I just peeped
She said “mmmm the smell”
And ain’t nothin even cooked :rofl:
That’s right I forgot you can smell a picture. Atleast I’m cooking not posting **** other people have made. I’ve realized that people on here just talk **** cuz they have nothing better to do. Play on playa. I’ve gotta get ready for work.
U know ur suppose to pan fry the bacon first right???
Then throw the green beans in
Once the bacon fat has rendered
Or is that cultural
:nerd: :nerd:
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican
The bacon was half fried before I put the green beans in. I don’t like crispy bacon. Wasn’t eating it until today had to make lunch for work. My apologies I’ll post once it’s cooked next time but it won’t matter you’ll jump on the keyboard to talk **** anyway. Napoleon complex, must be a “little guy” somewhere, either height or in your pants. It’s ok though. Keep putting in the keyboard work. You’ll get giggles and we will continue our day. What are you cooking though? Or do you sit on the couch and type? All I’ve seen are words so far from you, and annoying ones at that. Prob got crusty *** toes too.
I was going to ask her why she didn't cook the bacon first. Maybe she like flimsy bacon.
I don’t like crunchy bacon, correct. I forgot though that grown men are on here solely to aggravate people though. Are there threads with mature people on here or we just have to deal with these kinds everywhere. It’s exhausting to keep having to dumb myself down to argue over nothing. But I guess y’all have more time than I do. Have a great day gotta go make some money.
I don’t like crunchy bacon, correct. I forgot though that grown men are on here solely to aggravate people though. Are there threads with mature people on here or we just have to deal with these kinds everywhere. It’s exhausting to keep having to dumb myself down to argue over nothing. But I guess y’all have more time than I do. Have a great day gotta go make some money.

This thread is very immature . Again, everyone gets "it." Nobody is coming at you for personal reasons. Just how things go around here man.

And yes we are all broke as well. All jobless.
posts are disappearing
This thread is very immature . Again, everyone gets "it." Nobody is coming at you for personal reasons. Just how things go around here man.

And yes we are all broke as well. All jobless.
Perception is reality right. Don’t dish if you can’t take it sweetie. That was all directed to the other one anyway.
That’s right I forgot you can smell a picture. Atleast I’m cooking not posting **** other people have made. I’ve realized that people on here just talk **** cuz they have nothing better to do. Play on playa. I’ve gotta get ready for work.

What kind of skillet you use? You have a cast iron?
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