Falling for a friend? Vol.anotherfemaletopic

Jun 30, 2008
So I've known this girl since the first year of uni and we're now in our last year, She's always had a boyfriend but we've always been quite close and I doubt she has 'more than friend' feelings for me. Now I dont know what it is but recently I've found myself having deeper feelings than I should be having for her. I dont plan on telling her but what i dont wanna do is make it obvious in anyway that my feelings have changed for her, I dont wanna start acting differently because im tryna over-compensate or something.

So NT, lets go... ridicule or help? also pics are not avaiable at time of publication
If you can deal with losing her as a friend, try to make a move. If you can't deal with that as a consequence, don't risk weirding #$$* up between the two of you unless you REALLY want that girl BAD.

Well she has a man so definitely don't mention anything about how you feel. If she was to ever break up with him then you should tell her. But you just have to accept she is taken my dude and play your position.
Yeah, if you are willing to lose her as a friend you should just be straight up and tell her or make a move. If you want to be stuck in the friendzone then dont do anything and continue to be a friend.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Well she has a man so definitely don't mention anything about how you feel. If she was to ever break up with him then you should tell her. But you just have to accept she is taken my dude and play your position.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]False.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So she can play that "it's too soon" card? [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]But like this guy said, play your position (and hopefully everything will fall in line). In the meantime, keep looking elsewhere.[/color]
Get drunk first, you'll know what to tell her then.

If she's like wth? Next day, just be like... "damn i was wasted"


But seriously, if she means this much to you, you should tell her. Regardless you will lose her as a friend even if you choose not to, because seeing her with other dudes will eat you alive. So, do something about it asap.  
One of my best friends ive known since 2nd grade has this one homegirl that hes super close to. Im really feeling her like alot and everytime we all kick it together she gravitates towards me and we end up choppin it up for hella days. My homey likes her but knows nothing will ever happen between them plus he has another female hes feeling hard. She has a bf but she confided in my homey that shes not happy with him and she really likes me on many levels. I want to make a move on her but shes still in a relationship with her bf that she isnt feeling anymore. I want to make a move but I could never hit on another mans female even if the relationship is all bad cus thats just not me. If I was you id go for it as soon as she was single. If she still has a dude id hold off for now but I would plant ideas in her head if she isnt happy in her relationship and once it ends make a slow move. Dont come on to strong but it sounds like yall already have a pretty solid bond.
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Well she has a man so definitely don't mention anything about how you feel. If she was to ever break up with him then you should tell her. But you just have to accept she is taken my dude and play your position.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]False.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So she can play that "it's too soon" card? [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]But like this guy said, play your position (and hopefully everything will fall in line). In the meantime, keep looking elsewhere.[/color]

True, good point.

naw really tho, i think you should def play your position and just read the offense until you spot an opportunity....then go for the interception.
Here's what u do OP, on a random convo when the convo has died down, just say, "Damn thinkin back, we been coo for a grip (while laughin) then just throw it out there, "U ever think we wouldn't gotten together within this time span?"

This places the ball in her corner and she can either feel obligated to answer or not.
Yeah I aint into breaking up relationships, I'll be waiting for the interception I guess. At least it aint just me suffering, keep your heads up fellas!
So should i ever let my friend know i have feelings for her?

i heard that things wont be the same after a relationship and we wont be able to be friends anymore.

i dont want to lose her as a friend
Originally Posted by Frische Produkte

Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Well she has a man so definitely don't mention anything about how you feel. If she was to ever break up with him then you should tell her. But you just have to accept she is taken my dude and play your position.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]False.[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]So she can play that "it's too soon" card? [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]But like this guy said, play your position (and hopefully everything will fall in line). In the meantime, keep looking elsewhere.[/color]

Worst card in the deck
i actually had a bad experience with this but maybe because i just told her stright up how i felt
Honestly, I kind of see it as a somewhat lose/lose situation for you. You don't want to lose her as a friend or 'weird' things out by revealing your feelings.

On top of that, even if you want it bad enough, she has a man. Say you DO get up enough courage to say something, and things actually go your way and she drops her man to be with you. I don't think that's necessarily a win, either. Aside from it being slightly grimey, I don't think I'd want to be with a girl so quick to jump ship like that. Also, it would probably also turn into something she'd hold against you during your hypothetical time 'together.'

I'd say, but take the mental L, and keep things as they are. If her current man is a complete D-bag, then it's a completely different situation...

Just hang in there. Maybe in the long run, things will turn in your favor...
Make up your mind. Do you want to be her boyfriend or friend?

If your answer is boyfriend, then stay cool with her but distance yourself. Stop being her friend. She'll never have feelings for you if she puts you in the same category as her girlfriends. Wait until they break up, don't rush to console her when they do (that's what she has girlfriends for), and ask her out on a real date a few weeks later. Stay cool with her but stop being her buddy. That's all you can really do.

If your answer is friend, YNS.
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