FEMA Camps becoming a reality?

Originally Posted by odog24

Originally Posted by buggz05

The huge tunnel is for military transportation purposes. All of this info is out there in broad day light. People just have no foresight.

today people learn about whats going on throught the news media which usually alters the truth or just doesnt report it. its one of the reasons while people are not aware of whats going on. we are spoon fed with all these bs news stories and its easy for people to digest it. if people actually searched for whats going on and chased after the truth society would be much better off , but unfortunately we all just accept whats told to us on tv
This is why we have to fight for freedom of information and net neutrality. And best believe, all of my facebook friends know how I feel about corporate media. I point out the media blackouts every chance I get.
Im not worried about it....these are times of change..if you worried its because there is something in your own conscious. that has you worried...I look at these difficult times as an opportunity to rise up.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by finnns2003

I must admit I've been sleeping on this. Any good sources?


That site also has other interesting articles.
That is some freaky stuff. What's with those murals

vigilantcitizen is weird.

their music entries are completely stupid...baseless and moronic (i trolled his umbrella post)

but their peices on buildings are

check the european EU building....it looks like the tower of babel...

they took like 10 times the amount of dirt out of the area than the public blueprints call for

those murals are super freaky

they got freemason time capsules in the lobby


also, those murals were comissioned...i.e. they paid a specific artist to specifically paint those images.
So the 500,000 plastic coffins located outside of Atlanta is real. With the capacity to hold four people.

I ain't mad...some dudes need to be put in a camp though.
FrankMatthews wrote:

So you are gonna go ahead and drink the ron paul kool-aid?  Think it over.

Not the same Kool-Aid my friend.
Look at Obamas presidential campaign in 08' and who funded it, look at the people around him then and now. 

Then look at Ron Pauls. Do some research. 
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