Second stimulus package came through
we good
Since DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican quoted Act I of the saga, I figured it's only fair to gravedig the start of Act II for the folks at home who have no idea what we're talking about :lol:

Super Bowl spread at the in-laws...
Nachos, cookies, fried chicken wings, short bread & chocolate chip cookies. Not pictured are the hot dogs.

Chips, fruits, peanuts, & veggies.

Home made salt & peper & bbq wings.

Chili, queso, & buffalo cheese dip...
Isn’t chives a garnish less so of a seasoning?
What are the taste benefits of using chives?
Honest question.
I use green onions
Chopped greeen onions transfers the flavor of the onions really well
Yeah but I use the green part
I think the green part is the “onion”
And white part the scallion
Im confused. The bulb is an onion and the green part is used a garnish?
Next time u mix it in after breaking ur eggs open just the green part then report back

Excuse me but I have to chalk this up to ignorance.

If you eat the fries like a civilized person with a fork no need to put ketchup on the side.


You eating something hotdog style.
Eating fries with a fork? People do this?

That's on some George Costanza eating a candy bar with a fork and knife tip.
Eating fries with a fork? People do this?

That's on some George Costanza eating a candy bar with a fork and knife tip.
Eh, not the first time I've said it.

You think I eat those fries covered in ketchup with my hands? :lol:

Again, for the civilized you eat your fries with a fork.

Fries stop being food you eat with your hands when you're no longer a child.
Ah yes. Shoveling multiple french fries pierced by a fork and doused in ketchup into your mouth all at once.

The pinnacle of maturity and high society.
I like to use honey mustard with my fries. If I don’t have that then it’s usually real tomato catsup.
I’ve heard ketchup referred to as “American salsa” before so I guess it’s not toooo strange to put it on nachos? :lol:
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