Followers versus LEADERS

Shortreach has gone silent

He's nose deep in an Encyclopedia Britannica right now (actual book bc using the Internet is for pheasants) looking for his next empty rant full of words he can't even comprehend
Im not really a leader Im more a facilitator I know how to get the best out of group to accomplish a goal. Whether it be planning a party or trip. Or setting up a marketing campaign I can delegate my *** off and take all the credit for it :D

But yea a good leader is a good listener. Find out what people desire and show them how to get it while still strategically benefitting you in someway is leadership.
Lmfao @ dudes new name...


I think I just got an idea for a thread....

"Rename NTer game" :nerd:
Most of NT doesn't see that because most of NT is not hell bent on psychoanalyzing my e-character.

Not to get into the middle of this sparring session....but that's obviously a convenient explanation for you.

But let's be real. A lot of people on here may not be old enough or, honestly, smart enough to look beyond the surface and analyze certain members character traits.

Any assessments I make about cats on here, and that's not to say I'm right, are based on repeated impressions. A large sample size if you will. Like your own assessments of LONGSTROKE.

People like to use the whole "you don't know me" argument, but there's people you interact with every day that you don't "know". Cats you think you can trust turn on you etc.

Educated guesses can be made even online when someone presents enough of themselves. Like if you were to guess I'm a bit of a'd be right.

"Charming *******" as my co workers call it. HA!
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Not to get into the middle of this sparring session....but that's obviously a convenient explanation for you.
But let's be real. A lot of people on here may not be old enough or, honestly, smart enough to look beyond the surface and analyze certain members character traits.
Any assessments I make about cats on here, and that's not to say I'm right, are based on repeated impressions. A large sample size if you will.
People like to use the whole "you don't know me" argument, but there's people you interact with every day that you don't "know". Cats you think you can trust turn on you etc.
Educated guesses can be made even online when someone presents enough of themselves. Like if you were to guess I'm a bit of a'd be right.
"Charming *******" as my co workers call it. HA!

Yeah you can scratch the surface an make estimated guesses but certain dudes have tried to dig wayyyyyy deeep, simply off the fact that I post pictures online :lol:
Everyone is a leader to some extent and a follower to some extent, that's the BOTTOMLINE


A true leader can admit that sometimes he also needs to follow.
Here's the question.

According to who?



:lol: :lol:

SHORTREACH why are you asking people for opinions just to tell them you don't care if they're valid or not? why are you so adamant about displaying your masculinity or whatever it is you're trying to project?

and you are a follower. everyone is a follower, even leaders. it's how life works.
The pattern is getting old and I don't know why more of NT doesnt see right through him. It's a trait mostly seen in females.
 @ you of all people saying this.
Looking at the world today neither is more important than the other.

I'd never limit myself to either when I can do my own thing and not follow anyone or lead anyone. Being an example though can't always be helped unless your actively trying not to be.
The final judge for all things, is yourself.

Pardon me if you are religious, but that''s how we free thinkers get down.

Without religion, man is condemned to his freedoms

Albert Camus

wise words from one of my favorite philosophers.

I do encourage anyone interested in this topic to read works from Camus and Sartre.

Regardless, great thread!
What is all this horsesh**? 

There are "leaders" who are losers and there are "followers" who are doing great. 

Whatever works for each individual. 
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im neither i dont follow or lead one man army bruh alpha :pimp:

i always cringe at sheeps though :smh: would be ashamed if i had a son and he was a sheep
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I think of myself as more of a leader than a sheep. Like I tend to go to a board mainly dedicated to Nike and Jordan Brand products and talk absolute **** about both. Only a leader would do that, right? You'll notice that a lot of times I reiterate Nike and Jordan Brand's reliance on plastic. Then I will add something of no significance and it will be Adidas related. ONLY A LEADER WOULD DO THAT! Oh, and I'll spout my elitist nonsense over and over. I'll tell everyone why they collect the shoes they collect ad nauseum. Then I will spew why the reasons I buy shoes makes me more of a voice on all things shoe-related. If it weren't for the sheep, I'd be more of a revered voice here. That's just me though; a leader.

Sorry, I forgot to use the word "plastic" more in that response. I can't be bothered though. I'm too good for this board and that's precisely why I refuse to leave.
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Everyone here claiming to be a leader lol.  Honestly, I'm okay with being a follower.  I always look to others for advice and am usually down for doing whatever.  Not to assume I'm a huge pushover, but I can be submissive if the need should arrive.  For example, if a friend and I were having a fight over some crazy, stupid ****, I might just let them have their way because the empty toilet paper roll isn't worth the destruction of our relationship, but needless to say, their inability to compromise or be agreeable would definitely limit our relationship.  It's give and take, and sometimes the bigger person is the one who waves the white flag because they know winning just isn't worth it.

Why would I be friends with someone who always wants to be right?  Well, it's not that they ALWAYS want to be right persay, but sometimes people have their off days and you just need to be the one that lets it slide, maybe bring it up another day when they're in better condition for talking.  Besides, sometimes those people have other amazing attributes that make a ****** one worth putting up for.

At the same time, I am also proud to say I can lead as well.  I offer solid advice and stand up for my beliefs/morals/ethics/etc.  If disagreements arise, I'll always stand behind my conscience and be willing to talk.  If you can't talk things out with someone, the relationships gonna be a long, ****** ride.
This thread is stupid. "Leaders" and "followers" are constructed labels.
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