Favorite Liquor to Drink Straight Up?

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by JBug88

some good info, but unfortunately some wrong info as well.  Not knocking your opionion at all, just some of the info...
Scotch whisky (minus the "e") is only, by law, distlled in Scotland.
Irish WhiskEy (with the "e") is only distlled in Ireland.
Scotch is distlled 2 times and only made in Scotland, while Irish whiskey is distilled 3 times.
Johnny Walker (all types) is a Scotch.
Whiskey or whisky are broad terms.  You can can have Scotch, Irish, Bourbon, Tennessee.
All depends on where and what it is made from.
"All scotch is whisky, but not all whisky is scotch"
Someone saying "normal whiskey" makes no sense.  To most people, I guess normal whiskey would be either a bourbon or a Tennessee?  I prefer Jack Daniel's Single Barrel.  that stuff is great..
Not all Scotch has the smokiness from peat.  Depends on where it's from.
Me personally, Jameson's on the rocks is what I drink 95% of the time I go out.  If a place doesn't have Jameson's (the horror) I drink gin or beer.  I'm Catholic and Irish, so Bushmills is disgusting...
Describing the taste of Jameson's?  There's vanilla and honey.  add some ice and let it melt a little and it opens up some flowery notes..

Oh and Mojo, I saw another alcohol related post where you mentioned Pappy Van Winkle.  I did a google search and good luck.  Can't find that stuff anywhere...

appreciate the info J.  Not trying to go into full thread derail mode, but just wanted to see if you could expand on a couple of things you said.

Scotch whisky (minus the "e") is only, by law, distlled in Scotland.
Scotch is distlled 2 times and only made in Scotland
"All scotch is whisky, but not all whisky is scotch"

so does this mean there are some whisky's from Scottish distillery's that do not meet the requirements (distilled 2 times) of being a "Scotch".  What type of whisky would fit this bill?

i, like you, drink Jameson + rocks 95% of the time, and so my experience with scotch/whisky is fairly limited.  I didn't know that it was the addition of the peat that gives it to smokiness.  Can you recommend any good but moderately priced scotch's that do not have the peat?  I'd like to try some out to see how they differ.

one last thing regarding the whole "normal whiskey" thing.  I just made a blind assumption and used scotch as the comparison example since the question asker didnt specify 

im no expert but i thought all scotch has peat. thats what gives it the flavor. they burn the peat and the smoke rises into the barley, flavoring it. i thought the differences in scotch were due to the difference in peats based on the region its from.  im probably wrong though. 
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by JBug88

appreciate the info J.  Not trying to go into full thread derail mode, but just wanted to see if you could expand on a couple of things you said.

Scotch whisky (minus the "e") is only, by law, distlled in Scotland.
Scotch is distlled 2 times and only made in Scotland
"All scotch is whisky, but not all whisky is scotch"

so does this mean there are some whisky's from Scottish distillery's that do not meet the requirements (distilled 2 times) of being a "Scotch".  What type of whisky would fit this bill?

i, like you, drink Jameson + rocks 95% of the time, and so my experience with scotch/whisky is fairly limited.  I didn't know that it was the addition of the peat that gives it to smokiness.  Can you recommend any good but moderately priced scotch's that do not have the peat?  I'd like to try some out to see how they differ.

one last thing regarding the whole "normal whiskey" thing.  I just made a blind assumption and used scotch as the comparison example since the question asker didnt specify 

im no expert but i thought all scotch has peat. thats what gives it the flavor. they burn the peat and the smoke rises into the barley, flavoring it. i thought the differences in scotch were due to the difference in peats based on the region its from.  im probably wrong though. 

Mojo - As far as I know, all Scotch is distilled 2 times.  I only brought that up as to the difference between Irish Whiskey and Scotch.  To be honest, I don't drink Scotch anymore.  Hate the stuff.  Maybe I've never had "the good stuff".  Haven't had in years.  I'm 35 and it's probably been 15 years since I touched the stuff and I it was JW Red.  So I apologize that I can't offer you a good one. 
I found this:

The Highlands consist of the portion of Scotland north of a line from Dundee on the North Sea coast in the east to Greenock on the Irish Sea in the west, including all of the islands off the mainland except for Islay. Highland malt whiskies cover a broad spectrum of styles. They are generally aromatic, smooth and medium bodied, with palates that range from lushly complex to floral delicacy. The subregions of the Highlands include Speyside; the North, East and West Highlands; the Orkney Isles; and the Western Islands (Arran, Jura, Mull, and Skye).

