Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure....Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by red mpls

It has nothing to do with "playing dumb."  Please provide us with some reputable figures that speak to these abuses.  Sorry, your personal anecdotal stories of how you've seen people "abuse" welfare don't matter.  Please come better than that, Mr. Empirical Evidence Scientist.
You are playing dumb. If you've spent time in the hood, you've seen people buying liquor, cigarettes, gambling, etc with welfare checks.

I'm against this drug-screening, but I don't know how you're arguing that welfare doesn't get abused.

I never made any claim that TANF is not abused, please reread.  Anton made a statement about "how welfare funds are being abused in this country."  I asked him to please provide some statistics that speak to this "abuse."  You and he are both alluding to anecdotes.
Too bad the forefathers could not have been around to ponder the question "should we drug test?"

And if we drug test, just what should we test for? Let's see. Both alcohol and cigarettes are LEGAL, so what do we do about that? And we all know that cigarettes kill far more many people than alcohol, so what should we do about that? And how is alcohol so different from an occasional blunt? What should we do about that? And if we are going to test for alcohol or nicotine, let's start with our holier than thou politicians, shall we? After all, we pay their salaries and it is OUR tax dollars at work there, just like welfare.

My point is just where do you want to draw the line? Cigarettes cost far more than alcohol, to be honest, so if you're going to get all huffy puffy target smokers. But no one is going to target smokers. There's too much money to be made in smoking for the big corporations to target smokers.

All in all, it's a bunch of bull.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

Originally Posted by red mpls

It has nothing to do with "playing dumb."  Please provide us with some reputable figures that speak to these abuses.  Sorry, your personal anecdotal stories of how you've seen people "abuse" welfare don't matter.  Please come better than that, Mr. Empirical Evidence Scientist.
You are playing dumb. If you've spent time in the hood, you've seen people buying liquor, cigarettes, gambling, etc with welfare checks.

I'm against this drug-screening, but I don't know how you're arguing that welfare doesn't get abused.

I never made any claim that TANF is not abused, please reread.  Anton made a statement about "how welfare funds are being abused in this country."  I asked him to please provide some statistics that speak to this "abuse."  You and he are both alluding to anecdotes.
Too bad the forefathers could not have been around to ponder the question "should we drug test?"

And if we drug test, just what should we test for? Let's see. Both alcohol and cigarettes are LEGAL, so what do we do about that? And we all know that cigarettes kill far more many people than alcohol, so what should we do about that? And how is alcohol so different from an occasional blunt? What should we do about that? And if we are going to test for alcohol or nicotine, let's start with our holier than thou politicians, shall we? After all, we pay their salaries and it is OUR tax dollars at work there, just like welfare.

My point is just where do you want to draw the line? Cigarettes cost far more than alcohol, to be honest, so if you're going to get all huffy puffy target smokers. But no one is going to target smokers. There's too much money to be made in smoking for the big corporations to target smokers.

All in all, it's a bunch of bull.
I can rock with this. There is a HIGH number of people who blow through welfare money. Trying to cut out drug use could be effective.

For those who aren't from "urban" areas. Its really bad at times. I've seen mothers sell food stamps at half value just to have spending money, but have 2 kids to feed.

I'd go as far as saying there needs to be an overhaul. But the one thing I fear is that this is giving the government more power. Kinda lose/win lose in a way.
I can rock with this. There is a HIGH number of people who blow through welfare money. Trying to cut out drug use could be effective.

For those who aren't from "urban" areas. Its really bad at times. I've seen mothers sell food stamps at half value just to have spending money, but have 2 kids to feed.

I'd go as far as saying there needs to be an overhaul. But the one thing I fear is that this is giving the government more power. Kinda lose/win lose in a way.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Right. And everyone who doesn't support is an advocate for drug use. What point are you making? That this law isn't perfect? It's a start, and its better than what we previously had. Follow this laws of this country, and you'll get your benefits.

This is how I feel no one is saying the law is perfect but mutha#%$#$ its about time someone made an attempt to do something about how welfare funds are being abused in this country.

And just how are they being "abused?"  Enlighten us, please.
u serious bro?
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Right. And everyone who doesn't support is an advocate for drug use. What point are you making? That this law isn't perfect? It's a start, and its better than what we previously had. Follow this laws of this country, and you'll get your benefits.

This is how I feel no one is saying the law is perfect but mutha#%$#$ its about time someone made an attempt to do something about how welfare funds are being abused in this country.

