Florida 25 year old strangles, cooks, and eats Pitbull puppy

Dont chineese people eat dogs, amñ d everuwhere else in the country? Lol im not saying it is isnt sick or cruel, jist comimg at it with an open mind. Lol let that boy cook!(sorry had to do it).
In all seriousness, he ate the dog... It's not like he killed it and took videos for the internet...

As much as I love dogs, people need to realize they are just animals... Just like cows, chickens, etc.
In all seriousness, he ate the dog... It's not like he killed it and took videos for the internet...

As much as I love dogs, people need to realize they are just animals... Just like cows, chickens, etc.

What I came in here to say. While it is against the law, this doesn't really bother me. If this was a pet cow that he decided to eat people wouldn't bat an eye and would probably even make jokes.
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There is nothing wrong with this.

A lot of people keep pigs as pets and even dress them up, etc.. but it's okay to slaughter them right?

As far as I'm concerned we're the top of the food chain, we can eat whatever we want.
Lol you dudes in here justifying his act like as if he was starving and needed food though. Obviously something is wrong with him and did it for his amusement.
I know this chick in Florida (I was dating her sister), she's 24 y/o and is a make-up artist in Miami, she drowned her pitbull puppy in the bath in a fit of rage. She blamed it on her pregnancy. I know nothing of pregnancy so Idk.

But, atleast this Florida dude wasn't wasting resources and actually tried eating it. I'm just saying that's what happens in the animal world: you die and get eaten. Although I would have preferred that he sold the puppy and bought some good meat, or simply donated the puppy to a family if he didn't actually need the money or food...
Fl been taking Ls but NTers ignore that cuz of the hot women, good weather, and tourism.

Plus ain't no fun when hurricane season roles around.

The weather sucks. Walk outside in the summer and my butt hairs start to dread.
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