Female NT opinion... guys also feel free to chime in.

Apr 8, 2006
Aside from "sensitive" "sense of humor" "wit" and bank flow... what is the quintessential aspect to a male being attractive?

I've found that no matter how great of style you have, it won't suffice.
I've found that no matter how much confidence you have, it won't suffice.

Is it big arms? height? smile?
Why dont you just ask "where the Holy Grail is"?

Different chicks like different kind of attributes.
There's no proper formula. Some guys just have it, some don't.

I just like a guy to be himself. If 'himself' is appealing then...that's it. It's easy to see when a guy is trying too hard to be whatever.Confidence is a must but there's a fine line between confident and just coming on too strong and laying on too thick.

Honestly, physical attraction is important but at the end of the day if there's nothing else there then it doesn't really matter.
chemistry. you can be "perfect", but if you are not perfect for each other, if your personalities don't coincide, then it's really a no go.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

chemistry. you can be "perfect", but if you are not perfect for each other, if your personalities don't coincide, then it's really a no go.

this. I'll let %!+! on my "list" slide if he's a good dude and we get along great. I love tall guys tho. They always catch my eye andI'll give them a small pass even if they aren't that cute if they are tall.
Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

chemistry. you can be "perfect", but if you are not perfect for each other, if your personalities don't coincide, then it's really a no go.
TRUTH. it's a weird thing when you experience it though.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

chemistry. you can be "perfect", but if you are not perfect for each other, if your personalities don't coincide, then it's really a no go.

this. I'll let %!+! on my "list" slide if he's a good dude and we get along great. I love tall guys tho. They always catch my eye and I'll give them a small pass even if they aren't that cute if they are tall.
Yeah, that's basically it.

However, I can't find a tall guy to save my life.
They all want the ankle biters.
If I could find a nice tree that I clicked with, life could begrand.
4'11 and a half. Everywhere some think I'm underage at first. Dude over the weekend said I looked 17. I'm 22.
*cough* *cough* 6 ft 5 here .....

No thread jack, but its pretty much like these ladies have said ... Just depends on the preference of the lady and your preference as well.

This question you present is quite general ...
If you're talking about just off first meetings alone than what you posted should be enough unless there is no chemistry.
When it comes to dating though...character counts.
Ayo real talk. Physically im not the ideal man for no female. Im 5'10 amd chubby and not a pretty boy, but somehow im able to bag up females. I reallythink its cause of my personality. Im a funny dude in person and i can hold down a convo. The older females get the less they care about the physical.(unlessyour a black girl)
Originally Posted by akuratl02

Why dont you just ask "where the Holy Grail is"?

Different chicks like different kind of attributes.
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