Florida School Shooting, Over 20 Casualties

I'l say it.

Banning ARs from being sold tomorrow won't stop or dramatically reduce deaths from firearms.

i know i never got involved in this thread early on, but this was one of the first comments i saw coming in. Agreed.

....at this point, there should just be an Official Mass Shooting thread.

sounds terrible saying it and reading honestly...but let's not kid ourselves...plenty of mass shootings to come.
correct again. these guys above me arent understanding. you're attacking literally the smallest factor of why a problem is happening saying its in the name of saving lives. you rather catch 2.6% instead of the remaining 97.4? tf? call that cold or insensitive but it is what it is.

Let's clarify...ARs and weapons and accessories with large capacities. Not just AR, M4, etc.

Also, no one is talking about an outright ban. Maybe buy backs (which you sound like you wouldn't take part in), cease on the manufacturing for public consumption, insurance, and so on.

I understand that putting "AR" or "assault rifles" in a bill wouldn't work and the distinction would have to be made.

I also understand pistols have been used in mass shootings. The only one I can think of that produced as much carnage as with an AR was Virginia Tech which was over a decade and when the country wasn't as prepared (not as many lockdown drills and such).

Seems like the weapon of choice to maximize casualties is the AR oddly enough....Sandy Hook, Vegas, Aurora, Orlando, Paris, last week's.
SneakerProSr. SneakerProSr. is the dude that said the US is one of the safest places to live, and that we should be more outraged about heart attacks killing people more than guns. Don't expect logical statements or arguments from him.

And you said America isn't safe and I simply correctly pointed out how there is less violent crime in America than countries with more strinent gun control.
SneakerProSr. SneakerProSr. is the dude that said the US is one of the safest places to live, and that we should be more outraged about heart attacks killing people more than guns. Don't expect logical statements or arguments from him.

i dont like that argument. we're talking SPECIFICALLY about preventing these mass shootings. in which, the 20 other leading causes of death dont need to be discussed right now. again, im a gun owner yes. but im anti-nra and ive only told yall the cold hard truth about what ur up against when trying to make a sweeping change to something as integrated into our society as guns. a lot of u think im not on ur side. im just telling u what wont work. if there was a ban passed, i would give up my guns. i dont WANT to, but i would. cuz im a law abiding citizen. i dont delude myself into thinking criminals will follow suit.

i dont delude myself into thinking that even half of these mass shootings had anything to do with legally obtained weapons. and negligence plays a huge factor in most of the school shootings.

i know i never got involved in this thread early on, but this was one of the first comments i saw coming in. Agreed.

....at this point, there should just be an Official Mass Shooting thread.

sounds terrible saying it and reading honestly...but let's not kid ourselves...plenty of mass shootings to come.

that IS horrible. in the days after the valentines day shooting, they stopped FOUR more mass shootings from happening. FOUR. in the same damn week. the problem is MUCH deeper than the choice of guns used.
Aint nobody got the answers so y'all keep up this circle jerk. All i know legal or not im gone keep that thang on me
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SneakerProSr. SneakerProSr. is the dude that said the US is one of the safest places to live, and that we should be more outraged about heart attacks killing people more than guns. Don't expect logical statements or arguments from him.
Man, these false equivalence arguments really do boggle the mind. What gets me more is the fact that they imply only ONE problem can be solved at once.

It’s like on that episode of south park where the “chubaka mask” argument comes in. Someone find that for me :/
Y'all need to stop hiding behind population numbers and percentages

If you could prevent even 1 deaths by giving up your gun why wouldn't you?
precisely. and even then, cuz theres no REAL registry, as long as a person says "nope i dont have any" then they leave the house empty handed. thats why ive been saying a BAN wont work. its much smarter to heavily regulate the entire trade and track everything than force everything to be done in the dark. how does this not make sense?

ban won't work .. they would need to grandfather clock the current owners to make it somewhat reasonable bec like you said no one is giving up their AR especially for the Free.
Let's clarify...ARs and weapons and accessories with large capacities. Not just AR, M4, etc.

Also, no one is talking about an outright ban. Maybe buy backs (which you sound like you wouldn't take part in), cease on the manufacturing for public consumption, insurance, and so on.

