Pretend there is a butterfly that ALWAYS regenerates her wings if they get clipped or torn off.

Does that mean the butterfly will ALWAYS have wings?

Does that mean there will NEVER be a situation where the butterfly DOESN'T have wings?

Think about it and apply it to this situation.

ANything that goes through a cycle (of renewability) has to go through the cycle for new "Creation."

So there COULD be an instance where we don't have access to water for a moment in time. (No telling what that amount of time can/will be)


I pride myself in not getting DC'd

Your good.
And my public water system has NOTHING TO DO WITH FLINT!

There is no salary cap on my water.

They will not relocate any unused water I may have to Flint.

I assume you've measured out your unused water that you shower in, bottled it, and sent it to Flint.


This is the point being made. 👇🏽

Imagine if everyone/most/significant amount had this same mentality with resources that it would make a dent in the availability of said resource(s).

But cool.
Right now, it’s expensive and requires crazy amounts of energy to desalinate water.

And we have the means to.

Crazy amounts of energy?

All you gotta do is boil it baby!

Water is at a shortage in certain places because evil people and capitalist choose it to be.

Its that simple.
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