Floyd on Pac - "have him make sushi and cook some rice." "he's a ******" - RACIST

Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt that
Margarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months

But if he wasn't fighting Pacquiao what are the chances his fight would take place in the U.S.? Let alone for a world title.
unlikely, but my point was that many boxers have done outlandish stuff throughout the years, and they have not been "banned from boxing forever"
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by bleach

Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt that
Margarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months

But if he wasn't fighting Pacquiao what are the chances his fight would take place in the U.S.? Let alone for a world title.
unlikely, but my point was that many boxers have done outlandish stuff throughout the years, and they have not been "banned from boxing forever"
Originally Posted by manilaboyxix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by dmxfury

This isn't just a major fight, this is THE fight for a sport that needs it. Simply has to be done and I'm beginning to doubt if it will occur

And didn't Pac agree to the tests? I know he didn't initially but I thought he came back and is now ok with it but Money is backing off. Please correct me if I'm wrong
Never publicly agreed. His camp just said we agreed to "terms" which can be interpreted differently
[h1]Manny Pacquiao agrees to 14-day blood-testing limit[/h1]

Pacquiao has said that he would fight one more fight
Filipino star Manny Pacquiao has given the clearest indication yet that he is willing to compromise over Floyd Mayweather's drug-testing demands.

Pacquiao says he would now be willing to take a blood test 14 days ahead of any fight with his American rival.

"I have agreed to it, but they should not draw much blood," he said.

Negotiations for a bout between the pair fell through earlier this year when the unbeaten Mayweather insisted on Olympic-style random drug testing.

Five-weight world champion Pacquiao said: "They should only take what is necessary for the drug test."
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The 31-year-old, who previously said he does not like giving blood close to his fights, added: "14 days," when stating the time limit for blood to be taken before the fight.

In the run-up to their aborted March bout, Mayweather called for repeated blood testing up to the day of the fight. Pacquiao, who has never failed a doping test, wanted a 30-day cut-off.

Mayweather later said he agreed to a 14-day cut-off but that Pacquiao would not accept it.

Since then they have faced different opponents, with Mayweather beating Shane Mosley and Pacquiao defeating Joshua Clottey.

A fight between the pair, widely regarded and the two best pound-for-pound boxers in the world, would also likely be the richest in the sport's history, with Las Vegas or Dallas the likely venue.

"He [Mayweather] will no longer have a reason [not to fight]," added Pacquiao. "Let's see if that is really the reason."

Earlier this month, Pacquiao said he would have one last fight after securing a seat in the Philippine Congress by a huge margin.

His chief financial adviser Michael Konzc added that 6 November and 13 November had been set aside as potential dates for his next bout.

If it is not against Mayweather, Mexico's Antonio Margarito is his other likely opponent.


i think after the mosley fight floyd started saying it had to be random with no cutoff date
Originally Posted by manilaboyxix

Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by dmxfury

This isn't just a major fight, this is THE fight for a sport that needs it. Simply has to be done and I'm beginning to doubt if it will occur

And didn't Pac agree to the tests? I know he didn't initially but I thought he came back and is now ok with it but Money is backing off. Please correct me if I'm wrong
Never publicly agreed. His camp just said we agreed to "terms" which can be interpreted differently
[h1]Manny Pacquiao agrees to 14-day blood-testing limit[/h1]

Pacquiao has said that he would fight one more fight
Filipino star Manny Pacquiao has given the clearest indication yet that he is willing to compromise over Floyd Mayweather's drug-testing demands.

Pacquiao says he would now be willing to take a blood test 14 days ahead of any fight with his American rival.

"I have agreed to it, but they should not draw much blood," he said.

Negotiations for a bout between the pair fell through earlier this year when the unbeaten Mayweather insisted on Olympic-style random drug testing.

Five-weight world champion Pacquiao said: "They should only take what is necessary for the drug test."
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Have your say on this story
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The 31-year-old, who previously said he does not like giving blood close to his fights, added: "14 days," when stating the time limit for blood to be taken before the fight.

In the run-up to their aborted March bout, Mayweather called for repeated blood testing up to the day of the fight. Pacquiao, who has never failed a doping test, wanted a 30-day cut-off.

Mayweather later said he agreed to a 14-day cut-off but that Pacquiao would not accept it.

Since then they have faced different opponents, with Mayweather beating Shane Mosley and Pacquiao defeating Joshua Clottey.

