Famous Hacker Calls Windows More Secure than Mac Vol. LoL

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

apple fanboys are like hos
dont save them, they dont wanna be saved


i was laughin for a minute off that...
People telling me to start getting worried about my mac...but then again I've had one for 10 years and had 0 viruses. If this so called future does happen then I'll worry about it then. Fools have stayed losing for years talkin bout the future...
Study: Frequent password changes are useless
By Christopher Null
Users hate them. They're a massive headache to network administrators. But IT departments often mandate them nonetheless: regularly scheduled password changes — part of a policy intended to increase computer security.

Now new research proves what you've probably suspected ever since your first pop-up announcing that your password has expired and you need to create a new one. This presumed security measure is little more than a big waste of time, the Boston Globe reports.

Microsoft undertook the study to gauge how effectively frequent password changes thwart cyberattacks, and found that the advice generally doesn't make much sense, since, as the study notes, someone who obtains your password will use it immediately, not sit on it for weeks until you have a chance to change it. "That’s about as likely as a crook lifting a house key and then waiting until the lock is changed before sticking it in the door," the Globe says.

On the bright side, changing your password isn't harmful, either, unless you use overly short or obvious passwords or you're sloppy about how you remember them. Many users forced to change their password too frequently resort to writing them on sticky notes attached to their monitor, about the worst possible computer security behavior you can undertake.

Frequent password changes are simply a waste of time and, therefore, money. According to the Microsoft researcher's very rough calculations: To be economically justifiable, each minute per day that computer users spend on changing passwords (or on any security measure) should yield $16 billion in annual savings from averted harm. No one can cite a real statistic on password changes' averted losses, but few would estimate it's anywhere approaching $16 billion a year.

Bottom line, IT departments: Drop the password-change mandates. You're only creating extra work for yourselves and making the rest of us hate you.

— Christopher Null is a technology writer for Yahoo! News.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

apple fanboys are like hos
dont save them, they dont wanna be saved

they just need to reply with those mac vs pc videos instead of typing, all they're doing is repeating the crap they were fed.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

The whole Mac having no market share for hackers to care about is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Yeah, they have less market share, but I know for a fact hackers are cocky nerds who want to get their name out there. Now if you're telling me that Apple's huge ad campaign circling around the idea that "Look at us, we can't be hacked" isn't temping for a hacker to debunk then you're out of your mind. It's like if I was a hacker, and some punk company kept running these commercials about it's unhackableness, I'd hack this %$+$ outta them if I could just to throw it in their faces. Plus you don't think whoever dispels the whole safety aura of a Mac wouldn't get huge recognition? If hackers could create viruses for the OSX platform, they would've done it by now just to rub it in Apple's face to not advertise something that isn't true. Believe that.
you know nothing my friend
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

I've had Macs for 10 years, 0 viruses. /Thread.

I've had Windows for 10 years, 0 viruses. \Thread.

I've had windows for 1 year, 2 viruses. /Thread

 i want a Macbook, pull it out on campus and watch your swagg level reach staggering levels

some of you dudes are acting like this topics is hurtin your soul
first you say hackers won't hack Macs because they don't own the market share, then say that it's 90% to 10%...in that case, Mac users got decades before somebody would care enough to create a virus for Macs 
...sounds pretty 
 to me, especially when dudes is walkin around talking about how they have to maneuver around the internet and avoid this site and that site 
...then there's about 300 threads about how to remove a virus that NT gave them...some dudes don't want to be bothered with all that...i could give a damn about computers so i don't want to have to look into getting 20 different virus programs and updating them every 10 days because a new virus is created...i've been using PCs for about 10 years and all of them have gone to %#+%...the one i'm typing on now is moving in slow motion and i haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

I've had Macs for 10 years, 0 viruses. /Thread.

yep 4 years for me 0 viruses

ill stay with the small market share

To me, there's no reason to buy a computer from Apple unless you don't know anything about computers.

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

apple fanboys are like hos
dont save them, they dont wanna be saved
Being objective... I've gone to IT school to study Windows Server and have also worked for Apple and... this debate is tired. Yes, PC's are more customizable and the hardware is usually superior. Macs have the ability to use either OS, although I don't believe they have that for Win 7 yet, not sure... Use what you like and stop debating in these silly arguments.
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.
Originally Posted by tizoni

Noskey wrote:

Brandon3000 wrote:

WearinTheFourFive wrote:

I've had Macs for 10 years, 0 viruses. /Thread.

I've had Windows for 10 years, 0 viruses. \Thread.

I've had windows for 1 year, 2 viruses. /Thread

 i want a Macbook, pull it out on campus and watch your swagg level reach staggering levels


what's sad is, even though im sure you're just joking, a lot of people actually see apple products that way. just another 2000+ accessory to help me sign onto facebook in your local coffee shop.
Originally Posted by kicksfiend

I've had PC's for years and I've never really had a serious problem with Viruses. Unless you're an idiot, it should not really be an issue.
This is all related to my "Dark Alley Theory." Don't do stuff on your computer that puts it at risk. In terms of your computer's health and vulnerability, downloading an attachment on a sketch e-mail is like taking that 2 am stroll down the alley in the wrong part of town: you deserve whatever comes to you.

