Florida governor signs welfare drug-screen measure....Good or Bad?

Originally Posted by onewearz

theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
Do you not have a telephone?????
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by onewearz

theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
Do you not have a telephone?????

please dude, she's been reported, but it's a needle in a haystack in ny. she aint the only one. theres tons of these cases. theres at least 5 ladies in my neighborhood alone doing this.

sad but true .....
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by onewearz

theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
Do you not have a telephone?????

please dude, she's been reported, but it's a needle in a haystack in ny. she aint the only one. theres tons of these cases. theres at least 5 ladies in my neighborhood alone doing this.

sad but true .....
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV


I;m so glad there doing this..

What they need to do is this to weed out the career welfare recipient:

Any girl that's has a baby while eon welfare needs to get cut off point blank. There should be no reason when you cant take care of your self to go have more babies.

my sister friend sits on her rear end and had 6 kids all while on welfare just to get more welfare money and foodstamps so she dont have to work anymore. Also she gets section 8 now so her rent is like $100 for a nice size house.  This is what some girls do a daily basis.

They need to cut women who get pregnant off welfare or make them have a abortion.
Theres no reason for a female to get preg up while shes on welfare

You do realize that there's a FIVE-YEAR LIFETIME LIMIT on "welfare" right?  There is no such thing as a "career welfare recipient" you clown.

Y'all are talking straight out your @$! holes
You are wrong. There is no limit in Michigan and if there was a limit if you have another kid it resets the time period. And I reported you for personal abuse by calling me a clown
Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV


I;m so glad there doing this..

What they need to do is this to weed out the career welfare recipient:

Any girl that's has a baby while eon welfare needs to get cut off point blank. There should be no reason when you cant take care of your self to go have more babies.

my sister friend sits on her rear end and had 6 kids all while on welfare just to get more welfare money and foodstamps so she dont have to work anymore. Also she gets section 8 now so her rent is like $100 for a nice size house.  This is what some girls do a daily basis.

They need to cut women who get pregnant off welfare or make them have a abortion.
Theres no reason for a female to get preg up while shes on welfare

You do realize that there's a FIVE-YEAR LIFETIME LIMIT on "welfare" right?  There is no such thing as a "career welfare recipient" you clown.

Y'all are talking straight out your @$! holes
You are wrong. There is no limit in Michigan and if there was a limit if you have another kid it resets the time period. And I reported you for personal abuse by calling me a clown
Originally Posted by GG23

To anyone who lives in Florida... any word on recalling this ++%@%@*?  I know that's not allowed under our constitution or w/e but I'm sure we can get a good number of people to sign a petition.  Whether you think this a good policy or not, its probably going to turn out to be a waste.  All this guy has done so far is get rid of anything worthwhile that the state controls.  He ran on creating jobs and all he has done so far is kill any call he's had to create them.  If you think this a good bill at the moment, it will somehow come back to bite taxpayers and I usually disagree with rashi but he made some descent points.  This is just some plot so his company can make a few extra bucks by administering these tests... He doesn't care about the well-being of anyone.  If you get caught doing drugs, the law doesn't give you a spot in a rehab facility, they just suspend your benefits for a year.  Try going a year without any income, see how long you make it.  If you get caught again after that, your benefits are suspended for three years; as to why anyone would be on welfare for three, be allowed to be on welfare for three years, is totally beyond me.  This guy is idiot who is going to leave this state in rubble once his six years are over.

And to anyone who's a college student in this "great state"... He wants to make it harder to obtain bright futures and I'm already making $300 less this year than I was last year cause of his policies.  I #@%%##! hate this guy and yeah I'm mad.
Why u mad?

