Father With Autistic Son Sends His Kid to School With a Wire, Exposes Bullying by Teachers

man this is disgusting...

I've worked with kids with autism and it's all about being patient and encouraging to them.
Teachers being tenured is some ##+!%%%#
Can't wait to hug my autistic brother later.
Originally Posted by politicsasusual

I want cases on EVERYONE involved and I wish the worst for Horace Mann Elementary if they don't clean house.

My mom was a speech pathologist who worked for the Pittsburgh Public School system.  She would teach until 3pm everyday, and then after school she would go to the homes of autistic children and work with them.  It takes a special kind of person to be able to work with children with any sort of disability, but as an adult, you have NO *@!#!%* EXCUSE to mistreat or bully a child
my brother has autism and truth be told this kind of stuff happens very often...such a shame
just finished the video 
It's especially bad because all of this happened in one day.  I can't imagine what a school week is like for those children, let alone an entire school year...

Major respect to the father for the way he went about this also.
damn man....I volunteer with autistic young adults, teens, and children...Like how does a person not have the mental capacity to be empathetic to people with disabilities especially a mental disability?
Originally Posted by ricky409

for what reason, doe?
smh... we really need to pay these teachers more, famb...

money is the one thing that will keep people in line...

if those teachers are in their field for the money, then they should find new careers. plain and simple!!!
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Sadly nothing is going to come out of this that has not already happened. He does not have full names so he doesn't have any real sway. No one is going to out themselves and quit their jobs over this.

How does he not have the full names? I'm pretty sure he does but he wants to teachers to come out themselves and resign.
That teacher needs to be taken behind the school by the dad and shot in the dome

If this country operated correctly he'd be pardoned for it as well
poor kid, they already have a rough life and teachers act like this?

honestly, I feel bad for the kid and his family
That teacher is ruthless. I think teachers in special needs are the main culprits for these type of incidents since classes are smaller so they can get away with more.
So sickening. I'm used to having to deal with other children bullying children with special needs.

But to hear this from adults who've been entrusted with these young kids lives is one of the most sickening things I've ever heard of.

I wish the worst on those school teachers.
Smh, such a crazy world man. Nobody cares about anyone but themselves and way too many two faced people out here. 
Originally Posted by swendro88

Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

Sadly nothing is going to come out of this that has not already happened. He does not have full names so he doesn't have any real sway. No one is going to out themselves and quit their jobs over this.

How does he not have the full names? I'm pretty sure he does but he wants to teachers to come out themselves and resign.
The full names are all over the internet now.  It was two people involved - an aide and a teacher.  The aide was fired on the spot but the teacher was just assigned to teach a different class - in the same building, in the same school.

Tenure policies and the weight they hold


Originally Posted by MeloManFan

That teacher is ruthless. I think teachers in special needs are the main culprits for these type of incidents since classes are smaller so they can get away with more.

Truth, and they prey on the fact that these kids cant or wont report them 
I would've been in prison. Like I would've been so mad I wouldn't have even took steps to be secretive about what I would do to those ppl for that kind of abuse. Straight black out episode of rage.
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