Father Indicted For Beating Daughters Over ‘Twerking’ Video

1. you shouldnt be beating your kids like that

2. If you are gonna proceed and act like a savage with no form of education why record the beating?

3. who was recording?
Sometimes italics can be used to indicate sarcasm.

Thanks for playing.

Doesn't work in a thread where people genuinely think beatings are the only/best way to discipline a child.
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That's OD on the pops. He was beating them kids to make his point . If all kids had been getting this work we wouldn't have the problems out of them especially here in Chicago.

Moms and G mom got me with belts, cords and "switches" from the bushes. It's a learning lesson.

It looked brutal, but it will pale in comparison to those two girls becoming ****** and coming home with babies they can't afford or raise.

This the same law that punishes our kids when we don't. Now they wanna punish us for handling our biz

that marriage is over. if he can't run his house without his wife calling police on him no way they can continue as a family.

Man, I wish there was a study done of all the minorities that are criminals, deadbeats and ****. I bet 90% of them would tell you they were whipped as children. Maybe it'd stop you guys from acting like whipping children turns them into great upstanding citizens.
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you cant beat morals into children

most **** come from abusive father relationships anway
and I like how dudes are on here saying whoppins are tradition in the black community 

as if we are not filling up prisons and still showing no morals and misbehaving as adults

so its obvious its not working 

now I have no right to tell anyone how to raise there child

but its a difference between discipline and abuse

if you are leaving open soars on their body then you have crossed the line

and another thing dudes parenting must not be to great

the mother didnt know until the video went viral

total miscommunication 
Doesn't work in a thread where people genuinely think beatings are the only/best way to discipline a child.

No, it works.

My father made me face him in a steel cage match when I didn't make it to the county spelling bee.

No, it works.

My father made me face him in a steel cage match when I didn't make it to the county spelling bee.


Better but you already told me you were sarcastic, surprise me next time. I promise I'll get it. :wink:
It's not cool to leave welts on your children, but it's important that people be able to discipline their kids the way the want to.

It so obvious that most of y'all don't have kids. I can't wait for the day that your son/daughter punches you in the face for trying to take away their cell phone away.

The handful of times that I've ever disciplined my son, he knew the consequences way before he tried to pull some BS on me.

Homie shouldn't have recorded it, bottom line.
There is no definitive method to raising well-mannered children. BUT, lighting into your child sometimes when they disobey you is not "savage" by any means. Its all subjective. There are quite a few success stories from mom/pops *** whoopings, just as there are a few that werent disciplined that way.
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You don't have to be physical to discipline your children.

How would you approach it? Not trying to bait you into an argument but I honestly think there has to be a larger conversation on this topic nationally. Way too many things that young kids are doing that they should definately not be doing.

Man you gotta teach your kid right from wrong from the time they are born. hitting my child to teach them a lesson is the last thing id want to do.
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He only made two mistakes.

1. Filming it.

2. Using a chord.  I think a belt is thoroughly sufficient.
I got beat as a child too. Nothing was crazy severe, but I got some similar to the one in the video. I think the dad OD'ed a little, but I really think arresting him is rash decision. people should have the choice to discipline their kids the way they choose fit.

reminds me of when I was in Sudan in 2002 (age 11) and my uncle used to beat me. My pops was working back in the USA, and my mom was too weak to stop her brother from hitting me along with his kids. I saw him again last year and he sat me down and almost broke down into tears. I had every intention of getting him back, but instead forgave him. Sorry for the diversion :lol:
I guess there's nothing wrong with what the father did. They are his kids. He should be able to discipline them the way he sees fit.

But, the fact that they were 12 and 14 already making twerking videos says more about the parenting than the beating...
lol @ "let parents discipline their kids the way they see fit". :rofl:

When my 10 year old sons act up, I'm subjecting them to decimation. No one has a right to tell me how to discipline my children. I just need to make sure I don't film it.
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Im drunk right now, and i havent watched the video but you overly outspoken dudes against this stance.

All i can say to you is wait until your child that you have done everything in the world for tells you no to your face. :lol:

A twerk video? my daughter?!?!

Im a parent, and im telling you right now i walk in on my baby girl making a twerk video oh my lord
Love your kids, and please dont allow them to think its ok to make twerk vids!
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I got spanked as a child, it was acceptable then and had a purpose, it was never malicious or traumatic because my parents controlled their emotions.

That video was tough to watch. Dude had rage and hatred behind those swings, I can't see how that's simply discipline but a way for him to let out his anger in general. He didn't just want to teach them a lesson, he wanted to inflict pain...that's not a man and that's not a dad.
I think I got it the worst out of anyone I knew.

My old man use to beat me outside in the street in front of people and my friends.

Mother use to beat me.

Sister's use to hold me to catch a beating.

Aunts use to beat me.

Damn homie, your whole family was Putting in Work. At least you didn't get beaten in school, word to third world countries.

Yes I did get beating in schools when I was young... third world country school system :smh:

I did a lot of dumb crap though so looking back... justified.
My Kindergarden teacher had the authority to whip the kids. I got whippings in school. Jamaica
yo i walk into my daughters room and she's wearing a unicorn suit and twerkin'?  she gettin beat.  when i say beat, i mean a reeeaaaallllly stern talking to and then we gon hit baskin robbins.  anything more would be savagery.
as a kid, i got beat with everything from a hangar to a bag of groceries. my momma didnt play, but i did alot of stupid things so i guess i deserved it 

i didnt watch the video so i cant say i agree or disagree with said beating, but a good a** whoopin is necessary sometimes 
Simply taking away privileges is more effective.

Find out what they love the most, and take it away for a few weeks/months.
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