If they dont use ILLEGAL drugs,t hen they dont have anything to worry about right?
Originally Posted by GG23

To anyone who lives in Florida... any word on recalling this ++%@%@*?  I know that's not allowed under our constitution or w/e but I'm sure we can get a good number of people to sign a petition.  Whether you think this a good policy or not, its probably going to turn out to be a waste.  All this guy has done so far is get rid of anything worthwhile that the state controls.  He ran on creating jobs and all he has done so far is kill any call he's had to create them.  If you think this a good bill at the moment, it will somehow come back to bite taxpayers and I usually disagree with rashi but he made some descent points.  This is just some plot so his company can make a few extra bucks by administering these tests... He doesn't care about the well-being of anyone.  If you get caught doing drugs, the law doesn't give you a spot in a rehab facility, they just suspend your benefits for a year.  Try going a year without any income, see how long you make it.  If you get caught again after that, your benefits are suspended for three years; as to why anyone would be on welfare for three, be allowed to be on welfare for three years, is totally beyond me.  This guy is idiot who is going to leave this state in rubble once his six years are over.

And to anyone who's a college student in this "great state"... He wants to make it harder to obtain bright futures and I'm already making $300 less this year than I was last year cause of his policies.  I #@%%##! hate this guy and yeah I'm mad.
Why u mad?

If they dont use ILLEGAL drugs,t hen they dont have anything to worry about right?
I think it's great and its about time, like ^^ said, if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about. The folks who are going to be fighting this are the ones who have a problem related with drug addiction, the ones who don't are going to walk in there, piss in a cup, collect their check and leave. Good job Florida, you screwed up on Bush but got this one right.
I think it's great and its about time, like ^^ said, if you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about. The folks who are going to be fighting this are the ones who have a problem related with drug addiction, the ones who don't are going to walk in there, piss in a cup, collect their check and leave. Good job Florida, you screwed up on Bush but got this one right.
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by onewearz

theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
Do you not have a telephone?????

please dude, she's been reported, but it's a needle in a haystack in ny. she aint the only one. theres tons of these cases. theres at least 5 ladies in my neighborhood alone doing this.

sad but true .....
Sad part is for every greedy person doing this, there are cases that I used to have as a social worker where the husband would pass away, and the mother is left to raise their children who are all diagnosed with mild ******ation and all receive therapy and attend school.....a woman like that does not have the time to work a relies on these funds and she only speaks Spanish.
Drug tests are just to give the higher ups more business and $$$ in their pockets. I don't want my tax dollars to go to "junkies" if you want to use that term (I don't mean it literally), but in the end there is so many unnecessary drug testing.......when will it end? Drug testing to work a minimum wage job is already a joke in itself, sooner or later they will try to enforce this nonsense all over the place 

This really would not change a thing at all, people would find ways around it.
Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by onewearz

theres a lady around my way , got 9 kids , gets a ton of money in welfare . she basically takes cash and lets people use her card for double whatever u give her.

give $ 100 and she'll give u $ 200 off her card , she'll go with you to the supermarket and when your ready to check out she'll come over and use her card to ring it up

her kids look emaciated and she could care less, neither can everyone who gets over on the double deal. did i mention shes a heroine addict

i fully support this if ny follows suit .....
Do you not have a telephone?????

please dude, she's been reported, but it's a needle in a haystack in ny. she aint the only one. theres tons of these cases. theres at least 5 ladies in my neighborhood alone doing this.

sad but true .....
Sad part is for every greedy person doing this, there are cases that I used to have as a social worker where the husband would pass away, and the mother is left to raise their children who are all diagnosed with mild ******ation and all receive therapy and attend school.....a woman like that does not have the time to work a relies on these funds and she only speaks Spanish.
Drug tests are just to give the higher ups more business and $$$ in their pockets. I don't want my tax dollars to go to "junkies" if you want to use that term (I don't mean it literally), but in the end there is so many unnecessary drug testing.......when will it end? Drug testing to work a minimum wage job is already a joke in itself, sooner or later they will try to enforce this nonsense all over the place 

This really would not change a thing at all, people would find ways around it.
I think its great that they passed this law. It should be like this in every state, their governor is still a douche tho
I think its great that they passed this law. It should be like this in every state, their governor is still a douche tho
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^Don't play dumb with me, you may not think so but myself and many others have witnessed this first hand. You shouldn't be buying drugs and having 12 children if you're on govt assistance.

It has nothing to do with "playing dumb."  Please provide us with some reputable figures that speak to these abuses.  Sorry, your personal anecdotal stories of how you've seen people "abuse" welfare don't matter.  Please come better than that, Mr. Empirical Evidence Scientist.