A fight between the pair, widely regarded and the two best pound-for-pound boxers in the world, would also likely be the richest in the sport's history, with Las Vegas or Dallas the likely venue.

"He [Mayweather] will no longer have a reason [not to fight]," added Pacquiao. "Let's see if that is really the reason."

Earlier this month, Pacquiao said he would have one last fight after securing a seat in the Philippine Congress by a huge margin.

His chief financial adviser Michael Konzc added that 6 November and 13 November had been set aside as potential dates for his next bout.

If it is not against Mayweather, Mexico's Antonio Margarito is his other likely opponent.


i think after the mosley fight floyd started saying it had to be random with no cutoff date

Floyd Mayweather has been on the receiving end of widespread criticism since last week over racially offensive comments he made in a recent Ustream video appearance aimed at rival Manny Pacquiao. Mayweather's father Floyd Sr. though, doesn't believe his son did or said anything wrong, and doesn't think that he should have apologized.

Appearing on the latest edition of the On The Ropes boxing radio show earlier tonight, Floyd Sr. as usual had plenty to say, not much of which will be welcomed by those offended by his son's comments.

"Those are not racial statements that he made, talking about what somebody eat, whats racial about that?"

He then gave a brief list of comparisons that could be used to stereotype what black people eat, which, he says, wouldn't be racist either.

"I don't like that he did that cos it shows a sign of weakness because he didn't say nothing wrong that I see because its boxing talk, what he got to apologize for?"

"I just don't like that he apologized for something that he didn't say"

Boxing talk is all very well, but the the difference in this case is that it should be directed at and confined to an opponent, not an entire race of people. Whether Sr. finds racially stereotyping people by what they eat offensive or not is irrelevant, the point is that plenty of other people do.

Secondly, Floyd and Manny aren't even about to fight each other, so essentially there was no reason for the comments in the first place. If they ever fight each other it will probably not be until next summer, and there is still a long way to go before the two sides even begin to negotiate again let alone agree to terms.

The reason Mayweather did apologize, which seems to have slipped Sr's attention, probably wasn't because he felt that he did anything wrong. More likely he realized that he stepped over the line from all the negative feedback he was getting and realized that his sponsors could potentially drop him if he was perceived as a racist.

"little fa***t *+@**, that's what he is, you think I'ma take that back? I said way more than he (Floyd Jr.) did"

As per usual Floyd Sr also made time to comment on the now moot issue of fully random blood testing, which was one of the things that stopped the fight from happening during the first set of negotiations. More recently though Pacquiao agreed to fully random testing, and seemingly it was Mayweather alone who decided that they didn't want the fight to happen.

"I know hes not scared of Pacquiao, especially if he takes that test, the Olympic test. That's the last thing that Floyd's scared of, Pacquiao, take the test, take the test and we'll find out"

When asked his opinion on the upcoming fight between Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito, Mayweather commented

"One ain't no dirtier than the other one"

He also shot down the idea of his son fighting Andre Berto, saying that at this stage, Berto isn't on the same level, which is one of the very few things he has said lately that makes sense. Whether the fight would be much of a challenge for Mayweather or not, Berto doesn't have close to enough drawing power to land a fight against Mayweather, and the two of them are friends.

Floyd Sr did later concede though that he thought Pacquiao would win the fight against Margarito, before beginning a thinly veiled series of steroid accusations once more.

"Pacquiao probably gonna end up beating Margarito"

One thing that could be said in Floyd Jr's defense though is that if he shares the same views as his father, he appears to be more ignorant of what offends people in this day and age than genuinely hateful towards other races.

Floyd Mayweather has been on the receiving end of widespread criticism since last week over racially offensive comments he made in a recent Ustream video appearance aimed at rival Manny Pacquiao. Mayweather's father Floyd Sr. though, doesn't believe his son did or said anything wrong, and doesn't think that he should have apologized.

Appearing on the latest edition of the On The Ropes boxing radio show earlier tonight, Floyd Sr. as usual had plenty to say, not much of which will be welcomed by those offended by his son's comments.

"Those are not racial statements that he made, talking about what somebody eat, whats racial about that?"

He then gave a brief list of comparisons that could be used to stereotype what black people eat, which, he says, wouldn't be racist either.

"I don't like that he did that cos it shows a sign of weakness because he didn't say nothing wrong that I see because its boxing talk, what he got to apologize for?"

