Tavern Style, Chicago

What for breakfast this am guys? ME i didn't have time for anything so i grabbed a coffee at a place close to my house but what i really wanted was a rainbow bagel with cream cheese
What for breakfast this am guys? ME i didn't have time for anything so i grabbed a coffee at a place close to my house but what i really wanted was a rainbow bagel with cream cheese
Black coffee and a bottle of water.

Might eat a Greek yogurt or a banana later. Also might just wait until lunch to eat something more substantial.
Sliced, Firm Bananas ( # ) + Grape Nuts is a good combo to add to the yogurts.

I like granola in my yogurt. I've never tried grape nuts. I'm scared to venture outside of almonds or peanuts or cashews. The last time i decided to buy some walnuts to snack on i discovered i had an allergy to walnuts **** was not pleasant.
I like granola in my yogurt. I've never tried grape nuts. I'm scared to venture outside of almonds or peanuts or cashews. The last time i decided to buy some walnuts to snack on i discovered i had an allergy to walnuts **** was not pleasant.
Grape nuts serves the same purpose as Granolas. Just no sugar.

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DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican you the dude, that dropped a link to the Aden Films youtube channel right?

Love their way of cooking. Japanese teppanyaki chefs are compulsive food movers like me. You know those DONT FLIP THE STEAK BUT ONCE types, I'm not that. Thinking about buying a teppanyahi place for my stove now, but they 'spensive!
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