Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The U.S. needs to stop adding to its deficit as well as outsourcing jobs so that our economy can get back up and running.
I think everyone feels that way in the country but it is easier said than done. We all talk like we know what should be done but, if the right choice isn't made our country could collapse like the knees of a defender guarding MJ in '92.

Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The U.S. needs to stop adding to its deficit as well as outsourcing jobs so that our economy can get back up and running.
I think everyone feels that way in the country but it is easier said than done. We all talk like we know what should be done but, if the right choice isn't made our country could collapse like the knees of a defender guarding MJ in '92.

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The U.S. needs to stop adding to its deficit as well as outsourcing jobs so that our economy can get back up and running.

Realistically very little the government can do for outsourcing. It's the burden of consumers to stop outsourcing. Instead of buying the cheap made in China product spend extra for the made in USA product.

Whats made in the USA nowadays?
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

The U.S. needs to stop adding to its deficit as well as outsourcing jobs so that our economy can get back up and running.

Realistically very little the government can do for outsourcing. It's the burden of consumers to stop outsourcing. Instead of buying the cheap made in China product spend extra for the made in USA product.

Whats made in the USA nowadays?
thank you president of socialism. everyday i grow more and more fond of moving to another country.
thank you president of socialism. everyday i grow more and more fond of moving to another country.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by leothegod

Originally Posted by rashi

Why don't we just dissolve our government while we're at it.

what's a real job?

Produce something, be innovative.  Be produictive for society, not a talentless government bean counter who produce nothing.

I agree, we should let some other country over run our land, lose our freedom and become slaves
. Awesome plan.

Who would invade us and why would they?
are you serious?
if so

WHO WOULD INVADE US AND WHY? Have you ever seen a foreign country invade a country with 300 million people with the having the most guns per capita?

Who fights wars with guns still. What are we gonna use our glocks and shotguns to stop an invading country with a military and WMD? We stick our chest out at the world because of our military.   

Ok and? Who do you think makes the fighter jets, tanks, drones, ect., the bueracracy called the United States military? The Defense Department? 
 The military contracts with private companies in order to produce the planes, guns, tanks, ect. You think if we didn't have a standing army that people from foeriegn countries would just try to come here and occupy 300 million people?
 You act like the United States is like Tibet or something. How's that war in Afghanistan going against people who live in caves and shacks with our big bad military technology?  Think man, think.
Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by leothegod

Originally Posted by rashi

Why don't we just dissolve our government while we're at it.

what's a real job?

Produce something, be innovative.  Be produictive for society, not a talentless government bean counter who produce nothing.

I agree, we should let some other country over run our land, lose our freedom and become slaves
. Awesome plan.

Who would invade us and why would they?
are you serious?
if so

WHO WOULD INVADE US AND WHY? Have you ever seen a foreign country invade a country with 300 million people with the having the most guns per capita?

Who fights wars with guns still. What are we gonna use our glocks and shotguns to stop an invading country with a military and WMD? We stick our chest out at the world because of our military.   

Ok and? Who do you think makes the fighter jets, tanks, drones, ect., the bueracracy called the United States military? The Defense Department? 
 The military contracts with private companies in order to produce the planes, guns, tanks, ect. You think if we didn't have a standing army that people from foeriegn countries would just try to come here and occupy 300 million people?
 You act like the United States is like Tibet or something. How's that war in Afghanistan going against people who live in caves and shacks with our big bad military technology?  Think man, think.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by leothegod

Originally Posted by rashi

Why don't we just dissolve our government while we're at it.

what's a real job?

Produce something, be innovative.  Be produictive for society, not a talentless government bean counter who produce nothing.

I agree, we should let some other country over run our land, lose our freedom and become slaves
. Awesome plan.

Who would invade us and why would they?
are you serious?
if so

WHO WOULD INVADE US AND WHY? Have you ever seen a foreign country invade a country with 300 million people with the having the most guns per capita?

Who fights wars with guns still. What are we gonna use our glocks and shotguns to stop an invading country with a military and WMD? We stick our chest out at the world because of our military.   

