First student loan payment unappreciation post

15K isn't too bad if that's 4 years or even 2 years you're lucky.

I plan to go to USC Fall 09' as a Junior, I imagine the price is going to be pretty high but I know I can handle it all once I graduate with a degree andget to work.
Being in school for 5 years post college appreciation.....I'll cross that bridge when it comes
Originally Posted by jordan723

I have two years left of undergrad and so far I have only taken out 2k. Luckily I have financial aid and scholarships to help me. I will have to most likely take out loans for my grad school but investing in my own brain is the best investment.
Here's a tip. Try not to borrow more than the amount you plan to make in your first year of work. It will make things so much easier for youin the longrun. I always say people should go to the schools they want IF they can afford them. If you want to go to Duke but can't afford payinghundreds of thousands of dollars, then duke might not be the school for you. there are equally good schools, that you will have a great experience at thatwon't cost you nearly as much.
Should I go to grad. school now, or wait, start making payments on my loans, and then go back?

Everyone is saying I should get my master's now (counseling), but I really don't want to take out more loans. I know that some schools pay you as youstudy. There are also some jobs that will pay for schooling.

In my area, I think it would be best to see if I can get a job at a school working with children, and then go back to grad. school so I can become licensed towork with everyone.

I want to focus mainly on community counseling, but I really have no preference at the end of the day. I just want to help people out. The money isn't thatbig of a deal. However, when you're in debt to lending institutions, it's a major deal.
Some of ya'll need to look into some government repayment programs or look into forbearance...

They have what's called The Federal Student Loan Repayment Program...

If you work for the government for at least three years, they knock off a huge chunk of your federal loans...

I owe 1k by July of '09, but my payments after that are low, so I should be good if I manage my $$ right...
dont defer loans...just isnt smart and your digging a deeper hole in your wallet...luckily ive worked throughout my college life and have pretty much paid itoff..when i graduate next semester i will probably be looking at only 6K left to pay
Pay off your student loans asap! 3 years from now, interest rates are going to skyrocket! Do your research; just a warning!
def unappreciated.
whatever you do, don't default or get behind on payments. if you can't afford payments, def call them up and work out a payment schedule. "speaking from experience"
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