Financial Empowerment/Motivation Thread Vol. Let's Get It

so basically the formula is find something your have interest in, become a expert in it, forumulate a plan to get rich, surround yourself with people who share the same ideas with you and just grind it until you see results?????
forget trying to be rich, just be comfortable and content, its this "OMG I HAVE TO GET RICH!!" mentality that is the problem with this country right now.
"Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year - and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!" - Anthony Robbins

“We made mistakes, of course. Most of them were omissions we didn’t think of when we initially wrote the software. We fixed them by doing it over and over, again and again. We do the same today. While our competitors are still sucking their thumbs trying to make the design perfect, we’re already on prototype version #5. By the time our rivals are ready with wires and screws, we are on version #10. It gets back to planning versus acting: We act from day one; others plan how to plan for months.
Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 
buying franchises?
Originally Posted by WISEPHAROAH

God you guys don't even have the slightest clue, most of you have to face the reality that wealth isn't for everyone, secondly most of you wouldn't make the SACRIFICES that have to
be made to be even a millionaire. We are talking about complete and utter dedication to a craft that you are passionate about and know the ends and outs of. No chasng women,
hanging with friends,family and playing NBA 2k whatever everyday for hours. Just you God, ambition, knowing and a "true" never say die attitude. Most of you are ready to jump off a
building if a girl breaks your heart. Don't let a business plan, or project you have been working on night and day for months or years be turned down several times!!!!Material wealth
from nothing is a literal sacrifice of life which is time and is irreplaceable. Are you willing to sacrifice your life for just money or something you really believe in? Passion always trumps
money and the only really successful people are passionate about their work. Dedicate yourself to a craft and stay completely in tune with what is going on around you beyond the 5
senses. Also turn your talents into something marketable and have a business plan. Hard work is not an automatic in, and frankly the perceived "luck" is actually knowing when the
right time is to strike. You create your reality whether or not you believe that. Being rich and driving big fancy cars isn't as incredible as it's marketed to you. I get a lot of +$%* from
most of you but one thing I swear at the feet of God is that I know a lot of filthy rich people, hell some of them you guys know because they are famous. I know them personally and
I promise you most of them in some way are social pariahs. There are world famous celebrities I know that YOU have more fun then socially. Where you lose is that these dudes love
what they do so much that it's obsessive.Cats in the studio literally for 15 16 hours a day getting like 30 hours of sleep a week. Dudes flying all over the globe sleeping on planes
just to get investors for businesses. Most people don't even know that the main reason dudes always rock sun glasses during interviews is because they have monster bags under
their eyes and they look like +$%*. Really it's on you with how far you are willing to take it, that college degree is a workers permit it's not a proof to ownership or as we say, "proof
you can own some +$%*." +$%* it's 3 a.m. and I'm working right now! Speaking of which............

once again you're on point. Although, there is too much pressure to "succeed" in this society, and I think ppl tend to overlook that most of the world's wealth is still made the old fashioned way by being passed down and inherited. 
Originally Posted by belle155

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 
buying franchises?
Buying small businesses, not franchises specifically, but possibly those too. It just depends on what is available and when. You could say my eyes have been opened the last few years to a whole new set of possibilities and I intend to take full advantage of what I have learned.
^ So why don't you share what you're eyes have been opened to...the purpose of this thread is to help each other.
Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 

takes money to make money.
i think about this all the time. tired of being where im at financially. i good for being single and all but i want more 
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 

takes money to make money.

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 

This is the thing people don't realize ..
You don't need millions to live that life ... it all just depends on what your agenda is ..

If you want enough money to buy a nice car,attract girls and buy expensive clothes you don't need millions but if you trying to buy houses,business and property thats a different story 

and @ WISEPHAROH your completely right ... their is  a trade off like with everything in life if you overdo something you will lose your balance 

Just look at rich business men who never get to see their family or whose whole life becomes consumed by money/their job its definitely a big sacrifice 
I'm starting to learn that it's all about who you know.

