Father With Autistic Son Sends His Kid to School With a Wire, Exposes Bullying by Teachers

Dont know how this guys so calm i wouldve been clapping shoulders.
I can't even imagine what I would have done after listening to that recording for the first time. I would have ran up in that school in the morning and started demanding resignations with the rage of 1000 suns.
What's protecting them exactly? There's concrete evidence of abuse.
Originally Posted by The Natural Mystic

The anger that is boiling in my blood!

This is disgusting. I would go on a hunt for that woman.

This. My baby brother has autism and this %#!! right here, man, 
. I would kill this person. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

he's a good one...

you couldn't call my kid (especially if he/she is as emotionally fragile as this one) and think i won't raise hell

i'd own that lady's house by the time i was done

you and me both 
if you can't stand or teach kids with autism or other special needs, then you shouldn't be a special needs teacher. you can only do it if you absolutely love it...this *!#@$ needs to be put in her place
Originally Posted by ricky409

for what reason, doe?
smh... we really need to pay these teachers more, famb...

money is the one thing that will keep people in line...

Not really. That'd be overjustification, and wouldn't do much to defuse this type of situation. Plain and simple: that teacher is unfit to be handling those children, hell even an average classroom. I mean, she was getting so plastered she was puking until morn the day of class...nobody in their right mind does that if they are serious about their job/career.
I would slash that teachers tires, shove a potato in the muffler, bash the windows and burn her house down. I would get away with it.
Vid got me %!%%!%* upset. I don't even want to think about what I would do in his situation. He's a better man than me...more power to him for keeping composure and doing the right thing.
Originally Posted by chickencurry4eva

Originally Posted by swendro88

How does he not have the full names? I'm pretty sure he does but he wants to teachers to come out themselves and resign.
The full names are all over the internet now.  It was two people involved - an aide and a teacher.  The aide was fired on the spot but the teacher was just assigned to teach a different class - in the same building, in the same school.

Tenure policies and the weight they hold 



Ok I thought he would have said the Full names in the vid. I still think the teacher will not resign. She mostly likely will let this ride. 
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