LOL you sound mad....last time i checked science was based on observation.
Clearly myself and others have seen enough where they felt that this law needed to be implemented....shouldn't affect the many law abiding citizens who do not abuse the welfare system. Anybody who can't see that the welfare system is being abused by many (not all) is delusional.

What constitutes "many" and what constitutes "abuse?"  Once again, you provide nothing...

Originally Posted by Essential1

Yeah because welfare is abused by a handful of people that you have physically seen abuse it.. Is now a plausible determination of how widespread abuse is...

Do you know why you don't see the vast majority of people who use welfare correctly? Because there is nothing to see.. What would there be to see about a person who uses welfare correctly? NOTHING.. Unless they were wearing a name tag that says they are on welfare how the hell would you know those using welfare entirely for what it is used for?

God damn lunacy.. Of course there is welfare fraud.. There is also banking fraud.. Identity fraud... That is why we have a division in the government to investigate welfare fraud.. And you could call a number for it too, to report those abuses..

Also how prevalent do you think drug use is among welfare users? It damn sure is nowhere near 100%... And it is most likely nowhere near 50%... Why is it nowhere near 50%? because nowhere near 50% of the country uses drugs..

Investigating drug use among welfare recipients is absolutely stupid.. What do you think it is free to do drug tests all of a sudden? To find the amount of people who may use drugs on welfare you have to go through the vast majority of people who don't.. That will waste MILLIONS and MILLIONS a year.. Do you do 1 a year? 2 randomly a year? If you are adamant on testing drugs because it is "SO WIDESPREAD" you just going to do it 1 time? NO.. So who pays for it?? The tax payer.. So you will waste millions, in order to find theoretical drug users who may be wasting millions.. Or will you force welfare recipients to pay for it because here you will be taking money away from the vast majority who don't use drugs, or don't abuse the system and actually NEED this money to pay for a stupid #+* formality because people who consider themselves fiscal conservatives (only when it doesn't help the rich) want to overstate the issue..

Another ploy to state something that may be a problem among a small small small minority of a subset of people... Blow it out of proportion like it is the biggest threat since the Plague.. Get regular folk to state that this is what is wrong with our spending... Blame each other... Waste more money to prosecute something that doesn't even make a dent in the budget... And get us to forget the huge issues and abuses that are committed to the tune of hundreds of billions a year..

Too bad people just won't listen though fam.

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV


I;m so glad there doing this..

What they need to do is this to weed out the career welfare recipient:

Any girl that's has a baby while eon welfare needs to get cut off point blank. There should be no reason when you cant take care of your self to go have more babies.

my sister friend sits on her rear end and had 6 kids all while on welfare just to get more welfare money and foodstamps so she dont have to work anymore. Also she gets section 8 now so her rent is like $100 for a nice size house.  This is what some girls do a daily basis.

They need to cut women who get pregnant off welfare or make them have a abortion.
Theres no reason for a female to get preg up while shes on welfare

You do realize that there's a FIVE-YEAR LIFETIME LIMIT on "welfare" right?  There is no such thing as a "career welfare recipient" you clown.

Y'all are talking straight out your @$! holes
You are wrong. There is no limit in Michigan and if there was a limit if you have another kid it resets the time period. And I reported you for personal abuse by calling me a clown

Wrong AGAIN.  It's actually a 4 YEAR lifetime limit in Michigan which is less than the five-year federal limit.

Just stop, please.

Everyone supporting this, please read this article that I posted earlier:


Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

^^^Don't play dumb with me, you may not think so but myself and many others have witnessed this first hand. You shouldn't be buying drugs and having 12 children if you're on govt assistance.

It has nothing to do with "playing dumb."  Please provide us with some reputable figures that speak to these abuses.  Sorry, your personal anecdotal stories of how you've seen people "abuse" welfare don't matter.  Please come better than that, Mr. Empirical Evidence Scientist.

LOL you sound mad....last time i checked science was based on observation.
Clearly myself and others have seen enough where they felt that this law needed to be implemented....shouldn't affect the many law abiding citizens who do not abuse the welfare system. Anybody who can't see that the welfare system is being abused by many (not all) is delusional.