My mentor is one of the founders of Cranium and the advice he has been giving me and the connections he has are simply mind-blowing.

I stood on the deck of his house overlooking Lake Washington and the Cascade Mountains thinking, "what a life"

My point? Find someone who has what you want in life, or who has done it before and been successful at it so that they can guide you.

Nobody in my family ever started a business or is/was a millionaire, so how the hell am I supposed to know how to make a million dollars? But once you know someone who has it, it seems possible and you get over that mental barrier that holds back so many people.
Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 

takes money to make money.

Dskilz so type of business or investments would you do to make that guaranteed money?  fill me in because I can make $75k if I decide to "work" hard enough.  Only problem is I make this money and gamble it away
There is some good stuff in this thread. I believe that discipline and living below your means are two of then biggest things you have to do to get wealthy.
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 

takes money to make money.

Dskilz so type of business or investments would you do to make that guaranteed money?  fill me in because I can make $75k if I decide to "work" hard enough.  Only problem is I make this money and gamble it away

well damb...
Originally Posted by BgL2687

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by Dskilz3

I certainly don't need a million dollars to feel like I am doing exceedingly well, 150K and I am set. I have an excellent and legal plan in place. It is well thought out, relatively simple and straight forward. It's certainly no "get rich quick" scheme but it is one that I will be able to multiply my earnings every year or two and diversify/strengthen my business experience.
Starting at $75K then to $135K then to  $225K to $375K........ basically just repeat the same steps over and over every 12 to 18 months, keep flipping over the money. Of course you have to figure out a way to come up with a good $50K-75K to start but once you do the snowball begins. 

takes money to make money.

Dskilz so type of business or investments would you do to make that guaranteed money?  fill me in because I can make $75k if I decide to "work" hard enough.  Only problem is I make this money and gamble it away
Well, in life there are practically no guarantees so as long as you do the necessary research to shift the odds as far in your favor as possible you should be fine. I am a business broker and I help people buy and sell small businesses for a living and I certainly agree with the statement you've gotta have money to make money. BgL2687, I would suggest targeting something that you can handle, and since I don't know your background it is hard to pinpoint a good suggestion at this point. I work with business buyers and sellers both domestically and internationally. These people either have all cash or are able to get traditional financing or more commonly these days, seller financing (with a percentage of the purchase price down). Now this is certainly not an easy job but one of the many benefits of doing it is that I have access to intimate details of all sorts of businesses where I live (P&Ls, Balance Sheets, Tax returns, etc.) and I can see what does and doesn't make good money, as well as why. 
Having done this for a few years now, and being a business person at heart I have put together a plan of my own that includes buying multiple businesses over a period of time, building them and selling them off after a few years to do it all over again. There are always all types of businesses that are available and my plan is to buy complimentary businesses in order to intermingle the client bases and offer the services of each to the other which will allow both businesses to grow in addition to the additional marketing I would do. I have the experience of having put in many years of planning, building and acquiring financing for my own start up business which eventually had to be closed up in '08, like many others out there. While it was painful to have lost the business I spent years putting together and building from nothing the perspective gained from it was priceless and at this point I would (almost) never start from scratch again when I could just buy something already built and showing a proven history of sales and cash flow from day one. I certainly don't think I am special in any regards, and what I mean by that is that anyone who is even a little bit business savvy and able to learn can do this too. I'd be glad to answer other questions about this sort of thing, if anyone has 'em. 
Originally Posted by 216301baller

so basically the formula is find something your have interest in, become a expert in it, forumulate a plan to get rich, surround yourself with people who share the same ideas with you and just grind it until you see results?????

The truth is you can't think about getting rich. You have to think long term about providing the best service/product that you can that either fills a void or improves upon the competition. At that point the money will flow. It's inevitable. Profits are simply a by product of doing something right. That something can be good, bad, honest, dishonest, etc. 
Amazon is one of my favorite examples. If you look at many of their business policies, you'd think they're insane for taking so many constant short term hits to profits but that's what makes their service so good. 
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