And just how are they being "abused?"  Enlighten us, please.
u serious bro?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I can rock with this. There is a HIGH number of people who blow through welfare money. Trying to cut out drug use could be effective.

For those who aren't from "urban" areas. Its really bad at times. I've seen mothers sell food stamps at half value just to have spending money, but have 2 kids to feed.
Man, please. These tests are gonna cost the taxpayers MORE money since 90-95% of the people on assistance will pass. And for the people that don't pass if you read the bill it says they are allowed to designate someone else to give the money to if they have children...which most do.

So lets recap MILLIONS of extra taxpayer money going to waste, to stop 1-5% of people that
1.) Are on drugs.
2.) On drugs at time of testing
3.) Fail the test
4.) Dont have kids.

And of course people will cheer because we all know how "lazy" those _______ people are while in the meantime Rick Scott makes his buddies in the health-care system Millions year after year of tax payer money.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

I can rock with this. There is a HIGH number of people who blow through welfare money. Trying to cut out drug use could be effective.

For those who aren't from "urban" areas. Its really bad at times. I've seen mothers sell food stamps at half value just to have spending money, but have 2 kids to feed.
Man, please. These tests are gonna cost the taxpayers MORE money since 90-95% of the people on assistance will pass. And for the people that don't pass if you read the bill it says they are allowed to designate someone else to give the money to if they have children...which most do.

So lets recap MILLIONS of extra taxpayer money going to waste, to stop 1-5% of people that
1.) Are on drugs.
2.) On drugs at time of testing
3.) Fail the test
4.) Dont have kids.

And of course people will cheer because we all know how "lazy" those _______ people are while in the meantime Rick Scott makes his buddies in the health-care system Millions year after year of tax payer money.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Rick Scott has the lowest approval rating of any Governor in the United States of America..........

BTW- Anyone who supports this can go to hell.........Your tax money does much worse than give someone who is using "drugs" something to eat.

People overdosing on Oxy everyday in this state, he killed the Drug database................yea hes real worried about drugs............

He transferred all his shares of Solantic to his wife, the same company that will probably administer these test....gotta recoup that 100 mil you spent on ya campaign huh? After the weather, Florida will always be one fat joke.
Originally Posted by gambit215

Rick Scott has the lowest approval rating of any Governor in the United States of America..........

BTW- Anyone who supports this can go to hell.........Your tax money does much worse than give someone who is using "drugs" something to eat.

People overdosing on Oxy everyday in this state, he killed the Drug database................yea hes real worried about drugs............

He transferred all his shares of Solantic to his wife, the same company that will probably administer these test....gotta recoup that 100 mil you spent on ya campaign huh? After the weather, Florida will always be one fat joke.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is how I feel no one is saying the law is perfect but mutha#%$#$ its about time someone made an attempt to do something about how welfare funds are being abused in this country.

And just how are they being "abused?"  Enlighten us, please.
u serious bro?

Yes.  If you have something worthwhile to contribute, please feel free.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is how I feel no one is saying the law is perfect but mutha#%$#$ its about time someone made an attempt to do something about how welfare funds are being abused in this country.

And just how are they being "abused?"  Enlighten us, please.
u serious bro?

Yes.  If you have something worthwhile to contribute, please feel free.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^Don't play dumb with me, you may not think so but myself and many others have witnessed this first hand. You shouldn't be buying drugs and having 12 children if you're on govt assistance.

It has nothing to do with "playing dumb."  Please provide us with some reputable figures that speak to these abuses.  Sorry, your personal anecdotal stories of how you've seen people "abuse" welfare don't matter.  Please come better than that, Mr. Empirical Evidence Scientist.

LOL you sound mad....last time i checked science was based on observation.
Clearly myself and others have seen enough where they felt that this law needed to be implemented....shouldn't affect the many law abiding citizens who do not abuse the welfare system. Anybody who can't see that the welfare system is being abused by many (not all) is delusional.
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^Don't play dumb with me, you may not think so but myself and many others have witnessed this first hand. You shouldn't be buying drugs and having 12 children if you're on govt assistance.

It has nothing to do with "playing dumb."  Please provide us with some reputable figures that speak to these abuses.  Sorry, your personal anecdotal stories of how you've seen people "abuse" welfare don't matter.  Please come better than that, Mr. Empirical Evidence Scientist.

LOL you sound mad....last time i checked science was based on observation.
Clearly myself and others have seen enough where they felt that this law needed to be implemented....shouldn't affect the many law abiding citizens who do not abuse the welfare system. Anybody who can't see that the welfare system is being abused by many (not all) is delusional.
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is how I feel no one is saying the law is perfect but mutha#%$#$ its about time someone made an attempt to do something about how welfare funds are being abused in this country.

