Yes cooking on the grill and not getting smokes kinda defeats the purpose. You can get char from cooking it on the broil setting.

I kind of do it different each time
Top on for a certain amount, then off to sauce or turn or whatever.
It's just become an organic method created after many grills
It tastes good so I just never deviated

But yea I'll try that method
Always interested in new things
I kind of do it different each time
Top on for a certain amount, then off to sauce or turn or whatever.
It's just become an organic method created after many grills
It tastes good so I just never deviated

But yea I'll try that method
Always interested in new things
What is your grill set-up?

The bottom "bowl" of your girl in particular?

Do you use Two-Zone cooking?
I have a gas grill.
I've done "2 zone "cooking before
Experimented with various methods.

This is just the one I prefer.
I have a gas grill.
I've done "2 zone "cooking before
Experimented with various methods.

This is just the one I prefer.
Got you. Gas.

You prefer Gas vs. Charcoal?

I guess gas is way more convenient, if I had gas I would cook out more than I currently do.

Sausage Pepperoni Deep Dish from Arrenello's in Glenwood IL
Sausage, Pepperoni and cheese is under what I’ll admit is quite a bit of sauce. Since I’ve been home I’ve been eating a lot of deep dishes. The sauce and crust from Arrenello's make the pie.
Sausage, Pepperoni and cheese is under what I’ll admit is quite a bit of sauce. Since I’ve been home I’ve been eating a lot of deep dishes. The sauce and crust from Arrenello's make the pie.
:lol: It ain't the AMOUNT of sauce, it is the color of the sauce.
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