Aug 18, 2010
Bowing to Republican political pressure and growing budget concerns, President Obama will announce a pay freeze for civilian federal workers Monday, according to an administration source.

The decision means a big economic hit to the Washington region, home to more than 600,000 federal workers, making the federal government the region's dominant employer.

Obama will make an announcement about the pay freeze at 11:35 a.m., the White House said.

Bowing to Republican political pressure and growing budget concerns, President Obama will announce a pay freeze for civilian federal workers Monday, according to an administration source.

The decision means a big economic hit to the Washington region, home to more than 600,000 federal workers, making the federal government the region's dominant employer.

Obama will make an announcement about the pay freeze at 11:35 a.m., the White House said.

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Bowing to Republican political pressure and growing budget concerns, President Obama will announce a pay freeze for civilian federal workers Monday, according to an administration source.

The decision means a big economic hit to the Washington region, home to more than 600,000 federal workers, making the federal government the region's dominant employer.

Obama will make an announcement about the pay freeze at 11:35 a.m., the White House said.
yeah...people would go buck wild at work if this included the military. 
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Bowing to Republican political pressure and growing budget concerns, President Obama will announce a pay freeze for civilian federal workers Monday, according to an administration source.

The decision means a big economic hit to the Washington region, home to more than 600,000 federal workers, making the federal government the region's dominant employer.

Obama will make an announcement about the pay freeze at 11:35 a.m., the White House said.
yeah...people would go buck wild at work if this included the military. 
Originally Posted by juggy4805

Yeah I voiced my opinion about this a little while ago. To the people that say I'm whining, I am happy and grateful I have a job but I will never be happy about a pay freeze.


No one is. Companies across the US have seen pay freezes the past couple years, no reason to think Federal employees should be immune. Its just how things are. If people don't like it then they should try and find a new job elsewhere.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

Yeah I voiced my opinion about this a little while ago. To the people that say I'm whining, I am happy and grateful I have a job but I will never be happy about a pay freeze.


No one is. Companies across the US have seen pay freezes the past couple years, no reason to think Federal employees should be immune. Its just how things are. If people don't like it then they should try and find a new job elsewhere.
Nothing new for state employees, why should federal ones be immune? It sucks all around, but that's how it is in the US today
Nothing new for state employees, why should federal ones be immune? It sucks all around, but that's how it is in the US today
Well they don't have a bad salary to start out with.
No one wants a freeze though, at least they still have their jobs.

Federal jobs usually have great job security once you're in

Should be over by the time I graduate
Well they don't have a bad salary to start out with.
No one wants a freeze though, at least they still have their jobs.

Federal jobs usually have great job security once you're in

Should be over by the time I graduate
Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.
Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.
Originally Posted by rashi

Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.


Why don't we just dissolve our government while we're at it.
Originally Posted by rashi

Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.


Why don't we just dissolve our government while we're at it.
Originally Posted by rashi

Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.

I agree, we should let some other country over run our land, lose our freedom and become slaves
. Awesome plan.
Originally Posted by rashi

Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.

I agree, we should let some other country over run our land, lose our freedom and become slaves
. Awesome plan.
Why don't we just dissolve our government while we're at it.

what's a real job?

Produce something, be innovative.  Be produictive for society, not a talentless government bean counter who produce nothing.

I agree, we should let some other country over run our land, lose our freedom and become slaves
. Awesome plan.


Who would invade us and why would they?
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