Craftsy, I dunno if you played the demo or not but the AI got A LOT better. No more of dudes stopping in the middle of a run and no more of that ******eddefender that doesn't clear the ball out of the box.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Gonna probably pick it up...Even though i never really played a soccergame....[/color]
Originally Posted by KRISPACINLA

Originally Posted by wanksta23

damn....i just spent 500+ on hunting gear

now im debating whether to cop or not
Hunting Gear??

DF! Where do you live???
i live in cali...hunting gets expensive man

with that being said, ill probably end up buying fifa still
I'm still waiting for the day that they put the entire Argentine league instead of just putting Boca and River in the Rest of the World category, any newson that?
Damn... I don't know if I'm gonna cop.
I don't want to get it only for it to be exactly like 09.

I'm gonna start playing the demo more and make a decision.
Originally Posted by shabooyah1124

Craftsy, I dunno if you played the demo or not but the AI got A LOT better. No more of dudes stopping in the middle of a run and no more of that ******ed defender that doesn't clear the ball out of the box.

from IGN's review, which gave it a 9.0 for the record:
They're solid, but the AI is still slightly lacking in certain areas. Despite claims that say AI urgency is now factored in, I still found instances when players wouldn't react to loose balls with the tenacity that they should
i might buy a ps3 just to get this. i used to be fifa 09 and 08 king before i sold my ps3
Should be receiving my copy tomorrow from EA. Can't wait.

Theres no denying I'm a fan of the series but goodness gracious.. The Nintendo Wii and the DS version are a complete joke.
some of you need to hit up the fifa UK has been getting SLAMMED for the amount of glitches it has, in particular for manager mode (which is theequivalent to master league in PES)....dont know if they have released a patch
target had this on the shelf last week and i tried to cop but it wasnt coming up in their system and the dude said he couldnt sell it to me. i will stroll inthere on tuesday and buy it.
Originally Posted by EZLN1

some of you need to hit up the fifa UK has been getting SLAMMED for the amount of glitches it has, in particular for manager mode (which is the equivalent to master league in PES)....dont know if they have released a patch

i'm definitely going to wait and see what everybody says.. i'm still enjoying 09 to this day, i'm in no hurry to get 10 just yet until i see how itis. plus, i'll be playing the %+@* out of MW2 come a few weeks from now... so i may just wait til Christmas or later to even get it at this point.
I'm prolly just going to wait and see what everybody else says about it and see if it's worth it... been hearing that it has a lot ofglitches.
Demo sucks.

Seems like the default passing is more on the manual side.

Also not sure what's up with the dribbling yet.

Messi is slow as hell, again.
Got my copy this morning. A reminder: Estadio Santiago Bernabeu is free DLC in the Fifa 10 store.
I'm hesitant.

I may just wait for a used copy to drop by those who aren't feeling it compared to prior years.
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