What constitutes "many" and what constitutes "abuse?"  Once again, you provide nothing...

Originally Posted by Essential1

Yeah because welfare is abused by a handful of people that you have physically seen abuse it.. Is now a plausible determination of how widespread abuse is...

Do you know why you don't see the vast majority of people who use welfare correctly? Because there is nothing to see.. What would there be to see about a person who uses welfare correctly? NOTHING.. Unless they were wearing a name tag that says they are on welfare how the hell would you know those using welfare entirely for what it is used for?

God damn lunacy.. Of course there is welfare fraud.. There is also banking fraud.. Identity fraud... That is why we have a division in the government to investigate welfare fraud.. And you could call a number for it too, to report those abuses..

Also how prevalent do you think drug use is among welfare users? It damn sure is nowhere near 100%... And it is most likely nowhere near 50%... Why is it nowhere near 50%? because nowhere near 50% of the country uses drugs..

Investigating drug use among welfare recipients is absolutely stupid.. What do you think it is free to do drug tests all of a sudden? To find the amount of people who may use drugs on welfare you have to go through the vast majority of people who don't.. That will waste MILLIONS and MILLIONS a year.. Do you do 1 a year? 2 randomly a year? If you are adamant on testing drugs because it is "SO WIDESPREAD" you just going to do it 1 time? NO.. So who pays for it?? The tax payer.. So you will waste millions, in order to find theoretical drug users who may be wasting millions.. Or will you force welfare recipients to pay for it because here you will be taking money away from the vast majority who don't use drugs, or don't abuse the system and actually NEED this money to pay for a stupid #+* formality because people who consider themselves fiscal conservatives (only when it doesn't help the rich) want to overstate the issue..

Another ploy to state something that may be a problem among a small small small minority of a subset of people... Blow it out of proportion like it is the biggest threat since the Plague.. Get regular folk to state that this is what is wrong with our spending... Blame each other... Waste more money to prosecute something that doesn't even make a dent in the budget... And get us to forget the huge issues and abuses that are committed to the tune of hundreds of billions a year..

Too bad people just won't listen though fam.

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV

Originally Posted by red mpls

Originally Posted by KingSuperbIV


I;m so glad there doing this..

What they need to do is this to weed out the career welfare recipient:

Any girl that's has a baby while eon welfare needs to get cut off point blank. There should be no reason when you cant take care of your self to go have more babies.

my sister friend sits on her rear end and had 6 kids all while on welfare just to get more welfare money and foodstamps so she dont have to work anymore. Also she gets section 8 now so her rent is like $100 for a nice size house.  This is what some girls do a daily basis.

They need to cut women who get pregnant off welfare or make them have a abortion.
Theres no reason for a female to get preg up while shes on welfare

You do realize that there's a FIVE-YEAR LIFETIME LIMIT on "welfare" right?  There is no such thing as a "career welfare recipient" you clown.

Y'all are talking straight out your @$! holes
You are wrong. There is no limit in Michigan and if there was a limit if you have another kid it resets the time period. And I reported you for personal abuse by calling me a clown

Wrong AGAIN.  It's actually a 4 YEAR lifetime limit in Michigan which is less than the five-year federal limit.

Just stop, please.

Everyone supporting this, please read this article that I posted earlier:


The ACLU article supports why I believe that we should require people receiving welfare assistance to work for their money.

"Alabama decided against drug testing because it found that focusing on job training programs was a more effective method of moving individuals off of welfare.[15]"

By requiring work, they will earn the money they receive and acquire skills to help them move up the economic ladder.  Plus you kill two birds with one stone.  Most lower level jobs require a drug test before you can start working.  Thus, you could identify the 2% of people who need further assistance and place them in necessary programs and also do so in a manner that adheres to the constitution.

"Some states’ constitutions actually offer greater privacy protection to individuals than does the U.S. Constitution. It is very possible that random drug testing schemes for welfare recipients will run afoul of these state-specific protections as well."

The U.S. constitution overrules any state constitution, so the state privacy point is moot also.
The ACLU article supports why I believe that we should require people receiving welfare assistance to work for their money.

