Fanta in United States Unappreciated vol. I'm Insulted

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by djuzi05

It's because they use real sugar. I go to school in the Caribbean and any soda here tastes so much better compared to the US's not just b/c they use real sugar.  The whole taste palate is different.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Aint US fanta just like all the other orange sodas like sunkist, slice, etc?  Spain fanta is like orangina? Soda with pulp bits?
That's probably the most similar everyday drink that tastes like Euro Fanta
A few years ago my mom bought some type of orange pelligrino.  That was the closest thing that I've ever tasted here in the US.

He's right it is not simply a real sugar difference. One of the biggest differences is actually the water used to bottle the product. Like with coke all that is the same is the syrup. All the different bottlers add their own water and sugar as they see fit.

And in other countries with the real sugar thing it's not about them wanting to deliver the best tasting product or about them hating corn syrup. It is about cost and for A LOT of places real cane sugar is much more cost effective.

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by djuzi05

It's because they use real sugar. I go to school in the Caribbean and any soda here tastes so much better compared to the US's not just b/c they use real sugar.  The whole taste palate is different.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Aint US fanta just like all the other orange sodas like sunkist, slice, etc?  Spain fanta is like orangina? Soda with pulp bits?
That's probably the most similar everyday drink that tastes like Euro Fanta
A few years ago my mom bought some type of orange pelligrino.  That was the closest thing that I've ever tasted here in the US.

He's right it is not simply a real sugar difference. One of the biggest differences is actually the water used to bottle the product. Like with coke all that is the same is the syrup. All the different bottlers add their own water and sugar as they see fit.

And in other countries with the real sugar thing it's not about them wanting to deliver the best tasting product or about them hating corn syrup. It is about cost and for A LOT of places real cane sugar is much more cost effective.

Same goes for red bull, out here in Thailand the !%!! is wayyy more syrupy... grossed me out the first time i tried it.... Pepsi put out some organge colored pepsi out here, like cucumber flavored
Theirs some interesting stuff out here in Thailand... Lays has some weird chips out here as well, salmon flavored chips.. and other crazy stuff
Same goes for red bull, out here in Thailand the !%!! is wayyy more syrupy... grossed me out the first time i tried it.... Pepsi put out some organge colored pepsi out here, like cucumber flavored
Theirs some interesting stuff out here in Thailand... Lays has some weird chips out here as well, salmon flavored chips.. and other crazy stuff
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


man... I've ALWAYS said this..
Euro Fanta >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> US Fanta

it's ridiculous how disgusting US Fanta is, while the Euro version has a perfect balance of sweetness
So true, I had it in Ireland and it taste so good. Same with the candy.
Also the fast food tasted different, better too.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious


man... I've ALWAYS said this..
Euro Fanta >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> US Fanta

it's ridiculous how disgusting US Fanta is, while the Euro version has a perfect balance of sweetness
So true, I had it in Ireland and it taste so good. Same with the candy.
Also the fast food tasted different, better too.
red fanta (nicaragua) > red fanta in the states,
red fanta here is like gross strawberry flavor,
in nica we mix the red fanta with the clear rum, taste on point
red fanta (nicaragua) > red fanta in the states,
red fanta here is like gross strawberry flavor,
in nica we mix the red fanta with the clear rum, taste on point
tecate in mexico>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tecate in the united states

modelo in can in mexico>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>modelo in bottle in the united states

tecate in mexico>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>tecate in the united states

modelo in can in mexico>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>modelo in bottle in the united states

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