First Name That Comes To Mind When You Hear " Whats Wrong With The NBA"

JR?? He's just young, that's all.

Ya'll are crazy.

If anything, Jim Dolan, Donald Sterling, etc. These are owners who aren't even trying imo.
I guess I'm in the minority who thinks that there isn't much wrong with the NBA. This has been a very good NBA season, and it comes on the heals of oneof the best playoffs in recent memory.

Yeah, guys are overpaid and I guess you could institute a hard-cap but then we'd probably have a lockout and then Stern would be blamed again. When Sterntries to institute a dress code or raise the age limit - efforts which make the league more mature - he's widely criticized by NT.

The only egregious flaw I see in the League is the fact that the Sonics are getting their team taken away, but that has little to do with the on-court productof the NBA, which I don't have too many complaints with.
Originally Posted by Stringer Bell 32

Everything turned sour towards Tyrus from my POV once he said that "I'm only doing it for the money," during the dunk contest.. I thought that to be a very selfish and immature act..
relax, he was only a rookie and still very young


I'll give you that one

Money hungry

I guess, you've never heard of Latrell Sprewell

Team Disoriented

that remains to be seen

No skills

Fairly good shot blocker if you ask me

No basketball IQ

Sub par basketball IQ

Trust me if Latrell was still in the league, I'd probably put him down no doubt...

Tyrus is just the first person to come to my mind.. Like, back then this guy would be a 2nd round pick if he were projected to be drafted on a bunch ofIf's. I mean he's unproven what's the point.. But now, teams want to figure out whos going to be the next : Amare, Dwight, Garnett, Al Jefferson,that it hurts the overall play of the NBA by drafting all these unskilled youngsters... Ofcourse he's going to be skilled in the blocking department b/cof his raw talent, but he just has no overall game.. And him getting drafted top 5 is just going to lead to all these other young cats who think their top 5material b/c they can jump out the building and have loads of "unseen potential." Hmmm... Maybe I should blame the coaches and managers And Stern aswell instead of getting on Tyrus.. But, his attitude makes it worse...
Tyrus is just the first person to come to my mind.. Like, back then this guy would be a 2nd round pick if he were projected to be drafted on a bunch of If's. I mean he's unproven what's the point.. But now, teams want to figure out whos going to be the next : Amare, Dwight, Garnett, Al Jefferson, that it hurts the overall play of the NBA by drafting all these unskilled youngsters... Ofcourse he's going to be skilled in the blocking department b/c of his raw talent, but he just has no overall game.. And him getting drafted top 5 is just going to lead to all these other young cats who think their top 5 material b/c they can jump out the building and have loads of "unseen potential." Hmmm... Maybe I should blame the coaches and managers And Stern as well instead of getting on Tyrus.. But, his attitude makes it worse...

Your examples are flawed because

Amare straight outta high school
KG straight outta high school
Jefferson straight outta high school
Dwight straight outta high school

Tyrus Thomas went to LSU and made it to the final four with his team.

He wasn't drafted solely on potential because he did actually play at the next level of basketball.

I understand the point you're making but I think using Tyrus is unfair
- anyone who's not team-oriented, wanting to just be the man and get shine

I'm not naming names; no way.

As for the 'thuggery' comments, I'll say this: 'hood' types have never really bothered me, because that's what I grew up around. Justbecause someone has a grip of tats and was arrested at a club where it was discovered they had a gun and some weed, I've never really been bothered bythat. 90% of the dudes I knew that had guns had them more for status, like getting in an argument and you pull a heater out and everyone quiets down.

The weed? There's a ton of athletes that get judged for smoking weed, and the people judging them know damn well they toke, too.
I don't but itain't hurting me, so I've never really been bothered by it.

And 9 times out of 10, some dude that gets caught with weed or caught with a gun (or both) and has a ton of tats and argues with every-damn-body, people aregoing to label him a 'thug' and a 'problem', and I've just... never had a problem with him.

As an example, you guys are all talking about JR Smith. Me? I have more of a problem with Bowen than I do Smith; Bowen has almost ended careers. I'd wanthim out of the league before Smith if had a choice.

But dirty guys aren't even my first choice; 'me-first, team second' types would be my first, cats that think 'This game is way too easy for meto need a solid team; by myself, I have what it takes to take a team somewhere.'

No you don't. I wish I could take everyone in the NBA with that type of mindset, and send them to the NBDL.

P.S. On everything, I am neither confirming or denying any guesses y'all make, and I'm not arguing with anyone that thinks they know of any namesI'm thinking of.
As an example, you guys are all talking about JR Smith. Me? I have more of a problem with Bowen than I do Smith; Bowen has almost ended careers. I'd want him out of the league before Smith if had a choice.

Exactly. Do some of you shake your head in disgust at JR Smith's on-court play or off-the-field actions? I never do, and neither should y'all. It'snot that serious. LOL at those who seem to have a vengeful spirit against Smith.

When I think Bruce Bowen, I think of the cheap shots, dirty fouls, his "defense" aka stick his foot under the feet of a player, yadda yadda. He'swhat's wrong with the NBA. He doesn't play tough or physical, he plays dirty. It's only a matter of time before he seriously hurts someone.
DAVID STERN!!! I do not support his age limits, half-time shows/spectacles, and all the other garbage he's done like this. Bottom line though I would haveno problem with him if the game itself was fine right now, but it's not. The man has ruined the game and he needs to get the boot. It's actually a jokeright now and it's bordering on entering WWF territory. It's definitely not the players that are ruining the game either, there's lots of goodplayers out there. The only time Stern does anything right is when it is screamed at him by everyone for over a year.

Michael Heisley will be my number 2, it's amazing someone can actually beat this idiot on my list.
Originally Posted by justhotkicks

Exactly. Do some of you shake your head in disgust at JR Smith's on-court play or off-the-field actions? I never do, and neither should y'all. It's not that serious. LOL at those who seem to have a vengeful spirit against Smith.

Why does it have to be VENGEFUL though?
DAVID STERN, is a !%%@@, that dude needs to @%##!!$ relax with all these dumb !#+ rules. He needs to quit being a stuck up snobby +%%! nosed !%!%.
I don't really see a problem with Smith, SJax, etc.

Except for the segment of America who doesn't see black people and thing all _s act a fool like that.
Originally Posted by curt2121

easy- s. jackson


But David $tern.
This league has clearly placed more of an emphasis onsuperstar players and giving them a lot of beneficial calls, and clearly having biases for certain teams.
David Stern is the only logical answer. The referees are told to call everything. Too many offical time-outs for commercials as well. Now he wants to gointernational with it? Dude is on a zeitgeist tip. He's probably boys with the international banking cartel!
Anybody who mentioned the "dumbness" of the players better not be railing against Stern and his plan to make players wait 2 years out of high school.
Stern is not what's wrong with the league.
If you think the league is worse off with the increasing presence of foreign players in the league and the increasing growth of basketball worldwide then blameStern.
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