"Alabama decided against drug testing because it found that focusing on job training programs was a more effective method of moving individuals off of welfare.[15]"

By requiring work, they will earn the money they receive and acquire skills to help them move up the economic ladder.  Plus you kill two birds with one stone.  Most lower level jobs require a drug test before you can start working.  Thus, you could identify the 2% of people who need further assistance and place them in necessary programs and also do so in a manner that adheres to the constitution.

"Some states’ constitutions actually offer greater privacy protection to individuals than does the U.S. Constitution. It is very possible that random drug testing schemes for welfare recipients will run afoul of these state-specific protections as well."

The U.S. constitution overrules any state constitution, so the state privacy point is moot also.
I love it.

I just wish they would take it a step further and make them random tests while you are receiving benefits.

People can clean up for a few months to get on welfare.

If you can afford drugs, you can afford food and such. No reason you should be using my money to get high.
I love it.

I just wish they would take it a step further and make them random tests while you are receiving benefits.

People can clean up for a few months to get on welfare.

If you can afford drugs, you can afford food and such. No reason you should be using my money to get high.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Exactly, that's why we give homeless people food, not cash.

This law isn't supposed to stop people from doing drugs. You're not supposed to be doing drugs in the first place. So you're telling me that people that are already breaking the law are now going to break the law in even more heinous ways simply because they're no longer allowed to break the law?
This.. When drug addicts encounter obstacles, they don't stop using drugs. They exhaust every other option at their disposal to get over their obstacle while still feeding their addiction. You guys really think crackheads on the street are gonna start walking the straight and narrow because of this law?

Nope, if anything they'll just take the L on gov't assistance and get their money other ways.. ie stealing, breaking and entering, robbing people, selling drugs, etc. Or alternatively, they will find a way to pass their drug tests and continue using gov't assistance. And trust me, there are a LOT of ways to pass piss tests. On top of that, anything other than marijuana will be out of your piss within a week.

This law is terrible. The governor definitely thought this through. He would steal money through the thing with his wife, and the move would be backed by Florida's elderly who are terrified of the crime and the conservative base. 
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

Exactly, that's why we give homeless people food, not cash.

This law isn't supposed to stop people from doing drugs. You're not supposed to be doing drugs in the first place. So you're telling me that people that are already breaking the law are now going to break the law in even more heinous ways simply because they're no longer allowed to break the law?
This.. When drug addicts encounter obstacles, they don't stop using drugs. They exhaust every other option at their disposal to get over their obstacle while still feeding their addiction. You guys really think crackheads on the street are gonna start walking the straight and narrow because of this law?

Nope, if anything they'll just take the L on gov't assistance and get their money other ways.. ie stealing, breaking and entering, robbing people, selling drugs, etc. Or alternatively, they will find a way to pass their drug tests and continue using gov't assistance. And trust me, there are a LOT of ways to pass piss tests. On top of that, anything other than marijuana will be out of your piss within a week.

This law is terrible. The governor definitely thought this through. He would steal money through the thing with his wife, and the move would be backed by Florida's elderly who are terrified of the crime and the conservative base. 
There are way worse things the government can focus on rather than this. How about the national debt? Replacing money we put into the Social Security fun that they BORROWED from to spend on budget problems so I don't have to work til I am 80 to draw on it without penalty? How about just finding these people JOBS instead of bailing out terribly greedy managed real estate and banking companies?

This world we live in is vastly corrupt to the point where it's dumb to focus on such a small margin of the population that do drugs and draw on welfare IMO. I hope this isn't mandated across the country. I don't want STARVING drug addicts out there making their presence known. lol.
There are way worse things the government can focus on rather than this. How about the national debt? Replacing money we put into the Social Security fun that they BORROWED from to spend on budget problems so I don't have to work til I am 80 to draw on it without penalty? How about just finding these people JOBS instead of bailing out terribly greedy managed real estate and banking companies?

This world we live in is vastly corrupt to the point where it's dumb to focus on such a small margin of the population that do drugs and draw on welfare IMO. I hope this isn't mandated across the country. I don't want STARVING drug addicts out there making their presence known. lol.
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