Females drinking beer...vol Not ladylike or Not a big deal?

Originally Posted by ksteezy

My girl drinks coronas when we go out, most dominican women do and they look sexy at it.
Does she also put salt in it?
I went out w/some Dominican female co-workers and they poured salt in it...
IdK if this is a Dominican thing or just HER thing...
Originally Posted by Al Audi

white women love beer

funny but true.....I kinda like it, especially if she is willing tobuy.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

thats why i like partying with white ppl..they just mad chill bout
errything..and being a black guy is always a plus..drunk snowbunnies

but with black ppl
..I cant remember the last time I partied with them and the night didnt end in violence

He lightweight got a point tho
I would love it if my girl drank more beer actually. Plus any party you go to will be mostly beer so she needs to adapt.
My wife is half Chinese/half German, and she can outdrink most guys I know when it comes to beer. When we go out to dinner and we we each get a beer, she'salways done with hers before I'm done with mine.

She blacks out when she drinks hard liquor though.

I don't think it makes her any less lady like, if anything I could just see guys not being comfortable with their masculinity when a woman can outdrinkthem.
I didn't read all the pages of this thread, but figured I'd contribute:

The hops in beer encourages the production of estrogen, which leads to larger breasts... hence you'll notice that dudes that drink a lot develop beer gutsand chesticles...

So to answer the question, theres nothing un-ladylike about it, if anything it enhances their sex appeal.

Spoiler [+]
manswers ftw.
i think it wouldnt be ladylike if we were just chillen at home and she was just drinking a beer like its soda. but if we were at a party, hanging out,somewhere social then i dont see anything wrong with a girl drinking beer
Originally Posted by Stixx

Originally Posted by ksteezy

My girl drinks coronas when we go out, most dominican women do and they look sexy at it.
Does she also put salt in it?
I went out w/some Dominican female co-workers and they poured salt in it...
IdK if this is a Dominican thing or just HER thing...

nah bro, its a dominican thing, her father always serves me coronas like this, i think its only done with coronas though, dip a lie and then salt, then turnupside down so it can mix, OFF THE HOOK.
Your co-worker is lame.
I like beer..I acquired the taste in college..my sister is a MAJOR girly girl and is not "trashy"..and all of her friends are too and they like beer.

Thats how I acquired the taste. I use to think beer was nasty and wander how ANYBODY could drink it.
Never thought I'd like it..but I never thought any less of anybody who did.

Now...pounding down beers and getting beer bellies...not ladylike

Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

I love wimminz that drink brews
Originally Posted by Flaming Hot Cheetos

Originally Posted by Stixx


Just had this convo w/a female co-worker...
She said it's not lady like for a woman to drink beer...
What do you think?

jeeeebus youve got to be 12 years old

what 12 y/o do you know w/co-workers?

I'm 26
Whatever makes interacting easier - girls are so full of themselves 9/10 of the times anyway

my theory goes a little something like this...
feed them liquor, get to the truth quicker

but hey it goes both ways, i'm speaking for the men who're ashamed to admit they lack confidence / drive or simply put GAME
Some can't even accept "she's just not interested..."
so it's hard when you don't pick up on signals and/or signs (whether she's just standing there awkwardly or whatever the case)
you have to recognize those signs and use them to your advantage

alcohol/drugs are pretty much agents used to help ease the tension and to help both parties interact and mingle

only "you" can determine how much you want to drink well unless a chick actively pours that jamaican rhum down your throat!
budweiser and a newport?

My dinner since i turned 21. But alot of girls i know drink beer and I dont see whats wrong with it, and not all white people are generous with their beer
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