Did takeout from Peter Lugers last night. Had enough leftover for breakfast....

For me it’s a lot of work when I handle raw chicken. I move everything away from the sink so nothing gets splashed on. Sanitize the sink. Take the chicken out the package and put in a colander. Rinse with lemon or lime juice then rinse off and transfer to a new bowl or cutting board for prep. After the chicken is in whatever cooking device, I bleach everything down. Including pouring bleach down the sink and garbage disposal and letting it run.
This is what i'm realizing from the washing "leaving a mess" crowd, I think they wash in the sink and splash everywhere instead of isolating to a single bowl with care and soap available. They're like the people in infomercials.

Yea that is why I felt the need to explain yhat what the girl in the video did was just careless.

Like solewoman solewoman said, it is a process and if you are handling with care, you are fine.
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