Happy to report I tried it. It’s not terrible but it’s not amazing.
Check your local Walmart.

You can cop from the website although it's a bit pricey

:smh: Pre-Packaged burritos.

IIRC, there was another female NTer who used to post on here regularly who also had a man that was on NT. She disappeared (from NT) after she said something in another thread that apparently didn’t go over to well with her dude.

Just thought I’d throw that out there. Proceed with caution. :lol:

lol actually he’s been on NT since like 02 and I’ve been since 2012 so we’re ok. Plus he’s not a general lurker 😂
My girl went vegan for a month and turned anemic. :lol:

she has celiacs though and a bunch of restrictions already so that just made it worse. Her iron was way low.
So basically no bread or anything containing AP flour, no fried foods, no milk, no cheese, no sugar, no soda, no juice, no beef, and no pork

Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon cleanse in the morning and before bed.

Heavy intake of green leaf veggies, green tea nd water everyday

I been at it for a week or so and feel great

Weighed myself on the 4th and will do again December 4th.

Hopefully the lbs fall off
Apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and cinnamon cleanse in the morning and before bed.
I don't know much about apple cider vinegar but I once walked into my parents house and it smelled like someone broke open a sewer pipe. Mom was brewing some sort of apple cider vinegar tea. Smelled and looked like juice from a gym sock.
Wait y’all think he’s serious?
Why wouldn't I be serious
I don't know much about apple cider vinegar but I once walked into my parents house and it smelled like someone broke open a sewer pipe. Mom was brewing some sort of apple cider vinegar tea. Smelled and looked like juice from a gym sock.

It's absolutely disgusting but has a ton of health benefits.

The lemon and cinnamon subsides the taste a bit and I've gotten somewhat used to it


This is the best one to cop.
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