Feeling Stagnant

May 20, 2013
Been feeling stagnant for a while now and want to do something about it. Was in the process of looking for a new job last year, but some major crises put that on hold. I rebounded, but the holidays were rough and I feel like I'm back at square one. It made me question where I even want to be in life as I'm in my mid-20s now and past those initial post-undergrad "entering the real world" years. I made it my goal to figure it all out this year.

After a stressful business cycle and not being any closer to answering those questions, I feel burnt out. I also realize I probably didn't take enough time to mourn/process/regroup from trauma last year and think it's weighing on me. A lot of what I had to deal with got internalized or swept under the rug as I tried to help others and not be a distraction. Each weekend I promise myself I'm going to do job apps, meditate and reflect, and read, but spend them with friends trying to have fun because I need something to look forward to that'll get me through how tedious work during the week has become.

I have some ideas of what I need to do: get a new job, meet some new people, and possibly move. Thing is I don't know if I should start with one at a time, like getting a job I'm more passionate about, and see if that "fixes" things or just blow all it all up and move to completely start a new life. Since my mentality's not in the best state I'm hesitant to make extreme changes like that, though a change of scenery (even if temporarily) could be what I need. Grad school could be an option if I want to stick it out and get the promotion at my current job...that's only if I really want to let things settle and take my time weighing my options before making a decision though.

What do you guys do when life gets stagnant? Is this just how life will continue to be as you get older? What should I do?
If I make it to 2021, I will be relocating and looking for a day job in banking. Not a long term career, but the experience will help my entrepreneurial endeavors.

Any NTers got the ATL hookup?
The reason why you're stagnant is because you're complacent which is the result of being comfortable.

You will learn a lot more about yourself by doing something challenging and getting out of your comfort zone.

There's a Ted talk by Bill Echram I believe where he discusses the theory of growth and "the growth rings". Check it out when you get a chance.
Been feeling stagnant for a while now and want to do something about it. Was in the process of looking for a new job last year, but some major crises put that on hold. I rebounded, but the holidays were rough and I feel like I'm back at square one. It made me question where I even want to be in life as I'm in my mid-20s now and past those initial post-undergrad "entering the real world" years. I made it my goal to figure it all out this year.

After a stressful business cycle and not being any closer to answering those questions, I feel burnt out. I also realize I probably didn't take enough time to mourn/process/regroup from trauma last year and think it's weighing on me. A lot of what I had to deal with got internalized or swept under the rug as I tried to help others and not be a distraction. Each weekend I promise myself I'm going to do job apps, meditate and reflect, and read, but spend them with friends trying to have fun because I need something to look forward to that'll get me through how tedious work during the week has become.

I have some ideas of what I need to do: get a new job, meet some new people, and possibly move. Thing is I don't know if I should start with one at a time, like getting a job I'm more passionate about, and see if that "fixes" things or just blow all it all up and move to completely start a new life. Since my mentality's not in the best state I'm hesitant to make extreme changes like that, though a change of scenery (even if temporarily) could be what I need. Grad school could be an option if I want to stick it out and get the promotion at my current job...that's only if I really want to let things settle and take my time weighing my options before making a decision though.

What do you guys do when life gets stagnant? Is this just how life will continue to be as you get older? What should I do?
These are your main problems. you should not complain about your situation if you are not being proactive about it. after work there is a 4-5 hour window where you can make small changes that will result in the change you want to become. if you are misusing that time, the problem lays in your hands. you should not feel down because you are not the only one and there are millions that feel this way.

i suggest starting with small goals and keeping yourself busy with minimal distraction. some of my most productive events have been when i close myself off and work on myself. mamba mentality.
Set a goal and shoot for that and then when you achieve that goal go for something else and etc. That's how you don't stay complacent or content.

Slow motion is still motion. You rather be that then dormant doing nothing.
I feel the same way OP.

was going to move to Korea this year but this coronavirus ****ed it all up
Are u gonna bunker down tho or are u still gonna be out on Candler Rd.
Been chillin with my cougar *** in the perimeter area, eatin good. She can’t get pregnant anymore so if we get locked in for a few days. I can shoot the club up with no worries. Been hittin it at least 3 times a day and eatin steak afterwards all week.


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Janet Jackson got pregnant at like 52 yrs old bruh

Been chillin with my cougar *** in the perimeter area, eatin good. She can’t get pregnant anymore so if we get locked in for a few days. I can shoot the club up with no worries. Been hittin it at least 3 times a day and eatin steak afterwards all week.
What's your day-to-day like OP?
Pre-corona it was:
Wake up at 6:40
Get home around 5:30

If I go hoop (2x on weekdays) get back around 8:30
Make dinner/eat/clean up and be done around 9:30
Video games for a half hour
Check social media for a half hour
Try and figure out what I should do to better my situation (more thinking, less action)/chores till bedtime around 11
Stay up till midnight or later because sleep schedule is messed up/can't fall asleep because I'm thinking

If I don't hoop then an hour nap since sleep schedule is messed up :smh:
Make dinner/eat/clean up and be done around 7:30
Video games for an hour
Check social media for a half hour
Try and figure out what I should do to better my situation (more thinking, less action)/chores till bedtime around 11
Stay up till midnight or later because sleep schedule is messed up/can't fall asleep because I'm thinking
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