Females drinking beer...vol Not ladylike or Not a big deal?

I loove beer.
but not the extra weight its putting on me
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

how does everything turn to race on NT lol.

no clue but the topic of the thread its the first thing i thought about.

i mean some people in here DO agree with me. my sister and all her friends drink, they all did universities..............white chicks for the most part drink diff than minority chicks.

FROM what ive seen.

just like ive known plenty white folks smoke weed out of bongs.bowls and minorities roll up a dutch.

just speakin on things ive witness cuz i chill with all sorts.
This I have noticed, but never understood. It all achieves the same effect...
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by HOVKid

I would rather date a girl that drank beer than a girl that wore sneakers.

I college all sorority chicks drank beer.

wait, what??

Its true though.

If Im at a party and I see one chick wearing some heels and holdin a beer, while I see another drinking soome goose and wearing some 95s...Id much rather try to kick it with the one in the heels.
The girl in the 95's is gonna give it up quicker
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Thats ignorance right there. I dont know if I could be with a girl that didnt drink beer. I mean as long as she isnt doing kegstands on a wed night or drinking beer by the pitcher, its all good. Beer is not a low class alcoholic beverage, and hell, all alcohol has empty calories.

my girl loves to drink

but its patron, bacardi, margaritas, ice teas etc

matter fact seems like that with most mamis and black chicks ive known, only white chicks go hard with beer
Bold = Funny my friend and I were just having this talk yesterday and I didnt' really agree with him but it must be some truth to it.
Originally Posted by Quig707

Originally Posted by Al Audi

thytkerjobs wrote:

how does everything turn to race on NT lol.

no clue but the topic of the thread its the first thing i thought about.

i mean some people in here DO agree with me. my sister and all her friends drink, they all did universities..............white chicks for the most part
drink diff than minority chicks.

FROM what ive seen.

just like ive known plenty white folks smoke weed out of bongs.bowls and minorities roll up a dutch.

just speakin on things ive witness cuz i chill with all sorts.
This I have noticed, but never understood. It all achieves the same effect...

only a newbie wouldnt be able to tell the difference.
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

i have to agree with the wht/blk thing from what ive seen...

its cool tho...white kids were the most generous with anything they had to drink...they just want everyone to have a good time...
i've been at the bar and strangers have bought drinks cuz it was my birthday and they just wanted to be nice...sat down and talked to the whole crew...



mean while ive seen cats fight over who bought what or somebody drank it all

word...with black people if you didn't put in you not gettin any...its not a big deal now but when we were under 21 hell yeah it was a big deal...
thats why i like partying with white ppl..they just mad chill bout errything..and being a black guy is always a plus..drunk snowbunniesgalore

but with black ppl
..I cant remember the last time I partied with them and the night didnt end in violence
Are you kidding me?
we can't even knock back a damned beer?
Even though I lost my taste for it after graduating high school
there is nothingwrong with a cold beer. It's the soda of the alcohol world.
Nawth21 wrote:
Are you kidding me?
we can't even knock back a damned beer?
Even though I lost my taste for it after graduating high school
there is nothing wrong with a cold beer. It's the soda of the alcohol world.

I was thinking that, it is basically like soda. The only thing unladylike about beer is the way it can cause belching but girls that I drink beer with tend todrink it slowly enough to not belch.

Beer is good if it is not the low quality crap and just like wine, men and women can get a palette for it and start to enjoy the various combinations of maltedbarley and the infinite variety afforded by hops.

Also a little fact for people interested in the history of beer, in the Middle Ages, women did almost all of the beer brewing in both the cities and in on apart time basis in villages. Also, because beer was not refrigerated it needed to be consumed within a few days of its being ready to drink so the tavern wasoriginally whoever's house had the open barrel of beer and everyone could come over and get drunk and households rotated who would brew up a barrel.
All the girls I know drink and enjoy beer. I don't know what the OP is talking about.
Originally Posted by angrypork

I guess OP didn't go to college.
Has nothing to do w/anything...

Did I say I had a problem w/it? I simply posted a discussion I had w/a female co-worker

I don't see anything wrong w/a female drinking an occasional beer
Just make sure you're you in the gym to burn that crap off.

There are some girls around here that let themselves go by playing beer pong/flip cup.

I'm saying Damn...
Not a big deal, if she's chill, and is enjoying herself, all to the good!!
Big deal, if she's doing keg stands, she can find a ride home.
thats why i like partying with white ppl..they just mad chill bout errything..and being a black guy is always a plus..drunk snowbunnies galore

but with black ppl
..I cant remember the last time I partied with them and the night didnt end in violence
My girl drinks coronas when we go out, most dominican women do and they look sexy at it.
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