Five Year Old Girl Raped in India

Can y'all stop posting ever sad story you see online? I mean my lord, we get it, the world sucks. It's just depressing
Worst part is the cops offered $40 for the fam to keep quiet. 
The tbing is, in indian culture, women arent very respected still. They have no say in the house, they have no say in anything. They just take care of the house. Its sad but in a culture where women arent respected. I understand why there are so many rapes.

New dehli is acutally a nice city.

THIS. I am in India for work now and I was in New Dehli this past weekend. There were NO women walking around. I've heard that sex crimes there are out of hand but it was noticably different. Some of my coworkers are women and the stares they were getting were making me uncomfortable. SMH. Dehli is a nice city, its a shame there is that much terrble crime. I am in Mumbai now which looks pretty slummy in most parts but we feel completely safe walking around. Its crazy.

I also saw on the news a 5 y/o boy was raped over the weekend. despicable
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Us humans are naturally evil. We need Gods grace to prevent us from committing evil.
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

Us humans are naturally evil. We need Gods grace to prevent us from committing evil.

A bunch of words that you feel is "pretty" together (subjective) stimulated an emotional feeling because that is how your brain is wired at this very moment in your life.
As a father of two little girls, I can barely bring myself to even read about this :smh:

I can't even begin to describe the feeling inside when I think about what happened to this poor angel. People do terrible things in this world and sometimes there's no rhyme or reason. They just want to hurt someone.
/still not funny

i agree, what happened to the girl is despicable and the men responsible should have their balls cut off but the average american could care less with what happened in Boston still on their minds. Not to mention , this didn't happen in the US so they would care even less. I'm just keepin' it real
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