FEMA Camps becoming a reality?

Originally Posted by Mario1985

You need the blueprint to the underground cities that run across America

If you have overreacted to OP...yes, indeed, you are actually overreacting, because if you've paid attention to the language politicians have adopted when talking about things like homeland security then you know better than to be shocked by OPs sloppy way of presenting this. But hey, it's NT...we're not journalists. So yeah, quote this and type out "RIP" a few times for laughs instead of actually discussing things in-depth, because we're all minorities and we're expected to cling to conspiracy theories and BS.
i think theres a huge tunnel spanning across the country and underground bunkers. denver international airport is probably an underground base for them. runway shaped like a swastika?

this is better than the FEMA camps:
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

 This country is finished.. I can't wait to leave this @%+%*

I'm stepping my language skills up... I would love to leave as well
Originally Posted by Lebronh8er

All this info has been out there for a while now, we the US are just now waking up to what has been going on. Scary ideas that being passed around at the top, many places to read and post on this and related subjects, not sure if NT is one of them. Stick to the shoes and art 

Preach. I study history and the government everyday. The End Game is not pretty. Soon to pass will be the elitists taking away our right to bare arms. That's the day our country will wake up because we will once again need to fight for our freedom, our bill of rights and keeping the constitution alive.

All of this is real and its happening now. Another war, detention camps for u.s. citizens.

I laugh at the people that drank the Obama Kool-Aid. They obviously didn't know politics. Look at the people in his administration, same people as Bush' administration, Clinton etc etc.
Ron Paul is our only hope and unfortunetley, even if elected, if he is not assassinated, the powers at be still won't let him defend our constitutional rights.

My advice, prepare for the worse and spread awareness on the way there. Even if 1% of us were to fight against the global elite, we would win and keep our bill of rights alive.

Edit: OP, you forgot to mention the Drones that are now legal to float around in the U.S.
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

Originally Posted by Lebronh8er

All this info has been out there for a while now, we the US are just now waking up to what has been going on. Scary ideas that being passed around at the top, many places to read and post on this and related subjects, not sure if NT is one of them. Stick to the shoes and art 

Preach. I study history and the government everyday. The End Game is not pretty. Soon to pass will be the elitists taking away our right to bare arms. That's the day our country will wake up because we will once again need to fight for our freedom, our bill of rights and keeping the constitution alive.

All of this is real and its happening now. Another war, detention camps for u.s. citizens.

I laugh at the people that drank the Obama Kool-Aid. They obviously didn't know politics. Look at the people in his administration, same people as Bush' administration, Clinton etc etc.
Ron Paul is our only hope and unfortunetley, even if elected, if he is not assassinated, the powers at be still won't let him defend our constitutional rights.

My advice, prepare for the worse and spread awareness on the way there. Even if 1% of us were to fight against the global elite, we would win and keep our bill of rights alive.

Edit: OP, you forgot to mention the Drones that are now legal to float around in the U.S.
 Yeah man... like the former Secretary of Defense...Robert Gates.  It's like Bush never left! Same Bush era tax cuts. Same Bush wars. Same everything!  

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

yeah denver international is freaky.

definitely freaky.

read up on that.
I must admit I've been sleeping on this. Any good sources?
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

Originally Posted by Lebronh8er

All this info has been out there for a while now, we the US are just now waking up to what has been going on. Scary ideas that being passed around at the top, many places to read and post on this and related subjects, not sure if NT is one of them. Stick to the shoes and art 

Preach. I study history and the government everyday. The End Game is not pretty. Soon to pass will be the elitists taking away our right to bare arms. That's the day our country will wake up because we will once again need to fight for our freedom, our bill of rights and keeping the constitution alive.

All of this is real and its happening now. Another war, detention camps for u.s. citizens.

I laugh at the people that drank the Obama Kool-Aid. They obviously didn't know politics. Look at the people in his administration, same people as Bush' administration, Clinton etc etc.
Ron Paul is our only hope and unfortunetley, even if elected, if he is not assassinated, the powers at be still won't let him defend our constitutional rights.

My advice, prepare for the worse and spread awareness on the way there. Even if 1% of us were to fight against the global elite, we would win and keep our bill of rights alive.

Edit: OP, you forgot to mention the Drones that are now legal to float around in the U.S.

So you are gonna go ahead and drink the ron paul kool-aid?  Think it over.
Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

Edit: OP, you forgot to mention the Drones that are now legal to float around in the U.S.

I don't know what you're talking about, Info?
The huge tunnel is for military transportation purposes. All of this info is out there in broad day light. People just have no foresight.
Originally Posted by BronLe

Originally Posted by TheFoteenth

Edit: OP, you forgot to mention the Drones that are now legal to float around in the U.S.

I don't know what you're talking about, Info?

cosign, last I heard is that it is staying federally illegal and will be regulated to testing on private air property.
Originally Posted by buggz05

The huge tunnel is for military transportation purposes. All of this info is out there in broad day light. People just have no foresight.

today people learn about whats going on throught the news media which usually alters the truth or just doesnt report it. its one of the reasons while people are not aware of whats going on. we are spoon fed with all these bs news stories and its easy for people to digest it. if people actually searched for whats going on and chased after the truth society would be much better off , but unfortunately we all just accept whats told to us on tv

From the Denver Airport thing...

How does a burning city, and dead children = Peace and Harmony With Nature, as described by its official description

That's *%%### up beyond words...
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