Artichoke Slice and a Vodka Sicilian

Love Love Love Artichoke Pizza.
Anyone have a recipe for Jamaican oxtail or a recipe they have tried from the interwebz? Want to make sure I get recipe thats good if I'm going to try and cook it. pm me.
Also feel free to post other recipes, pasta sauces, stews, etc that are good. Going to try and learn different cooking this summer.
For pasta sauce, I'd try to just keep it simple at first. Good olive oil that's from one and not three different sources. Local tomatoes. Garlic. That's all you really need. And don't be afraid to use a lot of the olive oil. You can branch off from there if you want to. I've been throwing in vegetables like zucchini every now and then.
The beef in here is legit theeeeeee best!

Over food!

I'll never forget the first time I saw nawghtyhare nawghtyhare get fed up with the sampling talk, and it has never not been funny since then.

Yall get me through bad times, appreciated.
U ok with that white boy
Saying the N word in his post????
And shotsrangout shotsrangout wonders why no one
****s with him
Last time I’m a address u shotsrangout shotsrangout
I know u gonna come back and say something
But just know
I’m not gonna read it
Gonna skip right past it

Last interaction I had with him was the time I basically told him how he had disappointed me and how he'd become a cancer to this thread. Woke up that morning to find my post deleted and him being banned.

He's the only person I have on ignore now. Never read an alchemist post and thought "I'm glad he posted that."

At least he don’t stalk you in every shoe thread......:smh:
i’m not white :lol:

it’s just some bull**** nawghtyhare nawghtyhare made up to slander my name.

i’m light skin so i’m automatically white to him. Such a shame. Instead of building up his brothers he chooses to tear them down.

Steph Curry says hi. He knows what you say about him in the basketball threads.
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