Ok and? Who do you think makes the fighter jets, tanks, drones, ect., the bueracracy called the United States military? The Defense Department? 
 The military contracts with private companies in order to produce the planes, guns, tanks, ect. You think if we didn't have a standing army that people from foeriegn countries would just try to come here and occupy 300 million people?
 You act like the United States is like Tibet or something. How's that war in Afghanistan going against people who live in caves and shacks with our big bad military technology?  Think man, think.
First off, we are not invading Afghanistan and are trying (notice I say trying) not to kill everyone. If a country trys to invade us there will be no one spared. How can you compare the war on Terror to a country trying to invade another country.

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by juggy4805

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by leothegod

Originally Posted by rashi

Why don't we just dissolve our government while we're at it.

what's a real job?

Produce something, be innovative.  Be produictive for society, not a talentless government bean counter who produce nothing.

I agree, we should let some other country over run our land, lose our freedom and become slaves
. Awesome plan.

Who would invade us and why would they?
are you serious?
if so

WHO WOULD INVADE US AND WHY? Have you ever seen a foreign country invade a country with 300 million people with the having the most guns per capita?

Who fights wars with guns still. What are we gonna use our glocks and shotguns to stop an invading country with a military and WMD? We stick our chest out at the world because of our military.   

Ok and? Who do you think makes the fighter jets, tanks, drones, ect., the bueracracy called the United States military? The Defense Department? 
 The military contracts with private companies in order to produce the planes, guns, tanks, ect. You think if we didn't have a standing army that people from foeriegn countries would just try to come here and occupy 300 million people?
 You act like the United States is like Tibet or something. How's that war in Afghanistan going against people who live in caves and shacks with our big bad military technology?  Think man, think.
First off, we are not invading Afghanistan and are trying (notice I say trying) not to kill everyone. If a country trys to invade us there will be no one spared. How can you compare the war on Terror to a country trying to invade another country.

I dont usually agree with rashi on most things but he has a point..........700 Billion dollars, thousands of troops overseas for NO reason (Japan, Germany, Vietnam), and we outsource most of the dirty work to private security firms who charge WAY more............. Armed Forces is way too big, you could literally balance the budget if you cut defense by 1/3......Its always unpopular but a lot of unpopular things have to be done to ever see progression.........
I dont usually agree with rashi on most things but he has a point..........700 Billion dollars, thousands of troops overseas for NO reason (Japan, Germany, Vietnam), and we outsource most of the dirty work to private security firms who charge WAY more............. Armed Forces is way too big, you could literally balance the budget if you cut defense by 1/3......Its always unpopular but a lot of unpopular things have to be done to ever see progression.........
trust me the govt is already trying to to kick tons of people out the military and trying to downsize the fleet. but just today in class they are teaching us of how other countries are pumping all kinds of money into their army,navy, airfoce. with that being said i cant see how we would be as effective if they downsized the military by a 1/3
trust me the govt is already trying to to kick tons of people out the military and trying to downsize the fleet. but just today in class they are teaching us of how other countries are pumping all kinds of money into their army,navy, airfoce. with that being said i cant see how we would be as effective if they downsized the military by a 1/3
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by rashi

Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.



By far the dumbest #$@$ I've read on NT.

Pretty much, i was
at the level of stupidity of that statement.
Originally Posted by DunkNForce

Originally Posted by i just got lucky

Originally Posted by rashi

Can we permantly fire these people and get rid of the military? People need to get a real job.



By far the dumbest #$@$ I've read on NT.

Pretty much, i was
at the level of stupidity of that statement.
Originally Posted by Ryda421

thank you president of socialism. everyday i grow more and more fond of moving to another country.

LOL? You do know this was backed by republicans also right?
Originally Posted by Ryda421

thank you president of socialism. everyday i grow more and more fond of moving to another country.

LOL? You do know this was backed by republicans also right?
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

LOL? You do know this was backed by republicans also right?
you do realize that republicans back this because government is too big to begin with and a way to trim the excess is to try and provide "incentives" like wage freezes to force people out ... when you are operating with 100 people and think you can do the same work with 50 people, you try to get those other 50 out as quickly as possible, by any means necessary ...
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

LOL? You do know this was backed by republicans also right?
you do realize that republicans back this because government is too big to begin with and a way to trim the excess is to try and provide "incentives" like wage freezes to force people out ... when you are operating with 100 people and think you can do the same work with 50 people, you try to get those other 50 out as quickly as possible, by any means necessary ...
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