Female NTers Appreciation.. Vol..??

Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

I thought this was suppose to be a HAPPY thread


#&@^ outta here wit that teletubby ishhh...

Bring the drama and the beef...

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

I thought this was suppose to be a HAPPY thread

NT thrives off drama and scandal. I knew it would get to this
hence why you keep comin back.
did you get some new, clean socks?
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

^ thats Mabel. Kingcrux smashed, according to the canadian wall street journal
To the dude in your avatar: "Bro, why you breathing so hard?"
Originally Posted by I Make My Own Path

Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive


i hate how hooters has started allowing girls who dont have at least Ds to work there.

But I'm appreciating the influx of females whose @%! cheeks hang out the shorts at the Hooters around here...
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by I Make My Own Path

ElCubanoDel510 wrote:
thytkerjobs wrote:
smh at people comin from twitter. i blame people like "@niketalkgeneral" "@niketalkreject" etc

smh at them putting niketalk in their sn...complete disregard for rule #1.
Rule #1 is voided if it is used to bring women on board.
no it is not voided. people need to learn the social rules & regulations of NT before you come on here
all these twitter broads dont know how to do these things. just like that stank broad katiejayde/hersole

and has it ever been confirmed that her sole is even a female? meagavelli, where you at with the verdict??

also, i'd rather have less females on the board than have it flooded with attention ***** females.
that's what I'm saying---we was gettin' that even BEFORE twitter jumped off like that....

bottom line, NT needs a better class of female posters.
This thread is mad whack. Where are the pics? And why is I Drink Your Milkshake even posting? Ol' Girl hasnt shown her face in ages. Even Cookie manages topost pics, even though we all have her "get it crackin" pics FTP'ing from Dom and Ben Baller's hard drive

Im just playing ladies. I love you all
For real doe where da pics at?

-The Juice
thytker ain't lying...we all see it.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by DMan14

appreciate the ladies that actually post and contribute in other threads besides the PYP. ya know who you are.

some come in here only to get gassed up...
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Wow I can already tell this chick is going to be annoying.

Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

I thought this was suppose to be a HAPPY thread
Any thread about NT females never ends happy...
Shout out to my homies:

Fade on you lol
VA sole
lovemysole....coolest asian chic i know

few more i can't think of.

o and the mod female.... from texas, damn cant think..
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by KatieJade4

Originally Posted by SaywhatYawant

I thought this was suppose to be a HAPPY thread

NT thrives off drama and scandal. I knew it would get to this
hence why you keep comin back.
did you get some new, clean socks?
why i spit out that water on the clean socks comment
NT, wanna pitch in and buy her some clean ones?
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