Females 'bagging' dudes?

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

you playing the game wrong. NEVER ask for a girls number. you need to give her yours. when your calling/textin a girl, it puts you at a disadvantage when you're the one looking for her because she has all the power instead of the other way around.

Carry a business card on you at all times with your cell phone number and INSTRUCT them to call/text you. if shes coming at you with 100% cooperation, that means shes feeling you 100% & it becomes that much easier to close the deal since shes now looking for you. When i do this, girls knows the only way they can ever get in contact with me again is if she hits me up since i purposely didn't get her number. if she doesn't respond she probably has a boyfriend.

girls will give out their number even if they aint feelin you because they wanna boost their ego. they like the feeling of guys sweating them & feeling wanted. when you call/text a girl constantly & shes not being receptive, you become nothing more than a bug a boo & you're that guy shes always clowin on when she tells her girlfriends "ohh this guys annoying he won't stop calling me"

you never chase a girl. thats old fashion & nobody does that except losers that have no game. you have to understand that you must be CHOSEN. a woman must CHOOSE you, not the other way around. Always remember you have to keep on campaigning till you get elected. Stay confident & the girls will come.

i'm sorry but that advice is completely impractical. most women will shy away from chasing guys because they're not used to doing it and it would make them uncomfortable.

besides, that seems kind of cowardly to me and does not project confidence. a confident man would take it upon himself to make the girl at ease by making the first move and doing the talking. you're the man, so you call her and you tell her "hey, this is ____, do you want to do ____ on ____"... you don't sit there and wait for her to call you, if she does at all. you talk to her on your own terms, not the other way around.

What sounds more confident to you?

so can I get your number?


You should hit me up later, here take my number.

This may sound DCesque but
suggesting > asking, in terms of displaying confidence.
Y'all *$!*%! lying like *+%+

All you smegal faced hermit type bastards in here talking all this BS. Let's be serious here.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

you playing the game wrong. NEVER ask for a girls number. you need to give her yours. when your calling/textin a girl, it puts you at a disadvantage when you're the one looking for her because she has all the power instead of the other way around.

Carry a business card on you at all times with your cell phone number and INSTRUCT them to call/text you. if shes coming at you with 100% cooperation, that means shes feeling you 100% & it becomes that much easier to close the deal since shes now looking for you. When i do this, girls knows the only way they can ever get in contact with me again is if she hits me up since i purposely didn't get her number. if she doesn't respond she probably has a boyfriend.

girls will give out their number even if they aint feelin you because they wanna boost their ego. they like the feeling of guys sweating them & feeling wanted. when you call/text a girl constantly & shes not being receptive, you become nothing more than a bug a boo & you're that guy shes always clowin on when she tells her girlfriends "ohh this guys annoying he won't stop calling me"

you never chase a girl. thats old fashion & nobody does that except losers that have no game. you have to understand that you must be CHOSEN. a woman must CHOOSE you, not the other way around. Always remember you have to keep on campaigning till you get elected. Stay confident & the girls will come.

i'm sorry but that advice is completely impractical. most women will shy away from chasing guys because they're not used to doing it and it would make them uncomfortable.

besides, that seems kind of cowardly to me and does not project confidence. a confident man would take it upon himself to make the girl at ease by making the first move and doing the talking. you're the man, so you call her and you tell her "hey, this is ____, do you want to do ____ on ____"... you don't sit there and wait for her to call you, if she does at all. you talk to her on your own terms, not the other way around.
What sounds more confident to you?

so can I get your number?


You should hit me up later, here take my number.

This may sound DCesque but
suggesting > asking, in terms of displaying confidence.

actions speak louder than words. which is a more confident ACTION?:

-getting a girl's number and calling her when you've decided that you want to make plans.

-giving a girl your number and hoping that she remembers to call you, knowing that if she does it will be on her terms and not yours.

you tell me which projects more confidence.
Ehhhh, there is no right or wrong w/ the whole number exchanging deal.

The initial contact angle don't really matter anyways, it's about what happens AFTER that.

If you can't wrap her up/bag her it don't matter if she called you first or you called her first.

