Well, being that at most I would only cook 2 pieces of chicken at a time, I would use a dish. I never handled loads of pieces of chicken to do it in the sink.
2? Two?
From the article:

While washing meat and poultry to remove dirt, slime, fat or blood may have been appropriate decades ago when many slaughtered and prepared their own food, the modern food safety system doesn’t require it. Meat and poultry are cleaned during processing, so further washing is not necessary. Never use soaps or detergents on your meat or poultry products. They can contaminate your food with chemicals and make it unsafe to eat.

I'm listening to grandma.
1. Are you anti-Leftovers?

2. Do you generally only cook breasts? Do you like any other pieces like that?
Definitely anti-leftovers. I do not like them and will only buy/cook what I plan on eating in that sitting. I get why others like leftovers though.

As for chicken, I only buy chicken breasts because I like cooking with skinless, boneless white meat, but wings are good and thighs are okay a well. I do not like legs whatsoever though.
Definitely anti-leftovers. I do not like them and will only buy/cook what I plan on eating in that sitting. I get why others like leftovers though.

As for chicken, I only buy chicken breasts because I like cooking with skinless, boneless white meat, but wings are good and thighs are okay a well. I do not like legs whatsoever though.

If you ever get into making stews/soups, give boneless/skinless chicken THIGHS a chance.

Thank me whenever.
Whats your top 5 cuisines?
HMMMM, I am mainly either an American or Japanese (mainly sushi) chick when it comes to cuisine. I like some Mexican, Mediterranean, Caribbean and Korean appetizers/dishes, but my tastes may be more of a "fusion" concept so to speak. I have been told that I like "Americanized" versions of those. LOL With Indian cuisine I can eat certain appetizers, but nothing with the sauces.
Indian Food without the sauces is a funny one.

Solid first day of class Ma'am. :pimp:
So, this one time I went with someone to an Indian restaurant that had a buffet and it had the sauces sitting at the end of the buffet table. I saw the curry and it was just sitting in oil and I was so disgusted at the sight of that, I have not eaten anything curry since then. I can do samosas and little apps like that (I do not use any sauce when eating those), but not actual Indian meals. My brain just will not allow me to do it, no matter how good the food may smell.
So, this one time I went with someone to an Indian restaurant that had a buffet and it had the sauces sitting at the end of the buffet table. I saw the curry and it was just sitting in oil and I was so disgusted at the sight of that, I have not eaten anything curry since then. I can do samosas and little apps like that (I do not use any sauce when eating those), but not actual Indian meals. My brain just will not allow me to do it, no matter how good the food may smell.

What about Jamaican Curry dishes?
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