I understand that putting "AR" or "assault rifles" in a bill wouldn't work and the distinction would have to be made.

I also understand pistols have been used in mass shootings. The only one I can think of that produced as much carnage as with an AR was Virginia Tech which was over a decade and when the country wasn't as prepared (not as many lockdown drills and such).

Seems like the weapon of choice to maximize casualties is the AR oddly enough....Sandy Hook, Vegas, Aurora, Orlando, Paris, last week's.

where ur wrong is plenty of people are talking about an outright pan. including the past two pages where people make the comment of "why does anyone need a semi automatic rifle" you're not asking that question because you think they need to be regulated... u think they need to be gone. again, deal with facts.

and its so much more complicated. do u want to know why terminology matters? i will give you a real example. give me a sec.
How does a law abiding citizen giving up
Their gun prevent a death?
1. “Law abiding citizen” isn’t a permanent thing. That kid 2 weeks ago was a law abiding citizen.

2. A gun isn’t only accessible to that law abiding citizen

3. Fewer guns in circulation = fewer guns available to kill people

I mean am I taking crazy pills thinking some of these questions should be universally understood or what??
this is why terminology matters... cuz loopholes are ridiculous.

Meet the Fostech Origin 12 shotgun: as you can see it has a mag, so it shoots semi auto instead of the pump version u normally see. you dont need any special license to have this gun.


Meet the Fostech Origin 12 SBS : SBS stands for short barrel shotgun. think of when u hear the term "sawed-off." these shotguns are heavily regulated because of their short barrel they can be more easily concealed. you need to have extensive background checks for this, along with paying for a special tax stamp, and typically a 9 month wait to get this. ALL because of the length of the barrel. ignore the color difference, its literally just a color.


Meet the Fostech Origin 12 SBV: This is the companies answer to the long wait times for the SBS. They created the SB"V" where instead of having a stock on the back like the above two shotguns... it has a "brace." this loophole that is often used, allows companies to say the gun isnt mean to be shouldered and thus isnt as big a threat. the ONLY difference between the gun above and the gun below, is the "brace" on the back. yet... thanks to this loophole, you can purchase this version of the shotgun immediately, but have to wait months and months and go thru proper paperwork for the one above.


this is why terminology comes into play. cuz loopholes are DANGEROUS and frankly theyre BS. and gun companies are TOO eager to use them. so when you attack ARs your terminology HAS to be on point, cuz all they have to do is take the stock off an AR and they can call it a pistol. and im not kidding. these things are what make the laws tricky to navigate.
Nobody is saying it's going to prevent these things, but to do nothing time after time is just freaking stupid. So just because it's going to still happen, we shouldn't do nothing? Just sounds silly af.
Why do countries with less guns have less gun violence?

Why do they have more violence in general?

Why do places in Ameica with the most gun control have the most gun violence and death.

Why do states and metropolitan areas with the least amount of gun control have less crime and death than those who do?
How does a law abiding citizen giving up
Their gun prevent a death?
This was my next question.

"We" are getting on other NT dudes for not wanting to give up their guns. But are THOSE the people we are worried about still owning guns?


Do we just want as many guns out of as many hands as possible?
1. “Law abiding citizen” isn’t a permanent thing. That kid 2 weeks ago was a law abiding citizen.

2. A gun isn’t only accessible to that law abiding citizen

3. Fewer guns in circulation = fewer guns available to kill people

I mean am I taking crazy pills thinking some of these questions should be universally understood or what??

your first point is hoopla. everybody has the potential to stop being a law abiding citizen at any given time. irrelevant statement.

what criminal has access to MY guns right now? none. if i had kids, my guns wouldnt just be on a table or under the bed, hence why i say adding harsher punishment for negligence will curb these issues.

this thought implies that the number of guns available is tied to the amount of people getting killed. but thats easily proven to not be true. because the amount of guns has been slowly increasing for the past 30 years, but the amount of mass shootings has only been increasing (dramatically at that) for the past 10, and especially in the last 5. so the number of guns in circulation has no correlation.
Why do countries with less guns have less gun violence?
One can argue that Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership in the world and less violent crime. I'm on your side, but I think this particular argument doesn't work.
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