Man, I swear people put too much thought into these types of situations. All that thinking for what. Who gave who the number first isn't going to changethe ultimate success (or lack their of) of the courtship.
Originally Posted by ninjahood

matta fact, i can safely say NYC cats in other cities >* when

it comes to shorties just going up and sayin wats on they mind.


but on topic, chea that does wonders for a guys ego... if they're comfortable with their manhood.

when it happens to me, i consider myself a confident semi-good looking guy, it normally goes;
she comes up to me asking me if i'm mixed (light skinned ftw) while staring at, then eventually, touching my hair, comes up to me cheesing extra hard,starts convo then grabs my beard (its the longest its ever been and the majority of youngins are feelin it coupled wit the babyface
) or ifi'm actually inside the club just start backin it the uff up when i'm in the vicinity

the common denominator in all of this though is that you gotta have something that sets you apart from every other bamma for them to come up to you. being"fresh" isn't enough anymore. but all in all, it depends on the female and her personality if she will come up to you cause not every joint hasit in them.

dictated, not read, by Pusha C

Originally Posted by illwill8710

Love it. Shows that the female knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it.

i had some pretty bad females "bag" me

it be unexpected also
like oh whoa i never would of thought

i never text em or call em tho lol

i always get that " how comes u dont ever text me "

thats when i know game over

plus lets me know she might really be that into me & could take it to the next step

instead of me chasing a female who wouldn't care two damns

& hit me up when the one word replys
Originally Posted by dreClark

Ehhhh, there is no right or wrong w/ the whole number exchanging deal.

The initial contact angle don't really matter anyways, it's about what happens AFTER that.

If you can't wrap her up/bag her it don't matter if she called you first or you called her first.

Man, I swear people put too much thought into these types of situations. All that thinking for what. Who gave who the number first isn't going to change the ultimate success (or lack their of) of the courtship.
this is true.. but the only reason why it matters is bc some chicks might not even call you in the first place.

if you get the girls number, you know that you at least have a chance to spit some game. if you only give her your number, there's a chance that shewon't call and you'll never talk to her again. i'd rather know i'm in the driver's seat.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

you playing the game wrong. NEVER ask for a girls number. you need to give her yours. when your calling/textin a girl, it puts you at a disadvantage when you're the one looking for her because she has all the power instead of the other way around.

Carry a business card on you at all times with your cell phone number and INSTRUCT them to call/text you. if shes coming at you with 100% cooperation, that means shes feeling you 100% & it becomes that much easier to close the deal since shes now looking for you. When i do this, girls knows the only way they can ever get in contact with me again is if she hits me up since i purposely didn't get her number. if she doesn't respond she probably has a boyfriend.

girls will give out their number even if they aint feelin you because they wanna boost their ego. they like the feeling of guys sweating them & feeling wanted. when you call/text a girl constantly & shes not being receptive, you become nothing more than a bug a boo & you're that guy shes always clowin on when she tells her girlfriends "ohh this guys annoying he won't stop calling me"

you never chase a girl. thats old fashion & nobody does that except losers that have no game. you have to understand that you must be CHOSEN. a woman must CHOOSE you, not the other way around. Always remember you have to keep on campaigning till you get elected. Stay confident & the girls will come.

i'm sorry but that advice is completely impractical. most women will shy away from chasing guys because they're not used to doing it and it would make them uncomfortable.

besides, that seems kind of cowardly to me and does not project confidence. a confident man would take it upon himself to make the girl at ease by making the first move and doing the talking. you're the man, so you call her and you tell her "hey, this is ____, do you want to do ____ on ____"... you don't sit there and wait for her to call you, if she does at all. you talk to her on your own terms, not the other way around.

Im w/ you. The only way anyone gets the "upperhand" if if you let them dictate how you feel about the situation. If you get hernumber, call her, and she doesn't call back, oh well you didn't waste THAT much time. If she takes your number and never calls, its the exact samescenario. The only thing that changes is how you feel about it. Too many games being played. Just be upfront and chill out w/ all this "upperhand"talk lol.
so can I get your number?


You should hit me up later, here take my number.

As a female they sound the same, it's not in the words, it's in the delivery. Either way I know ur interested in at least talking. Doesn't matterif u ask for my number or suggest I take yours. I dont give out my number very often anyway, so even if u ask I'll probably ask to take yours lol.
If you can't wrap her up/bag her it don't matter if she called you first or you called her first.

Man, I swear people put too much thought into these types of situations. All that thinking for what. Who gave who the number first isn't going to change the ultimate success (or lack their of) of the courtship.

Man, if a chick gets at me with thirsty eyes, flirting and whatnot. There is only one thing I am thinking of, "When am I going to smash".

All this over thinking is ridiculous, stop rubbing your ego and get at the chick if you want her.
I'm 50/50. I don't feel like explain though.

...Hos aint got no game tho. lol, if it wasn't for the P, a vast majority of y'all would be assed out.
Never had a female bag me LOL. (Que NT's you must be ugly, swagless, blah blah blah, ect. )
Originally Posted by FromThaTown

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Leebuttahz

when Im in this situation its usually a beastly homely female.

dude said beastly though. Man to be honest, I let females know from jump if they looking like farooq I am doing the mark Ingram on em.