And just how are they being "abused?"  Enlighten us, please.
u serious bro?

That was my reaction when I saw that question....did this dude just did this?
Originally Posted by swizzc

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

This is how I feel no one is saying the law is perfect but mutha#%$#$ its about time someone made an attempt to do something about how welfare funds are being abused in this country.

And just how are they being "abused?"  Enlighten us, please.
u serious bro?

That was my reaction when I saw that question....did this dude just did this?
Yeah because welfare is abused by a handful of people that you have physically seen abuse it.. Is now a plausible determination of how widespread abuse is...

Do you know why you don't see the vast majority of people who use welfare correctly? Because there is nothing to see.. What would there be to see about a person who uses welfare correctly? NOTHING.. Unless they were wearing a name tag that says they are on welfare how the hell would you know those using welfare entirely for what it is used for?

God damn lunacy.. Of course there is welfare fraud.. There is also banking fraud.. Identity fraud... That is why we have a division in the government to investigate welfare fraud.. And you could call a number for it too, to report those abuses..

Also how prevalent do you think drug use is among welfare users? It damn sure is nowhere near 100%... And it is most likely nowhere near 50%... Why is it nowhere near 50%? because nowhere near 50% of the country uses drugs..

Investigating drug use among welfare recipients is absolutely stupid.. What do you think it is free to do drug tests all of a sudden? To find the amount of people who may use drugs on welfare you have to go through the vast majority of people who don't.. That will waste MILLIONS and MILLIONS a year.. Do you do 1 a year? 2 randomly a year? If you are adamant on testing drugs because it is "SO WIDESPREAD" you just going to do it 1 time? NO.. So who pays for it?? The tax payer.. So you will waste millions, in order to find theoretical drug users who may be wasting millions.. Or will you force welfare recipients to pay for it because here you will be taking money away from the vast majority who don't use drugs, or don't abuse the system and actually NEED this money to pay for a stupid #+* formality because people who consider themselves fiscal conservatives (only when it doesn't help the rich) want to overstate the issue..

Another ploy to state something that may be a problem among a small small small minority of a subset of people... Blow it out of proportion like it is the biggest threat since the Plague.. Get regular folk to state that this is what is wrong with our spending... Blame each other... Waste more money to prosecute something that doesn't even make a dent in the budget... And get us to forget the huge issues and abuses that are committed to the tune of hundreds of billions a year..
Yeah because welfare is abused by a handful of people that you have physically seen abuse it.. Is now a plausible determination of how widespread abuse is...

Do you know why you don't see the vast majority of people who use welfare correctly? Because there is nothing to see.. What would there be to see about a person who uses welfare correctly? NOTHING.. Unless they were wearing a name tag that says they are on welfare how the hell would you know those using welfare entirely for what it is used for?

God damn lunacy.. Of course there is welfare fraud.. There is also banking fraud.. Identity fraud... That is why we have a division in the government to investigate welfare fraud.. And you could call a number for it too, to report those abuses..

Also how prevalent do you think drug use is among welfare users? It damn sure is nowhere near 100%... And it is most likely nowhere near 50%... Why is it nowhere near 50%? because nowhere near 50% of the country uses drugs..

Investigating drug use among welfare recipients is absolutely stupid.. What do you think it is free to do drug tests all of a sudden? To find the amount of people who may use drugs on welfare you have to go through the vast majority of people who don't.. That will waste MILLIONS and MILLIONS a year.. Do you do 1 a year? 2 randomly a year? If you are adamant on testing drugs because it is "SO WIDESPREAD" you just going to do it 1 time? NO.. So who pays for it?? The tax payer.. So you will waste millions, in order to find theoretical drug users who may be wasting millions.. Or will you force welfare recipients to pay for it because here you will be taking money away from the vast majority who don't use drugs, or don't abuse the system and actually NEED this money to pay for a stupid #+* formality because people who consider themselves fiscal conservatives (only when it doesn't help the rich) want to overstate the issue..

Another ploy to state something that may be a problem among a small small small minority of a subset of people... Blow it out of proportion like it is the biggest threat since the Plague.. Get regular folk to state that this is what is wrong with our spending... Blame each other... Waste more money to prosecute something that doesn't even make a dent in the budget... And get us to forget the huge issues and abuses that are committed to the tune of hundreds of billions a year..
theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
Originally Posted by onewearz

theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
Do you not have a telephone?????
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