Unless you got a bunch of people from the islands around you I doubt it’s common.

I can think of only like 5 places to get it here.
I could see this but as with many things it is about exposure.

I am sure there are plenty of places in most regions/areas that sell Oxtails but unless you were aware it existed, you have to reason to know it is even out there.
I'm in BK, NYC so I'm definitely taking it for granted.

Pretty much if not here or Florida not sure where you getting ox tail made by Caribbean folk.

The food truck in that vid is 2 blocks away from a movie theater I frequent. Got me thinking of sneaking in some ox tail to Bad Boys 3 :lol:
I could see this but as with many things it is about exposure.

I am sure there are plenty of places in most regions/areas that sell Oxtails but unless you were aware it existed, you have to reason to know it is even out there.

Not really here, you got pimento on special, Harry Singh’s and Brasa sometimes on special. That’s really it in all the twin cities. Someone correct me if I’m wrong. I know the food scene here pretty well and that’s an area we’re lacking for sure and none of the soul food places serve oxtail.

if you wanna go to the butcher and get it there are a bunch that sell it...

Reasoning behind this logic?

There are DOZENS of places in this area that have Caribbean folks making oxtails.
I'm talking about the migration of ppl from the west Indies to the Americas over I guess the past 2 or 3 generations.

The densest populations are the tri-state and Florida.

That's not to say there aren't Caribbean ppl in other regions but I'm going off probability and likelihood. Cuz if you not family you're gonna have to go to a spot where they opened up a business to sell that food.

Yeah there are a lot of Caribbean ppl in the DMV and west coast as well; I have cousins in VA/DC and Phoenix but I'm not aware of mini subcultures in those or other places. Not that I'm an expert on it. Just saying.

So what I'm basically saying is if you were in the Midwest and say specifically Cleveland I'm not sure you would have many options to try ox tail. In Brooklyn there's like 50+ places I can go to and their ranked so I have the best chance of tasting the best made ox tail.

If we were talking about Chinese food, I'd end up naming some other states or Ethiopian food I'd mention DC, NY, MN.
Pretty much, not many Caribbean places here because not many people from the islands.

now if you want some Mexican, Ecuadorian, Vietnamese, thai, Ethiopian, Somalian or Indian we got you.

a Spanish spot I go to has a really good oxtail appetizer
braised, served w/ camelized onion, mahon cheese, on a baguette
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