Feeling lower than low

I was in the same position as you fam. I just kept my head up and told myself that its just a phase and it will pass with time, and you sure enough it did. Stay positive; its tough, but you'll pull through. 
Originally Posted by Flyest In The Hood

Originally Posted by seniosoul

look on the bright side... you have a computer

with internet access
unless he in a library, haha
rt:  %!+% facebook.  that ++$ is so fake.  people go hype over the stupidest stuff that don't mean anything.

you got fam, you got a girl, everything else is a luxury.  oh ya, get back in the gym, it's a natural source of endorphins, the stuff that makes you happy.
Originally Posted by prymone

Originally Posted by CaptainDreamcast

I think it's time for you to cop yourself a phat ole sack..

solves all of lifes problems imo
temporarily...until you wake up and have to deal with the same *#* the next day.. Then you gonna
again? I used to think that was solving my problems..But it really was just making me forget about them. Youth FTL
Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

just know that someone out there has it worse

that's the only thing keeping me sane and level headed, when I'm frustrated as heck...I always cross someone that has it worst than me....and I try to put myself in their shoes and I just start to thank the man above.

some things aren't even worth complaining over when you see a man in a wheel chair with no lower body...or some one that just lost a grand parent....
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

Originally Posted by gHeTtOnOyPi

Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

just know that someone out there has it worse

that's the only thing keeping me sane and level headed, when I'm frustrated as heck...I always cross someone that has it worst than me....and I try to put myself in their shoes and I just start to thank the man above.

some things aren't even worth complaining over when you see a man in a wheel chair with no lower body...or some one that just lost a grand parent....
true, we live in the land where we don't have to (really) worry about things that 90% of the rest of the world's population has too. 
Don't forget about that hot water you showered with this morning, the shelter and food in your kitchen, or even the freedom to speak your mind on this board. 

It's not like we've had to seriously wake up and wonder if we were going to live/die today. Imagine that kind of stress and anxiety, and then it finally happens. I couldn't begin to. 

I feel you OP though, I'm at this stage in my life where I'm questioning my own morales and wondering, if I'm really the kind of person I thought I was... or if I'm even close to the person I want to be. 

It feels like a lot of people this year have been going through a lot, but some simple words that my aunt always tells me... "this too shall pass" 

Everything passes... and everything you've been through someone else triumphed through. 

keep at it OP, I feel you. 
Same here bruh I've been down quite a while. Trust me your situation could be a lot worse. I believe we are not satisfied because we are not balling. Get a couple bills we cant pay and we get depressed. Redirect your focus, be patient, and make neccesary steps to achieve. You'll be where you need to be. I just laugh when my head gets bombarded with silly thoughts like that. I just view it as a temporary issue, and that type of emotion is a symbol for weakness.
Take this time to focus on YOU.
Don't fight it, just roll with it. It's not always a bad thing.
It may be a subconscious reaction/realization to your life.

Naturally, you're not gonna want to spend a lot of time with other people, and that can be a good thing.
Take that time to work, make some money, learn something you've always wanted to, pick up a new hobby,
write something, read some books, and just enjoy the peace and quiet in life that we all take for granted.

You'll feel on top of the world and have your #*%! together in no time, and people will notice the changes you've made in your life.
I hear ya OP...Just feel like that dark cloud is following me everywhere, raining on my "parade". Just wish things would fall into place...
Originally Posted by StreetPharmacist

just know that someone out there has it worse

This is why I'm rarely depressed, cause I literally laugh at the Ls I take no matter how bad. A starving kid in Africa is probably thinking i'm a little b****
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

i've taken on drinking for the very same reasons

WHen you say drinking you talking bout' alcohol?

If so I suggest you don't do that dirnking alcohol won't solve your problems it'll make it worse. Your health will get messed up you'll find yourself losing even more money spending it on alcohol , you'll also lose more friends because people will look at you as an alcoholic.You might get in a car drive drunk crash and die.You may even become suicidal from alcohol. You'll become dependent on alcohol which means you won't feel good without it and you'll drink even more until your liver and kidneys get destroyed. I had a uncle who turned to alcohol because of stress, and now he's in a coffin 6 feet deep in a graveyard. Take my advice you don't want to end up like that.

