FAT Shaming

Unless having a super dark girl counts as body positivity, I don't see how they get social justice credit for this ad.

This is the SAFEST "body positivity" ad ever.

Even the "Big girl" is a "skinny" big girl LOL

Gotta be more context to that, because she gained some weight recently herself and they smoked her to tears.
i got some clothes that are hella too big too feels like you could get 2 me’s in there now. just donated a bunch, still wear some of the same shorts though and just tie the drawstring, probably looks crazy and self bias aint allowing me to notice because i migrated to the slim fit mass/quads hoochie daddy gymshark shorts look recently. I still dont think Ill ever be a tights/leggings by themselves guy though. Too much business

9lbs away from goal weight 1 which should be around 15%bf. Abs not totally in yet though maybe another month or 2

Did some bloodwork a few months ago using HoneHealth and finally got to go over it with a Dr. Turns out I have very low-normal (in the normal range which is very wide but the low end) thyroid hormone, which regulates metabolism and energy projection which is crazy because I just lost 100lbs. It was 4.9 Gonna put me on some stuff he said should help with my efforts and optimizing t3/t4

Temu disrespectful. Also that is a great price for a shelf. i have one of their shelves in my living room now, just clothes on it so can’t confirm it can support a Burtha and a kettlebell but probably could
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I've been privy to this discourse for over a decade, it seems that a few things are true all at once:

1.) No one should comment on a stranger's weight.

2.) it's ok to point out some weight gain if you're in a close social in-group.

3.) Doctors should take all patient's complaints seriously, regardless of body weight.

4.) Obesity is a public health issue.

5.) having a body with a lot of fat cells, will ultimately reduce your quality of life. Most people, in the affluent, industrialized, West are carrying too much fat on their bodies and becoming leaner can resolve a great deal of minor to moderate chronic conditions.
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