FAT Shaming

Eh. I'd say you're just unoriginal. A lot of people do things that contradict what they say.

Fat people discriminate against fat people. Skinny people too

unoriginal because of what? other people having the same opinion?

also, your reply makes absolutely no sense logically as a response to what I said
Telling guys not wanting to date obese women makes them misogynistic or "fatphobic" (I guess that's a word now) while having some laundry list of qualities including dating dudes like 6 foot 3 or taller makes you a nonserious person.

I agree but there's other ways to call them out like over weight people generally not wanting to date other over weight people.
I agree but there's other ways to call them out like over weight people generally not wanting to date other over weight people.

I think a lot of the problem is people being too online and generalizing entire groups, more of them should join social clubs and meet other real humans. I don't begrudge anyone having their standards. It is funny that 6 foot is such a big thing for some folks. You're automatically eliminating about 85% percent of your dating pool.

I thought about it once and honestly feel bad for girls who are like 6 foot 4. Must be kind of frustrating
I think a lot of the problem is people being too online and generalizing entire groups, more of them should join social clubs and meet other real humans. I don't begrudge anyone having their standards. It is funny that 6 foot is such a big thing for some folks. You're automatically eliminating about 85% percent of your dating pool.

I thought about it once and honestly feel bad for girls who are like 6 foot 4. Must be kind of frustrating

A lot of people are just talk though. Who they actually date/smash or lust after don't always fit those "standards"

Eh I don't feel bad for anyone who gets in their own way. She's a 6'6 virgin waiting for marriage who says dating is difficult.

That chick is pretty clearly overcompensating. Very likely does not feel beautiful in her body. I don't give anyone a pass for being a jerk, but a lot of the stuff with women calling themselves queens is trying to get over their lack of self-esteem. You know, the below average ones talking like they're God's gift to men. Either that or they completely lack self awareness. Whichever it is it's not likely to help them longterm.

I agree that anyone trying to set them straight should probably just mind their own business, basically.
Eh. I'd say you're just unoriginal. A lot of people do things that contradict what they say.

Fat people discriminate against fat people. Skinny people too

levels though fam
tony is fat but that man made tony look slim
Jennifer Lopez had a hard time getting hired as a Fly girl on In Living Color because they said she was too Chubby/Fat. Judging by her old pics she was at the most around 150 at 5'5 :lol:
I knew the chick on the left and I guarantee dude didn't let them in because she (and i presume her big friend) are obnoxious.

Highlight Room isn't some super exclusive place. Trust :lol:

I read the comments on her post and most of her replies to comments are definitely someone who’s pretentious. Talkin’ bout “glad we’re exposing them” for this and other self righteous nonsense, so I believe you.
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