I drink alcohol on speacial occasions ONLY like New years, 4th of July, CHampionship games, and sometimes my b-day. 

SMH @ people who think Alcohol will make your problems better when the reality is your Life WILL BECOME WOSRE.

TruthGetsBusy wrote:
I've really reached an all-time low point in my life and I don't even know how this happened.�� It's like everything is going bad at once.� I'm really struggling with life and hope things can change for the better.� I keep trying the whole "keep your head up" and "stay positive" mentality but it's just like you set yourself up for disappointment.�

Alot of my problems are�directly correlated to money issues but not all of them.� The crazy part is I've always had friends that I could chill with�to take my mind off things but now I don't even have that.� It's natural as you get older to lose touch with friends but not people you once almost considered brothers. Also, talking to my girl isn't always the best thing either because�I don't want my vibe to bring her down. They say when it rains it pours and I guess that's true.� Even my family is having financial problems that we've never, ever had before.� I'm not depressed but I'm pretty damn close.� I don't even like going on facebook anymore because seeing other peoples joy, success, and happiness�is too much.� I feel like dude off Office Space when he said "when you see me it's the worst day of my life".� I try to think about the good things in life like having a family and being healthy but�it's not doing the trick.�

I've even lost my motivation to workout.

Since I barely have anyone to talk�to I figured I'd turn to a forum filled with complete strangers.....Can I get some words of advice?


Play a few quick pick Mega Millions tickets todayabout$2 - $3maybe you'll hit the $244,000,000.00 jackpot which is Tonight!!You know what they sayYa gotta be in it to win it!

(Hey if you decide to play and you actually win the Jackpot all I want is $1 Million dollars because I'm the one who suggested you play.)
(Hey if you decide to play and you actually win the Jackpot all I want is $1 Million dollars because I'm� the one who suggested you play.)
I'm not playing it.  And if I did you wouldn't get a cent.  I hate you.
Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

"Always look on the bright side of life"
Serious, OP. Today is my 18th birthday and i'm not too content with the progress in life, but i'm healthy and good. we've got a long time left
cmon bra

Word?? Me too!
Op u know anything about "The Secret"? Think about what u want, visualize and it will come. Release bad vibes, and bad will return. I dont know if it's actually proven as they say, but I can tell u from exper it works wonders.
having a positive attitude can change anything, it's hard to not let negativity run your life but stay positive. Easy steps like that can really change your life.
like my father always says : "Todo se acaba", everything ends, stay strong bro.
Originally Posted by Air ih Zona

"Always look on the bright side of life"
Serious, OP. Today is my 18th birthday and i'm not too content with the progress in life, but i'm healthy and good. we've got a long time left
cmon bra

Word?? Me too!
Op u know anything about "The Secret"? Think about what u want, visualize and it will come. Release bad vibes, and bad will return. I dont know if it's actually proven as they say, but I can tell u from exper it works wonders.
having a positive attitude can change anything, it's hard to not let negativity run your life but stay positive. Easy steps like that can really change your life.
like my father always says : "Todo se acaba", everything ends, stay strong bro.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

(Hey if you decide to play and you actually win the Jackpot all I want is $1 Million dollars because I'm� the one who suggested you play.)
I'm not playing it.  And if I did you wouldn't get a cent.  I hate you.

Negativity like this won't help you either. If you ain't in it, you sure not gonna win it . I mean you say you're having financial problems why not try to invest  $1 - $2 that would "potentially" win you MILLIONS.

I suggested you play you say you're not,  and you're telling me even fi you did and you won $244 Million dollars you wouldn't give me a cent?
WOw man thats pretty selfish, but thats okay i'll play the Mega Millions tonight, and if I win the jackpot EVERY Niketalk member get as $10,000.00 check  from me EXCEPT for you.

Since I barely have anyone to talk�to I figured I'd turn to a forum filled with complete strangers.....Can I get some words of advice?


Alright now I tried to give you some good advice but  you refused. If you're really feeling that lonely and down heres a better solution this one will definitely work.


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