Fat Tuesday's opens in NYC today...gets closed down today due to brawl

Yahoo Travel  recently conducted a survey to determine the most overrated cities in the world, with 2,000 respondents suggesting many of Hollywood’s favorite cities are in fact totally overrated. Vegas was far and away the worst, with 28% of respondents saying Sin City sucked. New York City came second with 18% of the vote, proving that it's more wet dream tomato  than where dreams are made of. And no matter what Big Willie Style led you to believe, Miami came in third. In reality, those babes in bikinis are actually paid to be in music videos.

Paris is the first international destination to make it on the list, coming in fourth overall. Perhaps the reality of free-range rats  and a smog-smothered Eiffel Tower  didn't gel with everyone's Hemingway-esque ideal of the City of Light.

Save yourself from disappointment by taking a look at the 10 most overrated cities, before you feel the letdown.

10. Sydney - 2%
9. Rome - 2%
8.  Bora Bora - 2%
7. London - 3%
6.  Honolulu - 6%
5.  Dubai - 7%
4. Paris - 11%
3.  Miami - 14%
2. New York - 18%
1. Vegas - 28%

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Cali blows. There isn't solid economic growth, no consistent water supply, and the people are fake as hell. They are all wannabe stars in California when in reality they are as basic as everyone else. I can't live the rest of my life with one season. I feel as if I'll lose track of time and motivation.

With that said I live in MN and love it.
Cali blows. There isn't solid economic growth, no consistent water supply, and the people are fake as hell. They are all wannabe stars in California when in reality they are as basic as everyone else. I can't live the rest of my life with one season. I feel as if I'll lose track of time and motivation.

With that said I live in MN and love it.
You saying how everyone in Cali wants to be a star shows how little you know Cali. And you beig from Minnesota makes you more irrelevant than being from the south

More south slander is needed :D
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Says it all. /Thread

I would be mad too if I travled to NYC and was cussed out cause I was taking pics blocking the side walk looking up at skyscrapers while folks are trying to get to work. Or if I was getting hustled by a cab driver who spotted me a mile away. Or got the stiff arm from a by passer cause I was asking for directions cause I am too stupid to read the free map they provide me. Or I wasn't alert enough to know I had to clutch my wallet close in time square before I get pick pocketed. Shrug the city isn't for everybody especially the happy go lucky laid back type. Only the strong survive here b
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If people talk bad about New Yorkers and NYC then they hang around the wrong people and go to the wrong places. You can find the good and bad about any place. It's spring now so going into the city to drink and hang out will be grat.
yesterday i was in the heights then went downtown around canal and broadway

lawwwwwwd the biddies was out in the heights man, cant wait til it gets warmer
NYC is the Mecca of Fly Women

Dude use sundresses as a selling point for Cali

Ol non experienced thirsty mcthirst never seen some yambs bwoy :smh:

:smokin Nothing like a NYC Day Party .... or chilling in Lower on a nice weekend .. We have too many **** ... So many ****, **** look at you, just to see what kind of *** you looking at ... she wanna be that ***.

And :smh: y'all ****** rather walk behind a chick in a sundress and remain quiet, rather then walk up alongside her and get noticed ... WTF is going on here LOL.

For the record, I appreciate every state and NYC is my home. Nothing beats traveling and enjoying different experiences.

It is hard to hate on NYC though. Even during the freezing winter our tourist season was still in full swing. I don't know too many cities in America that have a year long attraction, even during bad climate.

I mean look at Ohio
Cali blows. There isn't solid economic growth, no consistent water supply, and the people are fake as hell. They are all wannabe stars in California when in reality they are as basic as everyone else. I can't live the rest of my life with one season. I feel as if I'll lose track of time and motivation.

With that said I live in MN and love it.

Minnesota!? LOL take your Gordon Bombay looking *** out of here with that garbage :rofl:
bay area is trash b nothing but hills, fog and hipsters. good on that **** b. could go to williamsburg for the same scene.

dude says he needs more than one season, but he gives Minnesota props like it ain't winter year round over there :smh:
bay area is trash b nothing but hills, fog and hipsters. good on that **** b. could go to williamsburg for the same scene.

dude says he needs more than one season, but he gives Minnesota props like it ain't winter year round over there :smh:

I don't think you ever been here. None of the main streets in the bay go through big hills. Also all the party area like Polk, Divisadero, Mission, SoMa, Geary, and the Marina are flat for the most part. You're a phony dude.
I'm a phony? Nah b I spent a weekend in San Fran, every damn block had me walking up or down a hill. **** outta here. in NY our streets are level.
I'm a phony? Nah b I spent a weekend in San Fran, every damn block had me walking up or down a hill. **** outta here. in NY our streets are level.

Don't believe you, the main areas isn't even on a hill. Either that or you were mindlessly walking everywhere with no direction. Hills ain't nothing though. Rather deal with hills than blizzards where I gotta stay home all day.
went to fishermen's warf, golden gate bridge, union square, all i did was walk/bike up and down hills b. never again. dusty *** city is the new jersey of california.
Don't believe you, the main areas isn't even on a hill. Either that or you were mindlessly walking everywhere with no direction. Hills ain't nothing though. Rather deal with hills than blizzards where I gotta stay home all day.

I love it when folks who never touched snow talk about blizzards like they happen every day during winter :lol: . No it doesn't. It's not even frequent. It snowed for like 6 staright weekends in nyc and only 1 of them was bad but not worse than last years blizzard.

California goes nuts at the chance of rain thinking the world is gonna end :lol: get outta here. Ya should be putting out buckets to catch that rain and boil it up to drink.
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every damn block had me walking up or down a hill. **** outta here. in NY our streets are level.

I am not getting at your specifically but I think it's funny when people say the hills and homeless people are an issue but then say SF people are soft and can't survive a real city. Also this is when you have to utilize cabs or trains. SF is not really a walking city anyways. Most people will always try to take some sort of vehicle, even if they are only going so many blocks down.
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