Floyd Mayweather Jr. Launches Shoe Design Contest.

Originally Posted by FLINTGREY

Admit it...half you guys just wanna hang with Bieber
i don't understand the prize giveaway. How can they all get lifetime subscriptions to mymag and they all be worth different amounts. Or is the prize the money in addition to the lifetime subscriptions? Either way the prize is wack for someone who brands himself as money may. No less than 5k for the winner, then 1500, and 500 for 1st and 2nd runners up sounds good, F those subsriptions.
are yall mad about 3k?

son you lucky it aint 1k yall $%*+@ about EVERYTHING.

yall def got 4 lips and bleed for 7days. disgusting
Originally Posted by RyanNYC

are yall mad about 3k?

son you lucky it aint 1k yall $%*+@ about EVERYTHING.

yall def got 4 lips and bleed for 7days. disgusting
Shut up. You sound like a old man. You always complaining in every thread about "US" .. go to bed. Im tired of #%!#. You complain in every damn thread.
i have a design but im confused . . . are we making a custom shoe from scratch (which i did) or just choosing colors and patterns?
Originally Posted by No Stackson

i have a design but im confused . . . are we making a custom shoe from scratch (which i did) or just choosing colors and patterns?
  • Participates may use the provided template for their design but are not required to
  • Submissions must be original and submitted in JPEG or PNG format and must not have been commercially used either before or during this Creative Invitsdf
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the show template is atrocious doe lmao

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Originally Posted by No Stackson

i have a design but im confused . . . are we making a custom shoe from scratch (which i did) or just choosing colors and patterns?
  • Participates may use the provided template for their design but are not required to
  • Submissions must be original and submitted in JPEG or PNG format and must not have been commercially used either before or during this Creative Invitsdf
[font=lucida grande, tahoma, arial, sans-serif]

the show template is atrocious doe lmao

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