Canada TMAC and KVH with RJ and Collins/Mutombo year two)

Don't really call them a failed duo/group.
Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Going back on what dukehead said, some these are not that bad though. The nets went to two NBA finals with pretty much those guys (Replace Canada TMAC and KVH with RJ and Collins/Mutombo year two)

Don't really call them a failed duo/group.
I call it a fail because all they needed was one person who could create for themselves and they might have won one
Jason Kidd made everyone so much better easily one of the most underrated players of our generation 

AI had way more fans and hype than Kidd (and it hurts me to say this) but Kidd was better

Originally Posted by Drama23

Originally Posted by Scott Frost
This was a success sir! I dont care what anyone says
.If it wasn't for Nick MFing Anderson, we would've had a chip

yeah, i wouldn't exactly call them a failed duo either. They were doing it big and quick.
Originally Posted by Curious24

how did wade and bosh workout...face it it was lebrons fault for not shooting.

 I despise the Heat but relax...they're only in year 2 after reaching the finals in year 1. I'd love nothing more than to see them %$#%!% fail again but Wade/Bosh got him closer than he's ever been to reaching that goal. 
I don't consider some of these duos failed. Like who had high expectations for Cuttino and Francis or even d miles and q rich?
A lot of y'all don't know the definition of failure, y'all just posting any duo that didn't win a championship
Originally Posted by JHes91

Originally Posted by VC3FAN

Going back on what dukehead said, some these are not that bad though. The nets went to two NBA finals with pretty much those guys (Replace Canada TMAC and KVH with RJ and Collins/Mutombo year two)

Don't really call them a failed duo/group.
I call it a fail because all they needed was one person who could create for themselves and they might have won one
Jason Kidd made everyone so much better easily one of the most underrated players of our generation 

AI had way more fans and hype than Kidd (and it hurts me to say this) but Kidd was better

Nobody was beating those Lakers/Spurs teams.


And I agree w/ there being some people mentioned in here who don't meet the criteria I meant. I probably should have clarified more. Like w/ AI and LH...I don't consider them a failure because they didn't win a championship but because they never became the duo they were supposed to just basketball wise.
fail·ure (flyr)
1. The condition or fact of not achieving the desired end or ends: the failure of an experiment.
2. One that fails: a failure at one's career.
3. The condition or fact of being insufficient or falling short: a crop failure.
4. A cessation of proper functioning or performance: a power failure.
5. Nonperformance of what is requested or expected; omission: failure to report a change of address.
6. The act or fact of failing to pass a course, test, or assignment.
7. A decline in strength or effectiveness.
8. The act or fact of becoming bankrupt or insolvent.
Hell, in the NBA only a handful of teams have won the chip. Judging by this thread almost everyone who never a chip is a failure. Dont know if I agree with that.

IMO the Kidd teams and Stockton/Malone was not a failure. Now Malone, Payton, Shaq and Kobe was a failure. If players get together solely for a chip, its a failure. 
lol i threw stock n malone for the lulz, was an amusing pic to me

and Oakley and Ewing jus because haha... starks/ewing woulda been better

point was theres obviously a very wide interpretation of "failed"
how is that Yao/Tmac a failed duo? One was always healthy when the other wasn't. Together they were

Let alone that Malone/Stockton 
Originally Posted by Physicx

i was a big big fan of this trio


They didnt completly fail but when all three played in the court together....they were almost unstoppable 

I most the good ol days....

I will hate Gerald Wallace for the rest of my life
Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

how is that Yao/Tmac a failed duo? One was always healthy when the other wasn't. Together they were

Let alone that Malone/Stockton 
Nah, that's def. a failed duo, those two never got past the first round despite the unlimited potential of those two playing together.  Health matters and they never got healthy.  ****t hat's the case for lots of these on the list, Penny/Kidd, T-Mac/Hill etc.

D.Will/Boozer, not failed duo.  I mean, they reached the Western Conference Finals one year and unfortunately ran into the Lakers as they rose again and lost to them three straight years in the playoffs.  I don't think that's failed just cause I don't think that squad really could have conceivably done better than they did.  They simply just weren't on the same level as those Lakers squads were.
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