"I just don't like that he apologized for something that he didn't say"

Boxing talk is all very well, but the the difference in this case is that it should be directed at and confined to an opponent, not an entire race of people. Whether Sr. finds racially stereotyping people by what they eat offensive or not is irrelevant, the point is that plenty of other people do.

Secondly, Floyd and Manny aren't even about to fight each other, so essentially there was no reason for the comments in the first place. If they ever fight each other it will probably not be until next summer, and there is still a long way to go before the two sides even begin to negotiate again let alone agree to terms.

The reason Mayweather did apologize, which seems to have slipped Sr's attention, probably wasn't because he felt that he did anything wrong. More likely he realized that he stepped over the line from all the negative feedback he was getting and realized that his sponsors could potentially drop him if he was perceived as a racist.

"little fa***t *+@**, that's what he is, you think I'ma take that back? I said way more than he (Floyd Jr.) did"

As per usual Floyd Sr also made time to comment on the now moot issue of fully random blood testing, which was one of the things that stopped the fight from happening during the first set of negotiations. More recently though Pacquiao agreed to fully random testing, and seemingly it was Mayweather alone who decided that they didn't want the fight to happen.

"I know hes not scared of Pacquiao, especially if he takes that test, the Olympic test. That's the last thing that Floyd's scared of, Pacquiao, take the test, take the test and we'll find out"

When asked his opinion on the upcoming fight between Pacquiao and Antonio Margarito, Mayweather commented

"One ain't no dirtier than the other one"

He also shot down the idea of his son fighting Andre Berto, saying that at this stage, Berto isn't on the same level, which is one of the very few things he has said lately that makes sense. Whether the fight would be much of a challenge for Mayweather or not, Berto doesn't have close to enough drawing power to land a fight against Mayweather, and the two of them are friends.

Floyd Sr did later concede though that he thought Pacquiao would win the fight against Margarito, before beginning a thinly veiled series of steroid accusations once more.

"Pacquiao probably gonna end up beating Margarito"

One thing that could be said in Floyd Jr's defense though is that if he shares the same views as his father, he appears to be more ignorant of what offends people in this day and age than genuinely hateful towards other races.
Important note in these negotiations: 

Pacquiao rejected Mayweather's demand of Olympic Style Testing because it is about pride and respect.  Pacquiao does not want to beeasily bossed around and give into Mayweather's demand because Pacquiao sees himself equal to Mayweather because people also see him as the best.  Mayweather is not the boxing commission.  Both Mayweather and Pacquiao see themselves as champions that will not easily be bossed around by the other because both have respect and pride.

Note on negotiations:

Pacquiao's compromise:
-The compromise was 14 days and immediately after the fight.  This way Pacquiao also gets his way without giving fully into Mayweather's demands.  -The random cut off date for testing in the Mayweather-Mosley fight was 18 days.

Negotiations going on:
-There were actual negotiations even though Mayweather there wasn't (Oscar De La Hoya (in June, said negotiations going on), President of HBO Ross Greenburg, Bob Arum) said negotiations going on
-Floyd always has final say and rejected all negotiated offers, says negotiations not going on to look good

Mayweather still wants his way and ONLY his way, not compromise:
-Floyd still wants random testing up to 24 hours before the fight, although compromise immediately after the fight works the same way
-Floyd now wants of the share, wants around 60-40 instead of 50-50 although Pacquiao is needed to estimated 50 million pay per view (not just any fighter)

-Don King brought in to help both sides reach a compromise.

My opinion:
Looks like Mayweather never really wanted the fight to happen will all his demands the past year.  Doesn't want to risk his undefeated record which is smart and cowardly at the same time.  Pacquiao wants the fight to happen but will not easily give into all of Mayweather's demands without compromise because like Mayweather, Pacquiao demands respect and has pride because of being seen as the best.  Both Mayweather and Pacquiao are also set with the money they made from boxing and will both go into the hall of fame.  Unless a compromise that both sides accepts happens, I am resigned to the fight never happening.
Important note in these negotiations: 

Pacquiao rejected Mayweather's demand of Olympic Style Testing because it is about pride and respect.  Pacquiao does not want to beeasily bossed around and give into Mayweather's demand because Pacquiao sees himself equal to Mayweather because people also see him as the best.  Mayweather is not the boxing commission.  Both Mayweather and Pacquiao see themselves as champions that will not easily be bossed around by the other because both have respect and pride.