But I've been "bagged" by a couple of women. I remember 3 instances that made it feel weird, but I'll tell you 2. The first time a girl try to bag me was on my homegirl's birthday, in High School. I was just having a blast with this one 1 Chinese chick, and then she started talking about porn, and how she's never seen it. It caught me off guard a bit, but I went to karaoke with her and got my feels on, but I turned her down for Junior prom because she was so aggressive. Boy, was I slow in high school with girls, that was a guarantee smash.

And the 2nd instance was in the parking lot, at a Safeway grocery store, at 1:00 in the morning. This beautiful Ethiopian chick, with a nice waist in denim jeans busted out, "Hey can I holla at you for a minute?" But she sounded like a dude, not in the sense of her voice, but like her approach. It was something a dude would say to a girl outside the club, while drunk. So I said, "What's up?" because she was standing by her friends and inching closer. Girl was bold. She walked over to me and grab my arms and wrapped it around her waist. You know I had to slide my hands down a tad bit to see how soft she was. We exchange numbers, and then I went in, to get my groceries, but before I could leave, she just grab a handful of my butt, and gave a me a slick wink. Never in my life, have I ever felt so violated and used.

Overall though, I have no problem with a woman asking for my number. It's actually cute, seeing her beat around the bush, when you know she wants to get to know you right off the bat.

That second chick was probably playing games with you
. I swear to god that sounds like a dare, she was with her friends Check, she said "can I hollaat you" check, grabbed your arm and put it around her waist check, and she grabbed your butt? Don't mean to lower your confidence but @$@*# wasprobably talking to her girls about how guys try to pick her up and wanted to see if it would work on men Hahaha. I remember in High school when one girl didthe butt touching thing to me and she was with her friend, it's for show dude like how they kiss each other and jump up on bar tables and start dancing.
true story, I actually went in for the bag but somehow the game turned around and got bagged instead. She's a hostess at this lounge/restaurant so I knowshe gets all the attention. Shorty was the finest specimen I laid eyes on.. on some sober ishh too. I told myself F this, I probably wont see her again so Igave it a shot. Approached her, said wsup.. make the long convo short, I asked for her number before I left.. and she pulls the "Lemme have yoursinstead." At this point I'm thinkin to myself, great.. she aint callin me. Next morning, I get a text.. "it was nice meeting you Steven.. whenwill you be in the city again?" 4 months down the road.. she's now my gf.
It happens to me a lot more now than before I got married. As I got more serious with my wife (then girlfriend), the more the ladies started tryin' to getat me. I'm an average lookin' guy, but my personality makes up for any physical or visual shortcomings that some may say that I have, so that probablyplays in to it too. But even now it is still appreciated. Whats even funnier is they'll be talkin all friendly to me and i'll make a move with my lefthand to draw attention to my wedding ring, and they will say something like....damn...you're married? LOL
It happens to me a lot more now than before I got married. As I got more serious with my wife (then girlfriend), the more the ladies started tryin' to getat me. I'm an average lookin' guy, but my personality makes up for any physical or visual shortcomings that some may say that I have, so that probablyplays in to it too. But even now it is still appreciated. Whats even funnier is they'll be talkin all friendly to me and i'll make a move with my lefthand to draw attention to my wedding ring, and they will say something like....damn...you're married? LOL
Originally Posted by gabbyflo

I never have, not that I'm against it though, I've just always seemed to let my shyness get the best of me.
Same here.
I don't I ever will take that approach in the future. It also seems like risky business (for a youngin' like me of course).
Originally Posted by flyscience

true story, I actually went in for the bag but somehow the game turned around and got bagged instead. She's a hostess at this lounge/restaurant so I know she gets all the attention. Shorty was the finest specimen I laid eyes on.. on some sober ishh too. I told myself F this, I probably wont see her again so I gave it a shot. Approached her, said wsup.. make the long convo short, I asked for her number before I left.. and she pulls the "Lemme have yours instead." At this point I'm thinkin to myself, great.. she aint callin me. Next morning, I get a text.. "it was nice meeting you Steven.. when will you be in the city again?" 4 months down the road.. she's now my gf.
You put a little tear in my eye

I've never really been bagged by a female.. but I would play it cool and right so she had the perfect chance to ask for it
Originally Posted by ninjahood

atlanta chicks are notorious for actually goin up to guys and hollain' it to em...cuz da girl to guy ratio is SO bad if u a decent lookin cat

they definitely chompin at da bits.

I ain't mad at 'em, though.
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