fight on bus!

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

^yeah, really though...and what the hell are they gonna have to investigate anyway?
i think it was how the driver didn't bother to stop the fight and report the situation after his shift
...and i think muni saying all this too get the media off there behind.
Happens all the time, maybe, but the driver still didn't report it...which he should have done.
haha i saw this on the news last lady punched her first expecting her to back down...haha
hahaha at people getting butthurt on both sides.

and GOOD, stupid girl got her ace beat by some old lady and then got her !!* off the bus
whoa, crazy man. i
when the chinese lady went in with the kicks whilethe black lady was heading to the front of the bus. if others didnt step in and stop this, it'd have been a severe beatdown.
Hilarious video, I busted out laughing in the library watching this.

okay, this is what I can translate. It is a mixture of the Chinese dialect Cantonese/Toisanese, there is a lot of background noise but translated what I canmake out.

As they are still arguing:

old chinese man in background: "hit her, hit her"

chinese lady claims that the black lady wouldnt move her bag that is taking up space so she cant sit.

chinese lady in red w/sunglasses says: "don't even talk to her"

chinese lady: YOU ARE STUPID!

Chinese lady at 0:53 claims that the black lady was taking up an extra seat and won't let somebody sit there. chinese lady earlier asked her to move overto sit and black lady wouldnt move who gets up to yell at her for no apprarent reason. chinese lady original asked politely "excusesa me, can Isit?" but the black lady wouldnt budge her bag.

As they started fighting:

old chinese man and woman in background: hit her, hit her! hit her with greater strength! hit her! hit her!

as the young asian yells stop it! the chinese man continues to scream even louder now "hit her!! hit her!!! Hit her back!!

chinese lady tapping the fighting women @ 1: 34 "dont fight. dont fight"

1:59, old Chinese man "HIT HER!!"

@ 2:09 fighting chinese lady explains that she asked politely if the black lady would move her bag so she can sit. but she wouldnt move her stuff and chineselady claims "one seat per person".

no racial names were called at all, she didnt even mention "black lady", just "her".
chinese lady was bout it.

she shoulda knew that the chinese lady wasnt gonna back down the way she threw her bag on the seat.
Black lady deserved that. Talking %%@* surrounded by all asians. Also, that ATL girl was the most annoying thing i've ever seen. She shut up real quickwhen she was about to get her !#! beat.
like someone said, dont under estimate their strength. most grew up doing hard manual labor. they be carrying some heavy load of groceries on the bus, aintnothing when it comes to throwing down with a 120 lb person,

*+*@ rolled thru chinatown, passed the tunnel and into downtown, if i'm correct.
"she put on for her city (bus)" /jeezy voice

my dad was telling me how this was on the chinese news and local paper, chick is like a local hero. dudes be telling stories passed down to generations (withexaggerations, i bet. back in the days, a lil ol chinese lady disarmed a black woman on a bus...
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