Florida Man Kept 3 Sex Slaves In Home

NT is just obsessed with Florida lol ...   and that Bugs .gif

****** from places like Baltimore need to just sit the **** down somewhere talking about L's .. Baltimore still aint recovered from The Wire
I think after the wire bmore actually earned a few W's
the rest of the country was made aware of how much of a **** hole that place was...

and the Mayor of DC was on the pipe ...
and grouping the entire state of FL together is stupid

northern florida, like Tallahassee and Gainesville are different worlds when compared to Miami, or the Keys

but ppl that ain't been here don't really know any better
You're comparing Baltimore, who is supposedly still recovering from "L's" because of a fictitous TV show from 6-12 years ago, to Florida, who is taking L's for **** like this? Got it, makes perfect sense.
and grouping the entire state of FL together is stupid

northern florida, like Tallahassee and Gainesville are different worlds when compared to Miami, or the Keys

but ppl that ain't been here don't really know any better
northern/central florida is like alabama.....so many flags fly in those areas 
At first this gif gave me a laugh. Now I'm starting to think we should take legit measures to make it happen.
You're comparing Baltimore, who is supposedly still recovering from "L's" because of a fictitous TV show from 6-12 years ago, to Florida, who is taking L's for **** like this? Got it, makes perfect sense.
so what you're telling me is that Baltimore really isn't like that? ....

secondly, ****** acting like Florida is some concentrated area.... from Key West to the capitol is almost 700 miles 

it's like saying what happens in Riverhead, NY out on Long Island is a reflection of NY state as a whole ... that **** aint nothing like Brooklyn

I lived in Orlando for a time..... came to Miami and was like, "where the **** am I at" -- it's legit like living in another country
100 people get asked, "you can have a house in Baltimore... or a house in Miami"

where you think ALL 100 are moving?
Why Florida and Ny cats get so butthurt? Y'all states suck and have a horrible Pr team. I mean, if I want to steal money from a bunch of people, or trick a girl into giving me a Bj In return for 'stardom' ill hit NY or, I could just Florida it and trap these **** in my basement while shooting black kids after my meth binge...but nah I'm chill.

Idk where cats going to move, heroin or aids either way your life is going to suck for a while, then you get used to it...
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so what you're telling me is that Baltimore really isn't like that?
You've got to be kidding me fam. You just said and I quote "but ppl that ain't been here don't really know any better."

And you're asking me if Baltimore is or isnt what The Wire portrayed? I think you just gave Florida its second L of this thread. NT logic at its best.
so what you're telling me is that Baltimore really isn't like that?
You've got to be kidding me fam. You just said and I quote "but ppl that ain't been here don't really know any better."

And you're asking me if Baltimore is or isnt what The Wire portrayed? I think you just gave Florida its second L of this thread. NT logic at its best.
I know plenty of people from Baltimore, born and raised, that tell me how ****** that place is -- i've been there a few times as a kid

so I do know better... the opinion of Baltimore is always consistent

I expect you to defend your home.... it's natural

not even mad at you
Since when does NY suck? Stop with the slander.
im also wondering when Miami has EVER sucked ....

maybe pre-cocaine era in the 70's or some ****.....

lol.... south florida sucks, said no person ever -- esp no straight male .... only thing to complain about is the temperature
I know plenty of people from Baltimore, born and raised, that tell me how ****** that place is -- i've been there a few times as a kid

so I do know better... the opinion of Baltimore is always consistent

I expect you to defend your home.... it's natural

not even mad at you
Baltimore is gritty, but it isn't like it was in the 90s and early 00s. Houses a few blocks from the stadiums going for a mill +. You're tryin to make it sounds like bmore is one big ****hole and I dont think its nearly as bad as you think. Not saying there aren't isolated areas but thats the same with any city.
Since when does NY suck? Stop with the slander.

im also wondering when Miami has EVER sucked ....

maybe pre-cocaine era in the 70's or some ****.....

lol.... south florida sucks, said no person ever -- esp no straight male .... only thing to complain about is the temperature

Just let the sheep sheep.

A couple of years ago, it was Cleveland, before that it was Detroit.

Its just a fad to get clicks and make people feel better about where they live. Go to the NBC New York, strange news section.

ALL of it is from other states. A city with all those people you trying to tell me EVERY traffic stop is a routine traffic stop?

These folks tried to band large drinks(like refills aint free) and have a day for riding the subway with no pants.
Literally EVERY state has a joke that's made about it.

Florida is no exception.

It's not a big deal.
The Florida jokes are no big deal, dudes need to chill. A couple years ago it was Ohio rackin up Ls and getting made fun of, now it is FL's turn.

In a couple years it will be another's state turn; VA is bout to blow any minute.

So relax, enjoy the jokes. They are even personal, so no reason to get upset
Literally EVERY state has a joke that's made about it.

Florida is no exception.

It's not a big deal.

Not saying anyone in this thread is or dude with the binary code username, but NT as a whole has a different demographic compared to years ago.

Dudes is sensitive about each and anything on here.


He is right it's only natural to get defensive of where you're from and when the NY dude that got layed out in AZ and jokes were being cracked many of us NYer's were in the thread defending NY :lol:
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