Fellas Help me understand paying female rent

Sep 7, 2011
I have came across a few dudes, who pay a female rent every month just for sex. Somebody help me understand this. Some dudes goes to the point of dropping money in a female account almost weekly. How can dudes get brainwashed into doing such a crazy thing?  Let's discuss this NikeTalk
if i could find a female who would have sex with me if i payed the rent.... i probably would
forever alone
Nothing to understand. They get their penis wet so they reward the woman for rewarding them. As long as you view sex as a reward you will always be a slave of it. They don't know any better man, it isn't their fault. Their father didn't teach them any better. I feel sorry for them to be honest man.

Then they will somehow rationalize it as them having respect for women but they don't know that the woman is laughing them out.

Give me the facebook names of these dudes so I can send them a message telling them that they are idiots. Please, I have an alias name on FB so they won't know who I am nor will they be able to trace it back to NT
I never understood this either. Must be out of your mind if you think im paying for your rent in return for sex.
Originally Posted by EcruteakCityBoy

if i could find a female who would have sex with me if i payed the rent.... i probably would
forever alone

You're better than this man, You are a catch to women not the other way around.
paying rent for vagina, didn't know people actually do this. It's worst than paying an escort for a one time thing.
If i'm paying some chick's rent I better get free cable and home cooked meals.
Simpin' is VERY easy to these dudes.

But in an era where dudes are wifing up strippers, impregnating porn stars, & buying prostitutes/escorts off of craigslist, this isn't shocking at all.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

As long as you view sex as a reward you will always be a slave of it. 
Just came in here to quote this.  Prolly the most real life thing I've ever heard on NT.  Listen up..  
If she accepts rent money for sex then she will do about anything for bread...smh.
Helping your girlfriend cover her rent is a nice gesture, paying sOme random JO's rent so that when you are not there she has the next dude over is straight wreckless z
never paying for {}
if you cant talk a girl out her panties & your over 22 you aint +$%%
He wants something and she wants something. Its money in exchange for services. Its all about how you veiw sex. Me personally if I'm paying her rent for sex. I want it on DEMAND. I mean its 1 a.m and I wanna bust a nut she better be awake and ready by the time I get there.
I know it's hard for some of you guys to realize this since I know a majority here aren't making 6-7 figures annually... but dudes with mad income don't even think twice about paying a 2,3,4,5 grand a month for their side piece's rent.  Dudes are tired of checking in at hotels and just want to roll to the JO's crib, pop a beer open and get pleasured by these women.  
Originally Posted by ksteezy

Helping your girlfriend cover her rent is a nice gesture, paying sOme random JO's rent so that when you are not there she has the next dude over is straight wreckless z

Yea if you live with her maybe. But offering $ for the sake of paying rent since she is your girl? Really?
Athletes/rappers/entertainers do this all day every day...

why wouldn't a regular guy?

ya'll scream dates are paying for box so why not just work it out up front?

cut all the BS you get what you want she gets what she wants...

maybe its that good
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