The Lowlands encompass the entire Scottish mainland south of the Highlands except the Kintyre Peninsula where Campbeltown is located. Lowland malt whiskies are light bodied, relatively sweet, and delicate.

Islay is an island off the west coast. Traditional Islay malt whiskies are intensely smoky and pungent in character with a distinctive iodine or medicinal tang that is said to come from sea salt permeating the local peat that is used to dry the barley malt.

Campbeltown is a port located on the tip of the Kintyre Peninsula on the southwest coast that has its own distinctive spicy and salt-tinged malt whiskies.
My guess is a lowlands scotch is the way to go.

IYN - you are correct.  everything you said.  I should have been clearer.

That damn Pappy Van Winkle is so hard to find 
  I've been wanting to try the 15 year myself, ive heard its a bit easier to come by then the 20 year and it tastes almost the same except the 20 year has a deeper flavor to it. I read online some local liquor stores have it, ill make a trip there Friday or Saturday and let you know if i find anything.
I'm telling you guys. Get on some absinthe. Goes perfect after a meal sipping a glass. You mix it with water but eff this thread and its rules.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

I'm telling you guys. Get on some absinthe. Goes perfect after a meal sipping a glass. You mix it with water but eff this thread and its rules.
What kind did you get and where? I've been wanting to buy a bottle for like 2 years now and just haven't yet. I get ready to buy a bottle online and read reviews about how some taste much better then others, the ones that taste good people dropping like $115 on a bottle not including shipping and the spoon, sugar or glass, so i punk out and haven't bought any yet
Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

I'm telling you guys. Get on some absinthe. Goes perfect after a meal sipping a glass. You mix it with water but eff this thread and its rules.
What kind did you get and where? I've been wanting to buy a bottle for like 2 years now and just haven't yet. I get ready to buy a bottle online and read reviews about how some taste much better then others, the ones that taste good people dropping like $115 on a bottle not including shipping and the spoon, sugar or glass, so i punk out and haven't bought any yet

St George absinthe verte. I get it at my job, I work in a French oyster bar. But I looked online and you can get it for 55 for a .750 which is plenty unless you wanna have an absinthe night
I never take the sugar and you really don't need an absinthe fountain. At the end of the night the bartender just pours cold water out of a shaker slowly in the glass because he already cleaned the fountain. I mean I'm sure the proper way is with a fountain spoon and sugar. But you can just cop a bottle and try it. Then if you love it get all the accessories and 10 different brands of absinthe
Pernod is a good brand too.
Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

Originally Posted by Fade On You

Originally Posted by MPLSdunk

I'm telling you guys. Get on some absinthe. Goes perfect after a meal sipping a glass. You mix it with water but eff this thread and its rules.
What kind did you get and where? I've been wanting to buy a bottle for like 2 years now and just haven't yet. I get ready to buy a bottle online and read reviews about how some taste much better then others, the ones that taste good people dropping like $115 on a bottle not including shipping and the spoon, sugar or glass, so i punk out and haven't bought any yet

St George absinthe verte. I get it at my job, I work in a French oyster bar. But I looked online and you can get it for 55 for a .750 which is plenty unless you wanna have an absinthe night
I never take the sugar and you really don't need an absinthe fountain. At the end of the night the bartender just pours cold water out of a shaker slowly in the glass because he already cleaned the fountain. I mean I'm sure the proper way is with a fountain spoon and sugar. But you can just cop a bottle and try it. Then if you love it get all the accessories and 10 different brands of absinthe
Pernod is a good brand too.
Good looks man. Im going to def try a bottle.
do you consider shots straight up? patron i can do with no chase.  but traditional straight up drinks, like ice and booze in a glass, I only like crown royal that way
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