Feeling lower than low

Originally Posted by hAzEee aNd sN3aKerS

Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

(Hey if you decide to play and you actually win the Jackpot all I want is $1 Million dollars because I'm� the one who suggested you play.)
I'm not playing it.  And if I did you wouldn't get a cent.  I hate you.

Negativity like this won't help you either. If you ain't in it, you sure not gonna win it . I mean you say you're having financial problems why not try to invest  $1 - $2 that would win you MILLIONS.

I suggested you play you say you're not,  and you're telling me even fi you did and you won $244 Million dollars you wouldn't give me a cent?
WOw man thats pretty selfish, but thats okay i'll play the Mega Millions tonight, and if I win the jackpot EVERY Niketalk member get as $10,000.00 check  from me EXCEPT for you.


$ 244,000,000 divided by $10,000 =  24,400

24,400 - 1 =  24,399 members that you will write checks to.

What about yourself?
Originally Posted by adiosburritos

at least you live in America and not in a third world country

*developing country. no one says 3rd world respectfully anymore.
And TGB,

sorry to hear your struggles man. you've helped me with a lot of girl issues, when i had em, but if you want to talk man, holla at me. things will get better. look into the law of attraction, you have to think positive for things to become positive. you have to go out there and search for something. if you're not getting your shot in the NBA, who says you have to follow formalities or reinvent the wheel? what's wrong with tring out for nbdl or even an international team.

p.s. im playing the lotto tomorrow, if i win, i'll slide you a mill 
At least you have a girl bruh. I just lost mine. Get some head or something. Jeeze.

You aren't going to start feeling better until you start looking at the positive things you have (and definitely DO HAVE) in your life. Listing all those problems in your life is just an invitation for yourself to constantly add onto that pile the whole time you sit there staring at it.

Never be scared of disappointment. Stop seeing them as inevitable outcomes, and if they do happen to result in an unfavorable way, accept them as lessons learned. You only get one chance at youth and the prime of your life. This isn't the time to be wasting it.

Enjoy what you have and what you get. Reality sucks, but at least your reality is leaps and bounds times better than a good portion of the world.
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by pjhoody

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

I'm in the same place as you op.

that drive through hell is hard, all you can do is put on some shades and keep rollin rollin rollin.

and I think OP is missing out on sharing some of the burden with his gf. I don't know what your relationship is like but she should be glad that you come to her to talk about your problems. Always better to share the pain/burden.

Naw we talked about stuff before.  but I'm not gonna be the Debbie Downer sad person around her because it's not going to help the situation. 
Wise choice.
Originally Posted by Mo Greene

i've taken on drinking for the very same reasons
I feel you on this man... Yeah, I know it's bad but it makes me forget my problems.. I don't know what I'm doing with my life..
How exactly is not having money holding you back from happiness? I mean do you have like 0 dollars, or do you not have enough money to obtain material things? Do you have kids?
I've been going through some really bad anxiety/depression lately.

My hands and feet go numb for no reason and I can't take a deep breath.

I feel like I have constant pressure on my chest and I've had little to no appetite.

I have this constant sense of dread and I feel like I miss everyone that I've ever met.

Feels bad man.
whats good OP.. I know your prolly tired of hearing the same thing, like keep your head up and eyes open, but just be a lil patient, and like other people say it could be worse

remember be thankful for the things you do have and not for the things you don't have..

real talk bro.. im kinda in the same situation, just remember things will/can only get better
OP I know how you bro. I used to be like that all the time till I realized no matter how bad I'm feeling, the world gonna keep spinning regardless. Nobody is gonna stop to help you make significant changes in your life for you, you got to do it yourself. Life is too short to be wasting your precious time depressed.
You set yourself up for failure because ypu tried to get in the NBA with that weak dunk video... What did you expect
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

You set yourself up for failure because ypu tried to get in the NBA with that weak dunk video... What did you expect


you lame cuz.
Like many others have said before, it's hard to be down on your life when you think about what you do have and how many others out there are worse off than yourself. I remember when I tore my knee up, got all depressed, and didn't want to do anything. But you wallow a little bit, change your attitude and perspective, and pick yourself up. There's always something to be thankful for and there's always someone who's worse off. I remember seeing this video when I was on crutches:

It shut me up quick. I was up and out of my pity party fast.
Money should never be the cause of any emotion. Do some meditating and self-reflecting and you'll be fine. Just learn how to appreciate those things in life that never leave you (trees, smiles, stars, etc.), unlike money.

Also, read Thoreau's Walden. It'll give you the perspective on life that you need at this particular moment.
Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

You set yourself up for failure because ypu tried to get in the NBA with that weak dunk video... What did you expect

I know I don't got a filter on my mouth sometimes but this was kind of out of place...dude was just looking for us to lift him up or atleast throw him some inspiring words.
OP be grateful and keep on moving brotha. life aint supposed to be easy, every struggle that you overcome can only make you stronger

"they one eyed man doesnt thank God until he sees a blind man"

"you should keep your eyes on the destination, not where you stumbled upon"
watch intervention on A&E...that is what I do whenever I feel down and out
 makes me feel a lot better about my situation or if I ever feel like I'm at rock bottom I just watch that show and I realize that I don't have it that bad. Or just think about your future and realize that you may not be where you want to be right now but in the future your life will be better as long as you have a vision and follow it. Don't let negative energy bind on to you. avoid it at all costs. 
Man be happy your family. Be happy to be alive. We as human beings dont appreciate what we have till its gone. It could always be worse trust me. Times like this determine what kind of man you will be, are you one who will sit back and sulk during adversity or one who take the adversity in their life and create bright opportunities.

I went through something like this. I lost my mom in November to cancer. Nothing was going right, but I realized the only person who could make it better was me. And that turned out to be true.
Originally Posted by IgnantBliss

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

You set yourself up for failure because ypu tried to get in the NBA with that weak dunk video... What did you expect

I know I don't got a filter on my mouth sometimes but this was kind of out of place...dude was just looking for us to lift him up or atleast throw him some inspiring words.

Truth, i apologize OP. Didnt seem as bad when i wrote it.
Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

How exactly is not having money holding you back from happiness? I mean do you have like 0 dollars, or do you not have enough money to obtain material things? Do you have kids?

Is that a serious question? Is that really written down in your notebook?

Son, I'm not upset that I can't cop the newest retros or a snapback.  I'm talking real life stuff.  So yeah money can dictate how happy one is.  
Originally Posted by TruthGetsBusy

Originally Posted by Classy Freshman

How exactly is not having money holding you back from happiness? I mean do you have like 0 dollars, or do you not have enough money to obtain material things? Do you have kids?

Is that a serious question? Is that really written down in your notebook?

Son, I'm not upset that I can't cop the newest retros or a snapback.  I'm talking real life stuff.  So yeah money can dictate how happy one is.  

Yea its a serious question. If it wasn't I would have asked it, and you didn't state specifically.

Now answer it.
You arent alone. Dont take all the burden yourself. 
On the other hand, keep plottin and thinking of ways of getting out of the funk youre in. It wont last forever..
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