Falling in love for the weekend (confessions)

How have you been feeling as of late Drops?

This girl I know made a FB status that said, "The novelty is gone........" - and I thought of this.
:rofl: I didn't see these memes.
How have you been feeling as of late Drops?
This girl I know made a FB status that said, "The novelty is gone........" - and I thought of this.

Im good. Chillin. Had to stop posting in the stripper thread cause I was getting out of hand and was about to post ish id regret later.
In regards to that post...Yes, the novelty is gone.
you sound like a loser getting gassed over desperate broke avg chicks (i.e losers of the opposite sex) falling for you, like its hard to do or something. get a life better yet a career going, obviously you got too much time on your hands
Lol. I do have a life and career.
Wow smh and lol at the same time. But what goes around always comes back around, so I would not continue to practice what your doing.

dude was WILDING

i thinkyou know when u meet the right chick if u still feel excited to see her after years
Nah I didnt want her to. I know I know, which guy wouldnt want that? But I wanted to keep some respect for her.Actually, I was just going to tongue kiss the P, make her cum then wrap it up. But after I did she got on top of me, kissing me. She was.wearing a short skirt so her %!# was out. Her skin was so soft and the booty felt so good. Before I knew it she had my pants off and she.was ridin it.Those lips are butter soft though

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Drop is a wild dude man
You know when you first start dating someone and you really start feeling them. You go out your way to do things for them and get the warm feeling when your around them. But after a while things start getting a little stale and you start finding things about them you dont like. And eventually start losing interest.

Well I hate that %@@*. I wish it could feel new all the time. So I started to fall in love for the weekends.

Ive been taking women on dates with no intensions of sex. Just a good time, with a great conversation. I listen to them, talk and just open myself up with no walls. Ive had really great dates but I usually cut it off after 2 or 3 because I know that feeling wont last forever.

A couple of weeks ago, I met this woman from online. First date was a bit awkward. She was pretty reserved and I could tell she had her wall up. We just talked for the most part getting to know each other. End of the night im taking her home, we sit in the whip for a bit small talking. She had some ultra sexy lips and I kept staring at em. I told her I wanted to kiss her but I wasnt going to. She gave me a funny look, but what ever. Next day I sent a text asking if shes still interested in talking to me. She said "yea". I just wanted to make sure so I dont waste my time. That night took her on date#2. When she came in the whip, gave her a hug and talked while we were on our way. We parked up by the restaurant and I leaned over slowly like I was attempting a kiss. But I had hidden a rose in the passenger door. She backed up a bit and I got the rose, said it was for her. She started blushing and smiled and said she never gotten flowers before(shrug). We went in the restaurant, sat down. But instead of sitting across from her I sat next to her. We got a bit closer and the conversation was great. Lots of laughs and smiles from both parties. I really started to like her and I could tell she was feelin me too. End of the night after more convo, got my kiss in, lots of hugging and closeness. Dropped her home and called it a night.

Next day we text back a forth and eventually meet up for a movie that night. She got really close, had her legs up on mine, real chill and relaxed. We smooched a bit and had a decent time. That night we had sex on some spontaneous tip. I really didnt want to and stopped in the middle of it because I know what the outcome would be. Wrapped the night up and headed home. Next day we spend together just chilling at a park enjoying the nice day by the water. She really opened up by then. I could tell she was possibly catching feelings and I began to feel a little bad for her. I knew that night I was going to let her go.

Fast>> to the end of the night. Sitting in the car. Told her I had to disapear for awhile. She had a look on her face, confused. I usually dont give any reasoning, just disapear after a few dates, but I felt I owed it to her. I told her I couldnt see her again. Her face went blank. I explained what my intentions were and didnt expect things to go this far. She just got real cold to me, said if I was done. She got out the whip and she started breaking down crying on her way to the door. I never felt so bad in my life.
I had a crazy feeling on the way home. I was just blank and couldnt believe what I did. I sent her an apology text when I got home but no response. I told myself I should just leave her alone, but I text her the next morning. She was basically really cold and told me to delete her#. Then I realized she deleted her account from the dating site we met on

I dont know whats wrong with me NT. Im addicted to the feeling of that new love but I keep hurting people.

Anyone else feel this way?
Gotta inform folks of your intentions. So the expectations arent high and so theres mutual understanding.
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