Note on negotiations:

Pacquiao's compromise:
-The compromise was 14 days and immediately after the fight.  This way Pacquiao also gets his way without giving fully into Mayweather's demands.  -The random cut off date for testing in the Mayweather-Mosley fight was 18 days.

Negotiations going on:
-There were actual negotiations even though Mayweather there wasn't (Oscar De La Hoya (in June, said negotiations going on), President of HBO Ross Greenburg, Bob Arum) said negotiations going on
-Floyd always has final say and rejected all negotiated offers, says negotiations not going on to look good

Mayweather still wants his way and ONLY his way, not compromise:
-Floyd still wants random testing up to 24 hours before the fight, although compromise immediately after the fight works the same way
-Floyd now wants of the share, wants around 60-40 instead of 50-50 although Pacquiao is needed to estimated 50 million pay per view (not just any fighter)

-Don King brought in to help both sides reach a compromise.

My opinion:
Looks like Mayweather never really wanted the fight to happen will all his demands the past year.  Doesn't want to risk his undefeated record which is smart and cowardly at the same time.  Pacquiao wants the fight to happen but will not easily give into all of Mayweather's demands without compromise because like Mayweather, Pacquiao demands respect and has pride because of being seen as the best.  Both Mayweather and Pacquiao are also set with the money they made from boxing and will both go into the hall of fame.  Unless a compromise that both sides accepts happens, I am resigned to the fight never happening.
Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt thatMargarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months
Racism > Illegal Hand Wrappings

Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt thatMargarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months
Racism > Illegal Hand Wrappings

^there was no cutoff date. the last day they were tested maybe have been 18 days (i thought it was 16?) but there was still the possibility of them being tested after that. the whole idea is for you to not know when they can test you or not
^there was no cutoff date. the last day they were tested maybe have been 18 days (i thought it was 16?) but there was still the possibility of them being tested after that. the whole idea is for you to not know when they can test you or not
Originally Posted by JStar25

Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt thatMargarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months
Racism > Illegal Hand Wrappings


really?  as far as i know saying some racist stuff as trash talk to a potential opponent leading up to a fight, cant do this to them
Originally Posted by JStar25

Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt thatMargarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months
Racism > Illegal Hand Wrappings


really?  as far as i know saying some racist stuff as trash talk to a potential opponent leading up to a fight, cant do this to them
Originally Posted by JStar25

Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt thatMargarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months
Racism > Illegal Hand Wrappings


Peoples lives are at risk when someone maliciously wraps to cause harm to someone...  Mayweather throwing out some slurs has NOTHING on what Louis Resto's camp did to Billy Collins Jr.
Originally Posted by JStar25

Originally Posted by acidicality

if Pac made those remarks the other way around, he'd be banned from boxing forever.
i really doubt thatMargarito committed the worst crime in boxing and his fighting in a couple months
Racism > Illegal Hand Wrappings


Peoples lives are at risk when someone maliciously wraps to cause harm to someone...  Mayweather throwing out some slurs has NOTHING on what Louis Resto's camp did to Billy Collins Jr.
Dog I'm talking about Racism on the BIG SCALE... WARS have been fought on racism many have died.

Sure Mayweathers comments are just BS but to suggest a non-black calling a black public figure racial slurs in a public forum is just "trash talking" that would be a mistake in judgment. So let's just leave it at I misunderstood the dude's point being just a Mayweather/Pacman reference and not racism as a whole. -Peace
Dog I'm talking about Racism on the BIG SCALE... WARS have been fought on racism many have died.

Sure Mayweathers comments are just BS but to suggest a non-black calling a black public figure racial slurs in a public forum is just "trash talking" that would be a mistake in judgment. So let's just leave it at I misunderstood the dude's point being just a Mayweather/Pacman reference and not racism as a whole. -Peace
Originally Posted by JStar25

Dog I'm talking about Racism on the BIG SCALE... WARS have been fought on racism many have died.

Sure Mayweathers comments are just BS but to suggest a non-black calling a black public figure racial slurs in a public forum is just "trash talking" that would be a mistake in judgment. So let's just leave it at I misunderstood the dude's point being just a Mayweather/Pacman reference and not racism as a whole. -Peace
well im not talking about racism on a big scale, you quoted something i said and took it completely out of context
edit:  whoops.  i responded before i read the second sentence in your post.  lol 
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