Market share is a good argument but I think it's far simpler than that: don't be an idiot.
Originally Posted by tizoni

Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

I've had Macs for 10 years, 0 viruses. /Thread.

I've had Windows for 10 years, 0 viruses. \Thread.

I've had windows for 1 year, 2 viruses. /Thread

 i want a Macbook, pull it out on campus and watch your swagg level reach staggering levels

2 things.

1. If you got 2 viruses in 1 year, learn how to compute.
2. If you need a Macbook to feel confident, FYL, YNS.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.
see, you're one of those salty dudes i'm talkin about...i obviously stated my reasons for preferring an Apple and you completely skipped over it and created a fake scenerio...nobody with an Apple is proffessional, right??? what a %+@%!%*
i'm in a creative field and know various people who makes music, movies, photographs, ect...it's better working on equipment that doesn't lag or can be attacked at any given time...

at least the Apple fanboys have reason...they buy the products because they like what they're getting...what satisfaction do you get out of hating on somebody elses purchase???
Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.

at least the Apple fanboys have reason...they buy the products because they like what they're getting...what satisfaction do you get out of hating on somebody elses purchase???
what flavor is da kool-aid you drinking?
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.

at least the Apple fanboys have reason...they buy the products because they like what they're getting...what satisfaction do you get out of hating on somebody elses purchase???
what flavor is da kool-aid you drinking?
is this what you pass off as humor???
ain't workin
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.

why do you care so much? 

BTW, if i own both a mac & a PC, work for a PC company, have preferred PCs my entire life but have admitted liking Apple, where does that put me in your spectrum of judging people solely by what they choose to purchase? 

there's only about 1 or 2 people on NT that have made legitimate rebuttals on why they dislike Apple/Macs/etc (CWrite) and at the same time admitted interest in their products.. IDK why alot of you on here stay posting the same jargon day in and day out 

yes, go ahead and call me a fanboy 
i loved my old apple, but with a pc at home i am really good, viruses? dont know, whatever, my boy is coming over this week to fine tune my joint.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.


Why are you so butthurt? Its another man's 2k, he could spend it on fat strippers if he wants. You soundin real 
 right now. I hope Steve Jobs and Woz didn't tag team pipe your girl or anything like that.
Im a graphic designer by trade....a field COMPLETELY overtaken with Apple fanboys. The elitist attitudes in the design field are insane.

Ive used a PC for my work since 2002 and never had a virus. I agree 100% with the dude that spoke about the "dark alley theory".

My 2¢.
Originally Posted by sauuceking

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.


Why are you so butthurt? Its another man's 2k, he could spend it on fat strippers if he wants. You soundin real 
 right now. I hope Steve Jobs and Woz didn't tag team pipe your girl or anything like that.
no actually i aint mad, rather amused

you see its ur money do whatever you want with it, you like wasting money its your problem not mine
but i cant help but call you apple fanboys lame.
typical fanboy response, steve jobs piped ur mom, yns ect.
like i said, bring ur fancy new macbook to starbucks to do nothing with. Pretend you are writing a novel like anyone cares or surf facebook 24/7. Go nod at other fanboys and admire their macbook while hes admiring yours.
All apple fanboys are poseurs. They need to be noticed, they crave it. They want to feel different from the rest.
But I guess its better to noticed as a pathetic human being than to not be noticed at all
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by sauuceking

Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Epidemik The Great

haven't even done any heavy d/l'ing...that being said, i'm coppin a new Macbook Pro this week 
...some of you dudes sounding REAL salty

well go ahead and drop 2k on 800 dollar hardware. if it helps u sleep at night.
go ahead, spend your 2G. Bring your laptop to starbucks and sit there peeping at people to see if they peep you back for using a macbook, you will get a few looks and you will be just slightly cooler at the end of the day.
and no you wont be getting any viruses. the only thing an apple fanboy knows how to use a computer for is facebook and facebook only.

none of you apple fanboys are professionals at anything that requires a mac. Stop being a poseur, no one thinks you are cool.


Why are you so butthurt? Its another man's 2k, he could spend it on fat strippers if he wants. You soundin real 
 right now. I hope Steve Jobs and Woz didn't tag team pipe your girl or anything like that.
no actually i aint mad, rather amused

you see its ur money do whatever you want with it, you like wasting money its your problem not mine
but i cant help but call you apple fanboys lame.
typical fanboy response, steve jobs piped ur mom, yns ect.
like i said, bring ur fancy new macbook to starbucks to do nothing with. Pretend you are writing a novel like anyone cares or surf facebook 24/7. Go nod at other fanboys and admire their macbook while hes admiring yours.
All apple fanboys are poseurs. They need to be noticed, they crave it. They want to feel different from the rest.
But I guess its better to noticed as a pathetic human being than to not be noticed at all
 Word? What if I've never taken my laptop to Starbucks ever in my life? I'm guessing your PC also doesn't have spell check. 
the fact that Macs dont really have virus's has NOTHING to do with it being secure or not, but because Macs gotta marketshare of only 3-4%.......compared to Windows 94%.

As a hacker, you tell me what OS you'd rather attack...
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